Sunday, August 17, 2008

Back to School with the Bathtub Gangsta

Yo, Shorties. School is whack. For realz. 

But BG is here to hook you up with some dope gear to have you stylin' like little gangstas.....G'd up from the feet up.

First: your backpack. Hannah Montana? LAME. 
Dark Knight? Star Wars? Don't be a tool.

BG backpack, son. Off the hook!

Check it, right: lunchtime. I KNOW you're not thinking about rockin' Spongebob again for a lunchbox.

That's what I'm talkin' 'bout, G. 

40-oz. fits right inside.

Now about your style. Are you gonna look like a damn fool or are you gonna represent?

Yo- if your teacher gets all up in your grille about the topless chiquitas, tell 'em to get to steppin'.

Thug life, playas, thug life.

Make me proud. Peace out.


Suburban Correspondent said...

Do you have a back-to-homeschooling line, also?

The Mom Jen said...

You need to sell all these bad boys in your t-shirt shop!! I would totally grab the swag bag!

Can you make me a Joe Jonas lunch box too?!

Ali said...

I love the lunchbox! For realz!

Shannon said...

I love BG. I'd join him in the hot tub, but then I'd hate myself in the morning.

Heather said...

This post is so timely - I'm taking the kiddo back-to-school shopping tomorrow!

My eternal and undying gratitude goes out to you fo shizzle, BG. xoxoxo

Swirl Girl said...

This was!

thanks for it!

For realz

Ann Harrison said...

I need a lunch box for my "mommies juice box"

MYM said...

I can see everyone wearing these soon. Seeing the topless barbies still cracks me up.

just bob said...

It looks like Tommy Lee.

oº˚ Homeschool Mom˚ºo said...

You are to funny -- How do you come up with this stuff.

Pam said...

ha ha @ mom and joe jones lunch box...i think bg gear far better than spongebob, strawberry shortcake and all that..can't take a 40 in those, now can you?!?

The Microblogologist said...

You are brilliant!

Anonymous said...

Looking good BG, looking good !


Anonymous said...

Looking good BG, looking good !


Beth Cotell said...

Heading out to Wal-Mart right now. My son wants to represent in Kindergarten, yo!

Or should I be heading to Target?

Or perhaps the BG line will be carried at the liquor store instead?

Jen said...

Great stuff, love it!!!

Stephanie said...

will my RedBull fit in that lunchbox yo?

Jenny said...

I just love the bathtub gangsta! The shirt is off the chain! LOL... Come visit us. Will has something to tell the bathtub gangsta...peace out!

Unknown said...

Once my kids gets out of Spiderman, I'l definitely introduce him to BG. LOL at the blog. Word.

Anonymous said...

Yo Yo Yo! Do you make those t-shirts in grown-up sizes? I would be the hippest mom at the bus stop. Or all the mom's would stop talking to me because they think I'm crazy talking about BG. They are just jealous haters who wish BG would visit their crib:>)

Keep up the entertaining baby goes to first grade next week so I'm going to need lots of laughs!

FlowerGirl said...

I. Love. Bathtub. Gansta. Yo! Keep it real...

Lisa @ Boondock Ramblings said...

I totally have to get these for my nieces. Forget HSM and Hannah...this is it for them.


Tiffany said...

HAHA You're one cool mofo BG.

Mama Dawg said...

I think that last tee needs to be the one you're selling!

Jennifer said...

I'd kill for that t-shirt!

Kelly said...

I totally want a BG lunchbox!!
Where can I get one! lol

Anonymous said...

BG is the man! No wonder Barbie kicked Ken to the curb.

Unknown said...

LOVE the t-shirt! BG is a total sho :)

Anonymous said...

Finally, a lunch box that stores 40s. Thanks BTG!

Bethany said...

Perhaps a music video is in the future... I'd love to see him singing some "gangsta lean" LOL

Amy said...

That. Is. Hysterical!!

