Thursday, January 14, 2010

De-Lurk, Dammit.

How do I know it's Delurker day? Because there's a logo.

Obviously it's very official blog business. The internet says so.

So here's the deal....."de-lurk" means leave a comment.

That means YOU my comment-challenged readers. (Mom). I know it's hard, but just for today so I know you're actually out there.

What's your favorite song? Who's your favorite Jonas brother? What are you wearing? What do you think of Kate's hair extensions? Why don't you know who Kate is?

Pimp your blog....ask me a question (not math)....or just say hey.


.....just....right down there...see where it says "comments"? can do this.....


Lindy said...

I was stunned into silence when you posted the video of you beating your child at the Wii dance game.

For the record - I'm wearing my PJ's and I can't decide what's worse, Kate's reverse mullet or her extensions.

Elle said...

Fine, but you're not the boss of me. So I'm wearing my pj's, watching Grey's, had a can of chicken noodle soup for dinner after I picked the gross chicken parts out, am having a dilemma because I have far too many trashtastic TV shows coming on tonight than my DVR will allow, and my BF and I have the most hilarious arguments about Jersey Shore, Teen Mom, and the Golden Girls.

And I REALLY miss B.G. What's up with that?

Jennifer said...

Hey, I de-lurked! I think you are a riot. You remind me of my sister, but in a good way, you know without the arguing.

Have you ever eaten a plum in your car and tossed the pit into a convertible next to you?

Myssie@PendletonMarket said...


melissa said...

Kate's hair extensions made me wish I had a Hollywood makeup artist and hair stylist to sit around and make me look gorgeous. My husband couldnt believe it was her!!!

Anonymous said...

i actually like kate's hair extentions. well what i could see of them on the cover of whatever magazine that was. i didn't get a good look at them though. i did try to imagine myself with long gorgeous hair after seeing them though.

Allikaye's Mama said...

I have commented before - but not for awhile! But I read your blog whenever you post and it always makes me laugh out loud and then talk about it with my friends...or hubby...when he deserves it! You are hilarious!!

Natali said...

Here's the thing, I don't like Kate's hair because it is clearly fake. Had she grown real hair long, I'd probably like it. I think beauty should be "earned" (grow your hair, hit the gym (on the 9 year plan of course ;-)) be a good person from the inside... I could go on) and not just available to the people with the fat wallets.

miss. chief said...

Sorry I don't comment more, I read blogs in the morning and if I comment on everybody's I won't have time to brush my teeth. So it's really for the good of humanity.

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

Fine..I'll delurk. I think I've commented once or twice before.

Watching Private Practice and surfing...good times.

Shannon said...

I've commented before, but it has been awhile... does that still make me a "lurker"?

Watching the new season of Project Runway. Am loving Anthony.

What do I think of Kate's hair? I think it's horrendous. Even worse than her reverse mullet.

Casey said...

You were the very first person I chatted with on Twitter and I've commented before so I'm not technically a "lurker" am I?

I'm still in LAST night's pjs and Watching Private Practice. Still undecided about how I feel about Kate or her hair.

Trackella said...

I'm wearing jeans & a sweater, and I can't decide if Kate's hair extensions are pure evil or just a waste of money. Sigh.

Unknown said...

Hi. /wave.

calicodaisy said...

Hey there: You are so witty, and I always get a good laugh when reading your posts, especially the ones with your doll from the hood. I secretly (and with a bit of shame) crack up at your conversations with Jesus. Keeping it real there.
-- michele

Anonymous said...

I've been lurking for a long time and I haven't seen Kate's new hair extensions but I'm going to look them up now...Eeewww! That looks totally trashy. Is that the female version of having a mid-life crisis and buying a Corvette? I think she should just get the car.

Amy said...

HI!!!!! :)

Laura said...

I'm a total lurker. You need to post way more, because you're hilarious. :)

kristacular said...

you are totally awesome and always crack me up! I'll attempt to comment more...maybe.

Kate said...

just picked up people today and haven't made up my mind about Kate's hair extensions in particular, though I am, in general, anti-extensions. I just think it looks dumb for public figures who get their pictures taken every day to have short hair one day and long hair the next and pretend like nothing happened... same for boob jobs... if you go from A to DD we're gonna talk about it... i'm just sayin'... there... i'm all kinds of de-lurked now :)

Unknown said...

