Help me Jesus.
Next Friday is the "Book Launch" for the Chicken Soup for the Soul book I'm in...at the Barnes & Noble in New York City.
Never mind that to get there I have to drive through the Lincoln Tunnel, AKA 'The Claustrophic Tunnel of Doom'...but as we all know I'm heading straight for the über-cluster of Swine Flu.
Like the hero firefighter going into the burning building. OK, not at all like that, but still.
So my sister who lives in Manhattan and who has a completely normal brain totally knows me and is all: "Are you still coming?" and I'm all: "Why- cuz of the Airforce One flyby scare or the swine flu?" and she's all "Both."
Then the Chicken Soup publicist emails me and asks would I want to do an interview beforehand for CBS RADIO and had to act all "Sure I can fit that in" meanwhile I'm all "WTF - How am I supposed to sound coherent when I'm baked on valium????!!!!"
Plus- Dooce is in the book too. What is she shows up and wants to kick my ass?
Although I'm a pretty good kickboxer. I could totally take her as long as she's not tall. Her face looks like she's tall.
If I survive the Lincoln Tunnel, terrorist attack simulations, swine flu exposure, tangling with Dooce and accidental valium overdose, you should totally try to hear my interview on CBS radio.
Unless you're planning on calling in and being all: "Your guest sounds like she's on something - you should ask her."
Sue...even if Dooce is there, she's pregnant. You could totally kick her ass. She probably can't even move. Well, not very fast, anyway. Good luck, and here's to no swine flu or fly-bys!
You're in the book? I think I need to go through your posts to see what this is all about. I'm intrigued.
That's awesome! Good luck with your CBS Radio interview. Now if we can just get you on the Early Show. Anyway, I totally didn't go to a shagfest (dance on the docks at Red's Shem Creek) tonight because of the crowds and the fear of catching Swine Flu-excuse me-H1N1 Influenza. Apparently there is a suspect case here in Mt. Pleasant. Instead went to the beach after drinks and ...
Anyway, check out my blog to see how this Swine Flu is influencing my creativity on my new Bamboo Drawing Pad.
P.S. Have you seen Role Models?
I was going to suggest to blame it all on the Jet Lag, but it doesn't appear you are flying.
Enjoy the Valium, because you will love everybody and who cares what you say the....lol
Good Luck on you interview.
Ok who the heck is Dooce? I've seen you mention this Dooce like a dozen times and I don't know who it is.
Good Luck with your interview! And just slip a valium into all the drinks around you and everyone will be kicking on your level.
Do they really expect a woman who has a blog titled "Happy Meals & Happy Hour" to show up sober? I think not.
You are 1000 times funnier than Dooce? Dooce, who? Bedazzle up a little face mask pop some Vitamin V's and head to the big apple! You'll do great! Good luck!
I love that you switched your profile pic to include "the mask."
Good luck!
Better bring your brass knuckles... it is NYC after all... ;-) Congrats again!
I have a variety of mask options for you to protect you against the swine. Now as far as the tunnel of doom and low-flying planes, you're on your own. ;)
Have a great time!! I can't wait to hear all about it.
Get "Bittermen" to drive you through The Park after the Tunnel.
Gettysburg mom has a point and don't worry about Dooce. Your boobs are still bigger than hers, even if she is knocked up.
She's tall. But like someone said, she's pregnant!
And actually really nice.
I think you're forgetting about something here. Your cbs radio interview could be the funniest thing ever if you were all high on valium and talking crazy about swine flu and Twilight and kicking Dooce's pregnant ass. I say take two valium.
Good luck! Bring lots of masks and clorox wipes!
OMG I forgot she's pregnant. How inappropriate to suggest a martial arts duel. My bad.
I dont know. Dooce looks like she might be able to take someone on in her eighth month!
Whats the number for the show again?
Good luck!
LOL.... I love the Dooce banter.
Congrats on the CBS Radio gig... and the whole book thing.
Don't worry you will do fine.
Until then, pop a V and practice holding your breath. ;-)
LOL, shower with Purell before you go, and you are so much hotter and funnier than Dooce anyway...she's tall, mad, and preggo, my bet is on you!
you're right she does have a tall looking face. Make sure to tweet a link or notice of where to find the interview- you rock star!
What CBS station is it going to be on? I'm going to try and listen online. And what time?
I prefer to hear interviews (and go to signings) where the author is a bit f'ed up. Makes a better time for the audience.
Good Luck. But you really don't need it. You'll rock.
I just bought the book last night. Can't wait to see what's been written about you... :)
I'm going to call in and say "Who is Dooce?"
Only one thing to do and that is you will have to get pregnant to even things up...OH...my bad...hubby's shooting blanks now!
Any chance of a Podcast?
Save some of the "Vitamin V" for BlogHer, will ya? And be sure to post the time of your interview so we can all listen in! So proud of you!!!!
If "Dooce" is preggers, does that make her "Tres" now?
BTW...prego boobs can get pretty big...you might want to postpone any "boob-offs" until after the "nursing" has ended. Then, it's you and your "girls" vs. golf balls in tube socks. I can see it as a cable TV special event!
Very very cool. What's the title, besides Chicken Soup for the Soul?? Inquiring minds want to know. And just so you know, I'd skip right over Dooce's instalment and go straight to yours. And THEN, I'd read Dooce's. Maybe.
I'll keep my fingers crossed that you make it :-) Congrats on the interview and book. What is the complete title of the new Chicken Soup book?
Oh Gawd, I just looked over at your picture and saw the mask and Corona just came out my nose-ouch!
It's called "Chicken Soup for the Soul: Power Moms" because dur- when you think of power-mom, you think of me, right.
My entry is on page 69 - because the Universe was all: Take that, smartass.
Oh, rats! I can't come because my husband is on a business trip and I'll have both girls. Can you move it to 1 week later? I'm surethye swine flu will have disappeared by then ;-)
she's pregnant. you could totally take her. haha good luck.
lmao@kmoye-trust me, you're not missing out on much in regards to knowing or not knowing dooce.
How cool! Congrats on the CBS radio gig!! How fab. Dooce, shmooce.
You could totally take her! You've got the whole agility thing going for you, whereas Dooce is significantly hindered by the gigantic baby belly she's sporting... not that I read her blog or know what's up with her at all... no way.
alright-Blogger get together. When will you be in NYC? I will wrangle the troops, and I hear Marinka has good drugs. How can you say no to that?
Sooooooo incredibly excited for you!!! Are you meeting up with any bloggers there? I need the scoop!!
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