Aubrey said...

BG is da bomb!
Hook a mama up!

Jen said...

Bathtub Gansta never gets old. Love it!!

Pleasing Procrasinator said...

I fo sur want the lunchbox and backpack!! I would be the envy of everyone on campus.
Love BG!!!

Anonymous said...

I think I just peed my pants....
WHere can I get me one of those lunch boxes?


KSK said...

"Get to steppin'" - where'd you learn the lingo??? LOVE it. Where do I get a teacher bag?

I Am Boymom said...

BG done figured out how to diversify his portfolio, yo! Got his mind on his money and his money on his mind. Glad to see a brotha gettin' fiscally sound, cause bein' broke is whack, ya'll.

Deb said...

Can you make those t-shirts?

McMommy said...

Love me some BG.
Almost as much as you love Joe Jonas.
Oh yeah, I went there.
In front of EVERYONE.

Anonymous said...

That's awesome.

I'm audi 5000 yo!

Tenakim said...

Look, Deb's going to keep your tshirt shop in business!

Looks like someone's been practicing her photoshop!

Kristi O said...

my teenage daughter wants the lunchbox, she is willing to pay! hahaha

Amy said...

Fo shizzle.

That was really funny.

Lipstick said...

Hell yeah! That's funny!

Anonymous said...

Hahaha, how I have missed the BG. You should market a BG t-shirt. Fo shizzle.

Liz said...

ROFL!!!!!!!!!!! I love it!!

Lisa-licious said...

Here's to BG! He has inspired us
( more than you can imagine...just check out our blog! Can I put my order in for a BG T-shirt?


Gettysburg Mom said...

Ho-hum. Just another comment telling you you're brilliant...

Anonymous said...

Well, I don't think Catholic school would enjoy any of that.....but I would!

Brittany said...

No tittie shirts at school? What are they, a bunch of nuns!?

Anonymous said...

So yesterday, my hubby was watching the Olympics on the net.. just clips and showing me funny stuff that happened, since I haven't been able to watch. I decided to direct him to your blog.. he probably won't become a follower like the rest of us, but I wanted to tell you that you have at least gained another fan of BG. I just had to show him the BG posts.. he didn't catch all of them, but enough to get the idea.
Awesome swag by the way. LOVE it :)

Emily said...

Yo- How do you do it!? The BG posts are my favorite! Hilarious!
BG is da bomb, for realz!

kristin said...

LOL at you twitter updates.

I blogged about ogling the swimmers and being embarrassed that they could be my sons.

Anonymous said...

Awesome. I'm putting in my order...

B, Esq. said...

Bathtub Gangsta Rocks!

Blessings From Above said...

Yo, those are some whack photo-shop skillz.

Alice said...

Sue - Do you think the kids in Algebra will respect me more if I come in with a BG backpack? I'm willing to spend whatever is necessary to buy their love and fawning.

The Nice One said...

Oh yea...TShirt time FO SHO

Anonymous said...

You go, Sue! I'm not sure which is most impressive. Your extensive gangsta lingo or your swift PhotoShop skills. Either way, you rock!

BusyDad said...

Yo, that fool needs to do seminars. Or at least let me join his entourage.

Angie said...

Stumbled upon your blog and have to say you are one of the funnnest I have read yet. Love the BG, lmao~

Linda S said...

"I got 99 problems but a BG ain't one..."

I'm gettin' me one fo' sho'!

Anonymous said...

Helluu my Photoshop Soulmate! LOVE the lunchboxes.

I think I need to come up with a girlfriend for BG ...

Thinking, thinking ...

Creative-Type Dad said...

Thatz Ma' Boy BG!

He got mo' diamonds than a carpool lane.

Texasholly said...

There is serious future here...

Merrie said...

I almost just died of laughter. Really. Where can I get my BG backpack?

jaime said...

this might just be my favorite post from you so far...word.

betta late than neva.