I think Kate's hair extensions looks stupid! And I'm wearing my pj's!

obladi oblada said...

comment comment comment....just kidding.

Im wearing a rolling stones t shirt, I dont really know the Jonas brothers by name...I think the cute one is Joe?

And I dislike everything about Kate G....

Visit my blog....(you said pimp it right?).

DMC said...

Just started reading your blog a few weeks ago. Love! Love! Love! Can't remember where I found you, but you were my springboard into the whole blogger world. I've been reading lots of blogs, including dooce, per your commentary, but you are still my fave. Never stop blogging!

Rita Templeton said...

De-lurking ... and I'm wearing pajamas that double as "casual clothes" in case I don't get out of them all day tomorrow. ;)

Anonymous said...

Love love love your blog! I'm more of an RPatz girl - no JoBro lovin from me! (Also love Inappropriate Twilight Obsession!)

a loose seal said...

I'm an advid reader of your blog yet I never comment. Loved the 9 year plan...I laughed my ass off. My husband actually has learned to ask me "is it that blog you read" when he hears me laugh out loud at the computer. Yes, honey, it is.

Keep on posting...your blogs make my day!

northpolemama said...

Delurking cuz you're funny. Yoga pants and a tank top and I like Kates new do.

Jess said...

Delurking here.
I ALWAYS hate to comment because I feel like the 'idiot-tard' saying something completely stupid after the 'Awesome' person says something incrediably funny!
Oh, and I love reading your Jesus Convo's to my mom! She has 'fits' everytime I read her one!! :)

Anonymous said...

Hiii! I'm delurking! Fav song is Paramore's I Caught Myself at the moment annnnd Kate's hair? WTF was she thinking!?!


♥ Kathy said...

My comment doesn't really count because I always leave comments LOL

LilSass said...

I'm a bad, bad delurker. I read via google reader and it's so much damn effort to click out of there and into here to comment. I know, I know. Woe is me, my life is awful.

Consider me delurked!

E said...

I have commented before, but not in awhile. I also follow your twilight blog, because, well, I love Edward and want to lick the sweat off of Jacob (uh, when he's legal age of course!)

I also like when you post funny pictures and stories about your dogs...'cause it could be my dogs!

Colleen said...

Oh okay, just this once I'll leave a comment -- love your blog.

Wearing hugely unattractive, but oh so comfortable velour sweat pants; hated Kate's reverse mullet, but am confused about the Barbie hair extensions, ick. Natali's right -- you should suffer for beauty.

Formerly known as Frau said...

Hey! Come on by....bring the wine!

Unknown said...

34 comments ... check you out Miss Thang!! Technically I am commenting at 12:10 AM on the 15th, so does this still count for De-Lurker Day?
You know where my blog is, so come on over and say hi!! :o) xoxo

Erika said...

I've de-lurked before, but I'm not afraid to do it again.

You're one of my most favoritest bloggers/tweeters. You had me with your first BG post. (More of him, please.)

Katie said...

Darn, de-lurked. Thanks for both blogs, I especially love Inappropriate Twilight Obsession :)

sevenalstons said...

Damn, I've been called out on the lurking thing. Okay, here goes. Love, love, love your blog. I make my kids sit through me reading it to them when it's laugh-out-loud funny (like the 9-year weight loss plan). My 11 year old totally gets you ~ the others, not so much. My hubby is next on the list for any future public readings.
In my opinion, Kate and her hair need to get real. I don't have a blog to pimp, otherwise I would for sure. I'm in my jammies, putting off cleaning up for the cleaning lady (what's wrong with that sentence?)!

shutter girl said...

I miss B.G.!

Unknown said...

I love the de-lurker button. Too funny!

Unknown said...

Hi! I'm Delurking from the Nest! Come and see me!

e.m. said...

I think she looks ridiculous..but she must be used to it by now!

Spot said...

I always comment you so this is kind of redundant, but the logo scared me so there you go.

By the by, did you ever get the award I gave you on my blog? And I hate Kate so I could care less about her hair.


