To my loyal constituents: It is with a heavy heart (and a head-splitting hangover) that I write this concession post today.
The campaign trail for Hot Blogger Calendar has, alas, come to an end.
While it was nail-bitingly close: (Top contestant: 1,987 votes, Me: 70 votes), in the end, the people's voice was heard. And that voice said: "Not so much."
My running mate, McMommy, and I perhaps had our hopes a little too high.
We were already picturing ourselves having pillow fights in our NYC hotel room drinking champagne after the photo shoot. Perhaps we'd run into some celebrities in the hotel bar like Collin Farrel and Matthew McConaughey. And they'd say, "What are you girls here for?" and we'd say "Oh, just a calendar photo shoot". Then we'd toss our hair and sip our cosmos in an alluring fashion. Then Joe Jonas would come up and order a beer and the bartender would say "Sorry- You're only 19" and I would say "It's OK - he's with me". And then Joe would throw his purity ring across the room..
Whoa. I really went off on a tangent there. Sorry.
Anyway: To the 70 people who actually voted for me: You're all invited to my house for a consolation party. Mojitos all around.
And as for this Hot Blogger Calendar thing, it is so not a big deal. Consider it forgotten.