Thursday, March 12, 2009

Who Wants More "Keyword Korner"?

Once again, it's time for me to share some phrases ("keywords") that my Google Analytics report says landed Googlers on my blog.

As always, I did not make this up.

"bacon boy anecdote"

No, no, I've told that one too many times and bacon boy gets upset.

"fat legged hotties"

I swear to God, Google, I've had it with the  "fat" traffic. But. Thanks for the "hottie" thing.

"gyn and annual and finger and butt"

First of all, you don't need the "and"s. Secondly, just make the appointment you weenie.

"Edward Cullen Joe Jonas happy meal drinking mom"

Well - OK - but you could just bookmark my site or subscribe.

"happy meals and ghosts don't have sex"

I'm going to......agree with you on that.

"does Sudafed brings forward the periode"

Um, sorry to tell ya, nothing brings forward the 'periode' except non-pregnancy.

"to-do list by the hour"

OK, you SO have the wrong girl.

"I'm a gangster and I can't keep the streets happy"

Obviously that one was meant for BG. I'll pass on your concern.

"Dooce Robert Pattinson"

Don't even.

"politically incorrect Play-doh"

I think that's cuz of Gangsta Mr. Bill:

Stupid? Sure. Offensive? I think not.


Peggy said...

Pretty Hilarious!

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

Those are some good ones!

It's always puzzling to see how people get to you.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps google sends "fat" to you because....have you ever looked at the nutritional value of a Happy Meal? It's frightening!!!!

Happy Meals/Happy Hour... that's the connectiong. You are no where near least you don't read that way. Cheers!

Live Simply Mommy said...

Those are hilarious! I never get anything even slightly interesting for my search terms. I wonder how you do it????

ADKMac said...

BG can never get a break!

Chris O said...

My favorite keywords to my blog this last month were: "I ate my mom's shit", "sticking pins in barbies" and " i turn my head to left and i see double".

Great fun reading over these. I sometimes google these myself to see how direct a hit it makes to my blog. I'm weird that way.

PinkSass said...

These are great!

Tenakim said...

they never get old- I think GA has your ticket!

pegzhere said...

I think I want a blog just to see how people find it! Too funny :)

BabelBabe said...

once again i am sitting in Panera, laughing out loud like a crazy person. Quit. It. Or don't, but remind me not to read you in public.

Ali said...

Happy meals and does...I give up.

Christina - Rant Rave Roll said...

I still love the "gangstas"

♥ Kathy said...

Funny? Yep! lmao now I want to see what mine are..

The Mom Jen said...

Happy Meals and random! LOL

Laila P said...

They're funny! I wish I got stupid ones like that. I'd love to do one of these posts, but the things people type and get me are pretty boring. Does that mean my blog is boring?!

Miss Yvonne said...

I'm pretty whoever searched for fat legged hotties was looking for me.

Sarah Gutierrez said...

This just confirms that google totally makes crap up.

Cathy said...

Those are great! My favorites have been "gigantic boobies and hangovers" and "I had to pee running my pants". Should I be embarrassed that people get to my blog this way?

Rach (Mommy Learns to Blog) said...

These are great!

Deb@Mommie Mayhem said...

lol funny !!

Kris said...

too funny.


Cathie said...

I got you bookmarked! You cut it up!

Jen said...

that is some crazy stuff.

Bill Lisleman said...

Love Mr. Bill
you can still find him on youtube

Anonymous said...

I had one last week, "putrid smell on my pillow." WTF????
People are strange..

Noob Mommy said...

Dooce Robert Pattinson?! How dare that person.

Deb said...

You're getting some good ones there!

I Am Boymom said...

Laughing so hard! By the way...for the person wondering about the period. Vacation brings it forward. Every. Time.

Linda S said...

those are great! yours are always the best...