Tuesday, March 3, 2009

What You're Missing Not Following Me on Twitter

Show of Hands: Who's following me on Twitter?

Who has heard of Twitter but isn't sure what it is?


I am so gonna hook you up with the most pointless, fun, time-suck ever.

Twitter is a free social-networking application where you type in little thoughts or observations in 140 characters or less.

You can follow 5 people or 5000 people. You can follow real friends, bloggy friends or celebrities.

And you can reply to the things people say! It's fantabulous.

How have you made it through your day without insightful, educational tidbits like THESE:

HappyHourSueSo...I've rented the carpet cleaner machine....when do the little elves pop out? from twhirl

HappyHourSueSaw Tyson Beckford on the Today Show. He's so gorgeous he's like another species. "Hello, Earthlings, I'm from Planet Fine-Ass." from twhirl

HappyHourSueNote to self: wearing your tubing ticket on your jacket is not as hot as wearing a ski ticket.
 from twhirl
HappyHourSueIf you liked it, then you shoulda put a ring on it. from twhirl
HappyHourSueI am so over my Joe Jonas crush. I'm just getting to the 3D movie an hour early in case of a glasses shortage. from twhirl
HappyHourSueOK, time for LOST.....more Sawyer, less time travel, please. from twhirl
HappyHourSueSo...most people don't worry about their dog burning their nose on the stovetop? http://twitpic.com/1oxt6 from twhirl
HappyHourSueMake up your mind, health community: is a drink a day good or bad???? I'm all: Yes! Shit. Yes! Shit. from twhirl
HappyHourSue**whew** that was fun -just got done with Rob P. :http://twitpic.com/1lg35  from twhirl
HappyHourSueMe to 11 y.o.: "Try these! They're apple chips! They're delish!" Her:"Mom. I'm allergic to apples." Me: "Oh yeah." Her: "You're my MOM." from twhirl
HappyHourSueI wish I had scandalous photos to worry about Facebook publishing. from twhirl
HappyHourSueIn honor of Presidents' Day, I think I shouldn't cook tonight. Day of rest. Or something. from twhirl
HappyHourSueI got lapped by an old man while running on the YMCA track today. I mean, waistband-up-to-the-nipples old. from twhirl
HappyHourSueSo what - I'm still a rock star. from twhirl
HappyHourSueEvery day should be 2-hour school delay. 6am blows moose. from twhirl
HappyHourSueSorry- that was inappropriate. from twhirl
HappyHourSueI have my suspicions that Obama really can dance but puts on the White Man Overbite to not freak everybody out. from twhirl
HappyHourSueCan you imagine if he just busted out all Usher on everyone's ass? from twhirl
HappyHourSueOh God- US Air plane crashed into the Hudson? from twhirl
HappyHourSueSee? Twitter kicks Facebook ass in a crisis. from twhirl
HappyHourSueFacebook would be all "Happy Hour Sue sent you a piece of flair that says 'what's going on with the plane crash?' from twhirl   
Come on...click the birdie.....
anybody who's still having trouble getting it, just email me - I'm a super-awesome enabler.

Speed up your PC


Anonymous said...

"time-suck" is an awesome description of twitter. I haven't gotten any work done since I joined...six months ago.

Suburban Correspondent said...

Have you seen the Hitler-Twitter link yet? I think it's on YouTube. If you can't find it, e-mail me.

Heather said...

I have to leave my twittering to desktop PC only. I tell myself it's because I'd never get anything done if I were tweeting from my phone or other remote access ways, but really? I can't figure out how to Tweet on my phone.

*hangs head in shame* I'm such a Twitter Luddite.

But I do follow you, so that has to count for something, right? Right? :D

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

I would totally twitter if I could do it during the day..but alas, it is blocked.

But, if I did...I would totally follow you!

Briya said...

Heh. I should be working NOW. But I'm not. I'm twitter-ering....LOL.

tamilyn said...

I just can't seem to figure it out. I must have used all my brain cells on something stupid and now can't function for something important like Twitter......

Piece o' Coconut Cake said...

Yeah, well, happytweets.com just scored me at 471 "not very happy". WTF is that about?! A**wipes...

Marinka said...

Well, I was following you on Twitter and survived the Edward nonsense, but TYSON? Please. get thee to an opthomologist!

