aquasedation (ahkwa-sed-ay'-shun) n.
The feeling of slipping into a coma after being in a hot tub for more than 10 minutes.bagstitious (bag-stih'-shus) adj.
Doubting that you actually have all your bags from the Walmart checkout bag-carousel.dandeline (dan'-dee-line) n.
The demarkation between a lawn that has weed-killer and one that doesn't.The point in one's life where dandelions change from pretty, magical wildflowers into embarrassing badges of landscaping incompetence.
yawnglop (yawn'-glop) n.
A chain reaction of yawning that spreads from person to person.desymptomize (dee-simp'-tom-ize) v.
The uncanny ability of children to lose all signs of sickness the moment you walk through the pediatrician's door.
So true!! LMAO. desymptomize is my fave. Took my kids to the docs last week for head colds and ear infections..Both had a fever not an hour before but neither did in the office..WTF
Desymptomize is my fav too! I can really relate to that one. Nothing like taking time out of your day, paying the co-pay and having your child tell the doctor that they are fine now. URG!
I'm all about the desymptomize word too. It's WAY too true. You should consider copyrights on that puppy!
Desymptomize is the BEST and so flippin' true!
a trip by the doughnut store on the way to school fixes desymtomize, too.
Planning to fall into an aquasedation stupor myself later on this evening!
My kid has desymptomized at least three times and he's only 10 months old. This must be an ability they are born with.
Brilliant. Simply brilliant.
these are awesome and the last one is just so true. sucks.
Bagstitious was my favorite! I do this every time I go to the store. I think it might irritate the cashier because I don't trust that she gave me all of my bags unless I spin the bagging round about just to double check!
I am totally bagstitous every time I go to the walmarts. I'm all spinning the carousel over and over until the checker grabs it and gives me a dirty look. Then I say in a feeble voice "just checking?" and scurry away.
good stuff. we totally have the dandeline going on between us and our neighbors yard right now. something tells me his yard care cash has been rerouted to a different type of weed.
HAHAHA! Thanks for the laugh!
Oh.. my kids often suffer from Desymptomize.
Wow, I thought I was the only one with bagstitious behavior! :D
We also note strong dandelines on our street between the three houses that use TruGreen or ChemLawn or whoever and the rest of us, who don't. (We like to think we're saving the environment....)
My kid desymptomizes regularly upon entering the pediatrician's office. Except for the one time when we were in for a sore throat (looked strep-ish) and she went for a change-up and barfed all over me, herself and the exam room with no warning.
Another excellent round of made up words. You seriously need to be the Sniglets Writer of the Aughties.
Bagstitous is when I am suspicious that someone's Prada/BabyPhat/Gucci/overpricedbrandedbag is actually a fake. Especially seeing as they are using that bag while wearing bike shorts and thongs while picking the kids up from school in the 10 year old Holden Astra. Very Bagstitous.
I love the words.
You crack me up.
The most frustrating is when you take your car in for repair and it magically stops acting up. Can cars desymptomize?
Then all the mechanics have a good chuckle at another crazy woman who doesn't know what's up with her car.
LMAO! I love the desymptomize and the walmart one!!
LMAO!!! I can't even pick a fave. That all are hilarious!!! And so true...
I hate bagstition!
What I hate more is the look the cashier gives me: Like I'm a retarded puppy who has mortally offended her by implying that she MIGHT forget to give me my bag. This is after this has happened to me about 30 times in my life, but she doesn't care. I'm EVIL because I implied it.
Love dandeline...it's so true.
And I yell "NO" as my daughter goes to pick the one that pushed through the weed killer knowing full well that if she pulls it they'll come in full throttle.
Would updated version of Yawnglop be Twyawnitter or Yawnitter?
Yawnglop sounds like nickname for Gwyneth Paltrow's Blog, Goop
Thanks for the Laugh
Anonymous: I find it oddly disconcerting that Gwenyth Paltrow has a blog.
Must go investigate.
OK, what is that? Goop? shop-eat-be....what? You confound me, Gwenyth Paltrow.
More great words for your book of "Sue-isms" due sometime in the near future...after sales from your "Chicken Soup for the Power Mom's Soul" die down...if they ever do! VERY funny.
Can you make up a word for the sitch where the kids don't want to finish their dinner because they claim to be "full"...until you let them know you made frosted brownies or some other killer dessert?
I have never been to Paltrow's site, only your blog, you make me laugh and sometimes teary but I heard about her "Shampoo causes Cancer" Blog.
Hope you had a chuckle
Lisa Liscious, the word is Desertitis. Come on we all get it. Tell me you never had a piece of your favourite desert...Chocolate sumpin' when you are ready to explode! Always room for Jello.
I can be very bagstitious at times. Sometimes I just want to give that carousel a spin to make sure I've got it all but I'm afraid to offend the cashier--I don't want her to think that I think she's not doing her job! I know, I've got problems.
These are awesome! I have a terrible dandeline between my house and the neighbors'. In their defense, they moved in this past Halloween, and the house had been vacant for six years, so they have a lot of catching up to do. Still, I'm hating the little rat flowers that are creeping over and taking up residence in my yard.
Sue, will you make up a word for me? I need a word that means "an unreasonable fear of certified mail." Some sort of phobia, I'm sure. I just don't know what. Certifitaphobia just seems too obvious. Please help.
Ok, Walmart Carosel? BIGGEST SCAM EVER! And it's always the bag with my replacement razor cartridges, vibrator batteries and family size bag of cheetos. You know...THE ESSENTIALS!
Yes. We get a lot of desymptomize around here too. What's up with that?
Love desymptomize. It happened with my kids last week and then I caught their cold and while sitting at the doctors myself today I suddenly felt fine. Luckily the Dr. believed me because as soon as I left the office the mystery illness returned.
I love it.
Great words.
Oh I love bagstitious! I always check the carousel a few times before I leave, more often than not STILL forgetting a bag or two.. :P
want to play Scrabble with made up words?
I am improving my vocabulary already!
I happen to suffer from PsychiClutter, which occurs while I'm cleaning but I can already see how my family will mess everything up, so what's the point?
Thanks for one more reminder of why I despise MalWart...
My 12 year old son had a great one this week... his new nickname for himself after being very 'musical' in the pool the other night is "I, Farticus"
Love it! I was just noticing my neighbor's dandeline today! Gotta love some weed-b-gone!
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