Anonymous said...

Hi. Not sure if I've ever commented. Been reading a short while.

Anonymous said...

I've been reading for quite awhile, in my Google Reader, on the sly, at work. If I actually click on your blog and try to leave a comment, I'm afraid the gustapo will bust in my office and beat me down with tire irons and ball bats. Today is my day off. :)

Right now I'm wearing maternity jeans with that band around the waist. (You know which ones I mean?) They are pretty awesome for months 3-4...but by month 6 my fat roll is pushing the band down and giving me all sorts of complexes. Even worse? When I take my pants off, the band is STILL folded down. That's girth right there.


lovemyspy said...

I Delurked and you rock!!

Stephanie Meade Gresham said...

beets, bears, battlestar galactica.

Susan said...

Hey! Lurking for over a year. I have no favorite Jonas brother and I'm sick to death of Kate, Jon, his girlfriend, his former girlfriend, etc.

Sue Wilkey said...

Holy CRAP is this fun!!!!!!!!! Just turned on my computer...and the lurkers are representin'!!!!!!!!

Love that we're mostly all in our Pj's.

Nobody seems to be feeling Kate's extensions- I'm with you on that one.

A few people mentioned BG - I'll be writing about him soon because of the great Bratz lawsuit...stay tuned.

Keep em comin!!!!!

Shelley said...

At first I was all disappointed, because I MISSED de-lurking day! Then I realized I'm not a lurker, I comment here all the time.
Waiting anxiously for news of BG. I thought he had taken the pipe to one of his shorties and was doing some time in the house. Glad to hear that's not the case. Yo.

OHmommy said...

Hey Sue. Im here all cozy in my reader.

Brandy@YDK said...

hi! i love your blog. the end.

Unknown said...

at least Kate looks like a being of the human species of the female gender now.


foxy said...

Okay, I'm here. And I am a lurker.

Thanks for calling me out.

You always make me laugh. A bunch. Especially your conversations with Jesus. :)

foxy said...

Oh yeah, and I heart BG. Where the hell is he anyway??

3 Peanuts said...

I do comment sometimes. You crack me up! My hollywood crush is Taye Diggs. I know he is a little old for you but I think he is HOT! I am wearing my cute but flannel Lily Pulitzer PJ's and watching Regis and Kelly..I am sick. I do think Kate would look good with long hair but those particular extensions look AWFUL!

Jenn in Tenn said...

De-lurking (a day late, naturally) to say hello! So jealous of all the pj wearing commenters...I'm sitting at my desk at work...being THE.BEST.ASSISTANT.EVER and OH.SO.PRODUCTIVE, as per usual. Thanks for the laughs. Love your blog. (I also lurk at Inappropriate Twilight Obsession...mmmmm tasty, too!)

Jackie said...

Lurker, here. Guilty.

N. said...

Yep, I'm a lurker... but I love your blog and enjoy every post. :)

Lindsay said...

My M.O. is to lurk until I get to know you well enough to leave comments... I'm still new here...


Chelle said...

I'm not really a lurker. I comment in phases. You hit my phase. (That sounds a little dirty)

Keyona said...

Chello! I totally try not to lurk!

Unknown said...

de-lurking. I'm sitting here wondering if my 6 week old is making an "I'm about to poop" face, an "I'm about to spit up face" or is just trying to keep me guessing.

BossySkeezahs said...

My fav Jonas brother is Nick, of course. I'm wearing a sleeveless shirt! Florida is finally back to it's normal weather, hellfuknyea. Kate's hair extensions can suck it. But seriously tho, she don't look that bad..I'd hit. If I was a dude, I mean. Or whatever.

Amy Bennett said...

I'm a day behind, but I'm here!

Bangs said...

yep, big time lurker here. Can't stand Kate so her hair just makes things worse.

Love your blog!

Bren said...

I THINK I have commented before but will do so again just to be sure! Sitting here waiting for my cheese sticks to cook and thinking I hate Kate's hair as much as she now seems to. Hated it before though so I am still on the fence as to which version is worse!

Noonie said...

OK, OK you caught me lurking! I'm glad to see the blogger's block has lifted. But you already know all of my favorite stuff 'cause it's me...Noonie!