Aleta said...

I haven't done twitter, but I'm on FB. Blogs already suck the time I have so twitter might have to wait.... Fun reading though!

.jimaie.marie. said...

LOL!! "time suck" INDEED! I have it on my phone just in case I have to step away from my computer at any point during the day ;)

I have almost every single one of those tweets faved btw, you freakin crack me up on a daily basis! :D love it.

Sue Wilkey said...

Marinka; Tyson BECKFORD. You're probably thinking Mike tyson. Who, while attractive to some, would not warrant his own planet.

Jessica said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Darci White said...

if you liked it you shoulda put a ring on it!!!

perfect - way to quote beyonce! ;-)

Jessica said...

You had me at "Planet Fine Ass".

Melissa said...

I'm going to follow you! I'm on there too. Missie1284

Cathie said...

I am not hip on Twitter. I shall look into it!


Dooce who???? You twitter my world!

Sarah said...

i just joined and haven't gotten into it yet. I guess I better get going!

Jenni said...

I love me some Twitter!

Jen said...

I puff heart Twitter and have been a long time user and follower.

McMommy said...

Dude. Do you realize what kind of Twitter Pressure you've put on yourself now???

Every single one of your tweets from this point forward has to be pure GOLD!!!

That's some serious Twitter Performance Pressure. But I'm loving it because your tweets are going to keep me wildly entertained!!!

Sue Wilkey said...

Mcmommy: Actually, no. I didn't think of that.

Disclaimer: about 80% of my tweets are fangirl drivel about Robert Pattinson: don't get too excited.

Lisa-licious said...

This "bird brain" already follows you, and would, to the ends of the blogger universe! It is from you that I learned the expressions "tweeps", "twits" (in the twitter context) and "twa...oh, no, I already knew that one.

♥ Kathy said...

Well I wasn't following you but I am now :)

Aracely said...

HO HO HOLD ON! Joe is out? I missed that Tweet.

kbd224 said...

Like I need another time suck!! I'm afraid that if I twitter, my kids will be neglected. lol

Pam said...

my fave, which is not listed, from yesterday-due to age restrictions i cannot confirm or deny that nick REALLY works out. haha well, you didn't say it exactly word for word like that, but pretty close. i'm thinking your crush on joe may have moved onto the cradle robbing area. hehe :)

Leigh said...

But I follow you on Twitter specifically FOR the fangirl drivel about Rob Pattinson. And the other funny stuff, too, but mostly RP.

Anonymous said...

AS long as the Old Man was not Dick Cheny...keep up the running.

Bt the way when "old man" nipples meet their waist band at least they are pulling up their shorts!

Anonymous said...

Now a faithful follower..I've drunk the kool-aid!

Melia said...

Okay, you have convinced me. If I get fired it is totally your fault. It is hard enough to juggle blogs and work.... now blogs and twitter and work.

Anonymous said...

I should be working, but yet here I am. You've already got me hooked on Letters to Rob. I fear I'd need a step-by-step guide on Twitter. I really want a blog, too. Could you hook a sister up?

If I tweeted, it would be of you..... :)

Ali said...

My tweets were so boring I had to stop twittering just so I wouldn't bore my followers to death.

RuensOnTheRun said...

I'll second this post - Sue is hilarious on twitter!!

the sweetest girl you know said...

I love Twitter! I'm so glad you blogged about it, so I could find you! My friends haven't really gotten into it yet.

MammaDawg said...


I was catching up on Lost thru tivo - damn Sawyer and his hawtness!

Bar-b said...

if i subscribe to yet another computer related activity I will need eyeball, finger tips and ass transplants. Wait. No really, I think they (my husband) would take away the girls I heart. Wait.

Not going to join twitter. not. not even to follow you. wait.

Deb said...

I follow you!!!

jill said...

I may have peed my pants laughing so hard at this post!!

Anonymous said...

Oh my God - you could teach a doctorate class on tweeting - I swear. You are THAT good.

I'm following because I can not STAND the thought of missing one more tweet from you...

Messy Mommy said...

Love Twitter but I'm starting to feel like a stalker. I added Jason Mesnick (the bachelor) so now I know what he's up to at all times. My coworkers think I'm crazy. I say, "Hey, I'll be the first to know when he's engaged!" I'm such a tard.