Sooooooo..........there's this protesting going on today..........and it's called a Tea Party. Only it doesn't look like a FUN party.....and there's no actual TEA THIS Tea Party..

But it's all over Twitter, and people are using topic tags ("hashtags") to discuss it, including #teaparty, #teabaggers and #teabagging.
I am not a political analyst....and I can't even say I'm completely on top of current events.
But dude, I know what teabagging is. And I feel confident in saying it has little or nothing to do with taxes.
And just for future Twitter discussions? You might also want to avoid #saladtossing, #pearlnecklace, #daisychain, and #shocker.
(Mom, don't look those up. Google is broken today.)
How sad am I that I don't know what ANY of those things mean?
Off to go google daisychain....
I'm scared what I'm going to learn.
OMG!!!!!! I found out what it means!!!
How did YOU know about a daisychain??!?!?!?
Ugh! I think I could have gone my entire life NOT knowing any of that!
Funny! How sad is it that I know what ALL of those things mean??!
I too was aware of all but daisychain.....wasn't missing much not knowing....I surely don't feel fulfilled now that I do know. Should have just asked my would have been more fun to watch him blush, then giggle, the try to "politely" explain the meaning.
MY EYES, MY EYES!!! Why'd I have to look????!!
Fighting the urge to look all those up. Must resist
This must be in the Happy Hour portion of this blog... teabagging - LOL! Hysterical post - thanks for the laugh.
laughing my ass off that I know what those things are!
I too, am not sure about the daisychain. Man, you sure know how to get my brain going. I hope I am still going to want breakfast after I read it...
BTW, you learn something new everyday. Not sure it will be the word of the
I think you're reading too much fanfic smut:)
Muahah! That is tooooo funny. Xoxo-BLC
It is rather sad that I knew what those meant. Although "back in the day" I had to google MILF. :)
And they say you can't learn anything on a blog! Daisychain! Wowzerz.
Scary Mommy: Oops, sorry- there were PICTURES?????
My bad.
I always feel so much smarter after I read you. My college kids are going to think I rock.
Also: a speaker at the Bliss blogger conference said you should teach your readers something every post or give them something they can use in their everyday lives.
So: there you go. Have fun.
also #shrimping.
after reading all the comments, i am rofl. so nice of you to aid in the education of your readers!?
Elisa: I am ROFL at Urban dictionary: look up Shrimp on a skewer.
I am TOTALLY with you. My facebook status yesterday was something like "WTF is up with everyone talking about going to a tea party today?" It wasn't until this morning that somebody bothered to explain it to me!
So glad you are back!
Great recap of the events, and I loved reading everyone's comments! I kept quoting Samanatha from SATC about breathing through your nose all day long on twitter and FB - always fun to lighten up the mood!
It is unfortunate that I too knew most of those.
I was laughing at the reporters doing some serious reporting on tea bagging. HAHAH. Just sounded ridiculous.
Maybe we need to get our minds out of the gutter... ;)
AHAHAHAHA.... don't forget #screamingdolphin
(singing...the more you know....)
HA!!!! I have been thinking the same thing about "teabagging".
HAHAHA! I noticed this too! Me and a friend were discussing it a little while ago, I'm going to send him this post! HAH!
Can't get much better than a hungover Thursday to allow me to catch up on blogs, but this is WAAAAAY better. LMMFAO. Laughing My Massive Fat Ass Off. Anyway, I'm about to upload these pics and tell about the happy hour crawl and how I may be on a kickball team according to a 7:30 text message this morning. Sorry I couldn't send you any pics...I have a BB World which doesn't have a camera.
And BTW, I literally just realized that I was tweeting with you at the bar last night thanks to my imported tweets on my blog and My grammar was suffering from it obviously. I really hope no one saw me.
I know- I was all" yay! B2B is online- he can explain this teaparty thing" and you were all: "blapppppicturespffpllllllfffff".
I have no idea whats going on but I do know teabagging. What does that say about a person?
I about died after reading this.
I thought the same thing yesterday with the # tags that were following the comments...
WOW, I am so enlightened now. I think.
YIKES, I'm afraid of what google is about to teach me...
To know what they mean is one thing, to have DONE them, another thing entirely! I feel like a "church girl" now since I actually don't know what a daisychain, shrimp on a skewer, or
a screaming dolphin is. You know that I won't sleep until I do...probably won't sleep afterwards, either! I am about to get "schooled"!
Wait, if you google that stuff, don't all those nasty sites get your e-mail address and start sending you photos of naked people with farm animals?!! YIKES!!!
Did you hear about the "2M4M" movement. Another unfortunate branding choice.
tea bagging...hee hee silly goose!
LOL!!!!! On Fox News they were talking about a lady that could not make it to one of the Tea Parties so instead she hung some TEA BAGS from her rear view mirror. I about died when I heard that because all I could think was that people would think she was into Tea Bagging!
I thought I was the only one that was comparing this political movement to that...hahaha
Daisychain!! Oh my. Just googled that one.
I am not sure but I think it was those opposed to the tea party that started calling it tea bagging, lol. The 1040 online form should totally come with a virtual teabag check box, hehe. I think it is a silly tactic but hell, maybe they chose the name on purpose knowing it could be twisted and thus talked about more. Either way my father knew about the tea party but had no idea what teabagging was, not sure if my sister explained it or he googled it but he was definitely schooled and not necessarily happy about it, ROFL!
Well I am so thankful I didn't know about all of these fun terms before I wrote my post (April 18, 2009 Anger &Rage)covering my attendance of my first political protest.
To think I was worried about all the news hype on the "anger and rage" thing when I should have been worried about all the sexual double entendres.
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