Lauren said...

Hiiii! I know Im a day late...

Me said...

I'm only a half step from PJs today: sweat pants and a t-shirt dress/top. I threw on a chunky necklace to pretend it's actually an outfit. Nice!

My hair stylist LOVES Kate's new extensions. Sigh. That's a dealbreaker.

Thanks for all the laughs.

Wendi Olvera said...

Ok..Ok coming out with my hands up! You caught me lurking.

I really enjoy reading your blog. Thanks for the laughs!

Henley on the Horn said...

I'm happy to comment as I've commented before. I'd comment more often but I want my comments to be as funny as your posts and it just doesn't happen. You ROCK. You're so much better than Dooce! Your Michelle Duggar /vagina clown car rendition is my favorite post EVER. I re-de-lurked and even said VAGINA. It's a big day1

Anonymous said...

Sorry. I never comment cause I'm usually laughing too hard to type after reading.

I beat my kids at DDR all the time. Little rhythmless punks. ;p

Brittney said...

Happy De-Lurker Day!!

The boy and I said...

I'm not a lurker! I'm just not as funny as you so I don't comment, alright!

Unknown said...

What if I'm not wearing anything and I think Kate's extensions look like dog butt but I don't wanna seem weird at all so I just stay quiet and eat my bean dip?

What's black and white and red all over?

*psst* the answer is a zebra after an allergic reaction.

Nicole said...

I broke a pickle jar. I didn't realize it and I drug it all over my kitchen floor. Also I had to change my socks and my jeans because my jeans were so long that they drug all through the pickle juice. My whole house smells like pickles!!! I'm going back to bed now. I asked for American Ace Coffee, not pickle juice. This is not the day I ordered. What happened to you the last time you had a hilariously bad day? I am always doing this kind of thing so I love to hear about other people's mishaps. It makes me feel just a tiny bit "less blonde."

Unknown said...

you got me. Don't get to used to the commenting... it only happens when you curse at me. Now I have to do a google image search of Kate's extensions.

McMommy said...

Um, why do I have to show you my privates? You haven't even bought me a drink or anything. This is awkward.

Mellie said...

Hi, don't comment often but I am reading along.

Jenny said...

:) I love the logo!

Dezzy Lou Where Are You said...

its blogs like yours that keep me from showering post yoga- 'let me just finish my blog reader THEN ill get clean'- GROSS!

emptynest4two said...

I am back in my pj's after a brief period of being dressed to go the grocery store....where I almost probably got into trouble when I saw this guy (with his pants on the ground) and started singing Pants on the Ground...out loud..Then I almost stopped by to join the gym, but I came home and had 2 cookies instead. Maybe tomorrow...Oh they have Edward Barbie on Christmas after sale fyi at Wally world.

Jamie said...

Ok, I'm de-lurking. Although I think I've commented here before. I currently working on PTA stuff (while doing important internet stuff like catching up on blogs & facebook) and watching my kids dance to that annoying Dora.

Jules said...

So funny! Since installing GA I have noticed that I am getting ALOT more views than followers/comments. Annoying, although I think I'm guilty of it too! I read, I think I've commented before, but not as often as I read! I'm a lazy blogger.

My favorite song isssss "Lookin like a fool with your pants on the ground" Haha don't act like you don't want that ringtone ;) Not a Jonas fan, but I'm gunna go with the married one, I'm thinking he's the only one "gettin some" haha. I am wearing my super seductive sweat pants and high school t-short. Man, my husband is a lucky guy.

Have a great weekend!

Megan said...

De-lurking. Blogs like yours are how I get through the day at work.

Where's BG been? I miss him.

Hel said...

It's not really de-lurker day anymore, but I intended on writing a comment on delurker day.

See!? I can't even get my butt into gear to comment on delurker day.

I have just had a brain wave and will now go write a song about Google Reader killing the comment star. It is all too easy not to click over to comment. It doesn't mean there isn't any love.

Anonymous said...

So I am a day late! My blog is I am quite new to blogging so don't judge me on what I have posted so far! I actually think that Kate looks amazing with her new extensions. I wish that I had a celebrity stylist to make my hair look like that. I hate my hair! =( I do love your blog though!

Sue's mom said...

Hi babe,
What a great idea, getting your readers to de-lurk. Yes, even your old mom is guilty. I find it hilarious how many of your pals are in their PJ's –– I was waiting for one to admit to being in a Snuggie! I think that would be the ultimate confession.
Jon and Kate get only a fleeting glance from me while on line at the supermarket so I haven't seen her extensions. "24" returns this week - Yay! Love to everyone, esp. you. Mom

Buddhist, RN said...

Hi. Delurking. I'm queer and creative and a teacher and I've been faithfully reading ever since I read the posts on the Duggar family. I share your sentiments.

Mona said...

Your blog makes me laugh. Love the de-lurker guy. :D De-lurking.

amanda said...

It's 5:30 and I've been in my oh so classy pajamas (boxers and t-shirt) for two hours since I got home from work.

I was dumbfounded when I saw Kate's hair on the cover of People. I could barely get myself together yo pay for my groceries. That woman is a train wreck.

Sadly enough, I can't tell the Jonas brothers apart. I need
husband to help me keep everyone straight on The Hills.

Sadie at heymamas said...

I love your blog and I love this idea of de-lurk. Never came across it before!

Come visit!!
Sadie at heymamas

Bad Christy said...

Okay, Miss Priss Pants...

Geez! stop the whining! I'm wearing jeans and a plain blue shirt.

You are hilarious and you know it.

Julie said...

So, um...hey.
Fav song: Brandy. Fav JB: Joe (duh)
I'm wearing sweats. Kate's extentions..ick! This was fun :)

The Mom Jen said...

Shit...95 already...le sigh.

oh hai!

Krista said...

I missed the official day, but I'll still de-lurk! Love your blog, been reading for several months!I recently started blogging: and I'm loving it (when I have time for it!) Just ate a bowl of chili, wearing pajamas and my Emu boots because they're just to darn comfortable to take off. Kate's hair makes me shudder, and IMO, the Jonas Brothers don't even compare to the legacy of Hanson ;)

Anonymous said...

Hey! Love your blog.

Tara said...


Amy said...

Hiya, fairly new reader, and I really enjoy your blog!

luckycharm said...


Love your blog


Belita Rose said...

I like Cherry Garcia

Superwoman Quest said...

Why are you asking me what I am wearing? Are you trying to comeon to me? Well sorry sista, I am married and don't go that way.

But, I think your funny and so I think I'll give you a second chance.

You can visit me on my blog and we can just be friends. I'll blow sweet nothings into your ear. Er, I mean we can talk about our kids and stuff.

Anonymous said...

so i'm following directions, not usual, but i'll do it. i stumbled onto your blog only recently and i love it!
your blog is great, no christian bs, no nursing info, no, " jesus is the way, and you are all going to hell" just honest laughs and sarcasm. your my kind of gal. i especially like your love of cocktails, you go girl. keep beating your kid at video games, you are teaching real word lessons here! (no molly coddeling!). and telling it like it is.
*** especially loved ghosts, goblins, & sluts, i was like, "Uh hun, heard that!!!". keep on doin' the lords work and i'll keep reading. thanks for the laughs!
:) t

Janine said...

You'll always be a Beta-mom to me. keep on slackin' sue!

Dawn in D.C. said...

I might have commented once or twice before. But I'll de-lurk for you today, two days after the national de-lurking holiday.

National Anthem. Jonas? wasn't he swallowed by a whale? I'm wearing my flannel nightie and a robe. Kate's hair extensions look like Barbie hair - synthetic and unnatural. I doubt there's a person in America who doesn't know Kate and her loser ex-huband Jon, the cradle robber.

When a cow laughs, does milk come out her nose?

Mrs. Mitty said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mrs. Mitty said...

I may be re-de-lurking, but anyway, "Hey!"

I wouldn't know a Jonas brother from a Smithas brother, but I think that's a good thing. ;) Also, though I have never seen her on TV (purposely) I do like the extensions. She looks more like a person, less like a "role".

And I seem to have missed the year 9 plan and shot on by to year 25. Is there still hope? ;D

Nuke Girl said...

I'm probably one of your biggest lurkers, I'll admit it! I'm wearing my PJs and my hideous but fabulous mucklucks. I absolutely love your blog, it's a scream. :) And I hate Kate. Period.

Traci of course... said...

Delurking. Yes 2 days late, such is my life... Read often, rarely comment, sorry...
Don't like the extension, they look like a fake long mullett.

Scary Mommy said...

Delurker here. A late one at that.

Kristie said...

You leave me laughing with your posts. I usually bust a gut trying to read them outloud to my husband and he replies, "Who is this lady again?" And I reply, "I don't know her, I just stalk her blog."
There I admitted it. It is nice to meet you and you make me laugh :)
I think Kate's hair extensions are terrible.
Can I link your blog to my blog? I am not nearly as funny, but occasionaly I make myself laugh about what I write about.

Lisa Miller said...

Hi! I love your blog, but never comment. Guess I'm a little late on de-lurking, but better late than never!

Cathy said...

Kate has hair extensions? Kate of the 8? I guess she needed something to get back into the limelight? Hey Hi! I think you are funny! I am a day (or two)late and always a dollar short ...can I borrow a dollar?

Bincy said...

I'm two days late but I love your blog. I always come by for a quick laugh :)

Twisted Susan said...

I'm jealous of your comments.

ivytudor said...

Forget about Kate's hair. What's up with Heidi Montag? Please give me your spin that.

jenn said...

Delurking ... hi! Kate's hair extensions = yes, but I'm also taking them as her admitting that The Hedgehog 'do was all kinds of wrong.

sarah (SHU) said...

martinidad's real life friend sarah here. i think i introduced your blog to him! i think you are hilarious, and i think kate's hair extensions are DISGUSTING.

Cassandra said...

What's your favorite song?
Tiny Dancer
Who's your favorite Jonas brother?
What are you wearing?
Nothing. Im naked in bed
What do you think of Kate's hair extensions?
Um.. Not sure
Why don't you know who Kate is?
Sadly I do

Sarah Gutierrez said...

Delurking, a few days late.
Can we just talk about Rob again? It's been too long.

Ashley said...

I commented a long time ago, but I have been a slacker on commenting I will say HEY in honor of the day!
Kate's hair looks like a mullet to me, but some people say my husband's hair looks like a mullet/rat's tail, so I will try not to judge TOO much...but I kind of do a little.

Heidi said...

Hi.. I've been reading awhile but don't think I've ever commented. So here it is.

I only know who Kate is because of you. I've never read the books or seen the movies *gasp* I know I know.

But you make me laugh.. what can I say.

Anonymous said...

Aww I missed delurking day? DANG IT! Kate's hair, ugh. It makes me nuts. I'm not real familiar with the Jonas Brother's other than they were the voices of the cherubs in Night at the Museum 2. I love Edward. He'll never be Rob - only Edward. My blog just had it's first giveaway. I didn't win. My blog is think you should come there and post a comment.
Kthxbai. :)

Zwolsche diva said...

I'm wearing a knit beany, a vest and jeans.. It's cold in Holland!

I love your blog, I check daily.
I also love people who comment on my blog, so I should know other people love comments too!

So.. Hi!

DGB said...

Crap...I'm late to the party.

Totally missed this on Thursday. But I'm here. Delurking. Five days after Delurker Day.

Terri said...

Hey girl,
I've been in a bloggy funk for months now. Thanks for pulling me out and making me log back into blogger just to post.

BacktoBarnwell said...

Holy 8tch! You are nearly to the point of crapping your comments! Watch out Dooce!

Travelbugmom said...

I've been reading for a while....a few weeks back it seemed as if you stopped blogging. Checked you out today and you are going strong! Thank God! You brighten up my mundane life. There - I de-lurked!

Anonymous said...

Hate the hair extensions? Since Jon's got a new girl and Kate was in the chair for something like 20 hours for those awful things the question is..whose watching the kids? Another good question, what do you think babysitting for 8 kids is paying these days? My kids need jobs. bff Lynne

Lisa-licious said...

Never lurked, never will. And you will ALWAYS be my blogger idol!