Saturday, November 22, 2008

Twilight Zone

OK, for any of my male readers stopping by today, Here:
A picture of Megan Fox.

Now, I need to talk about Twilight.

Went to the movie yesterday with two girlfriends, 3 tweens and 4 eight year olds. 

The lobby of the theater was like an Ugg boot & hoodie convention. There may have been 3 or 4 teenage boys who got dragged there by their girlfriends, but for the most part it was a sea of estrogen, "Team Edward" T-shirts and Diet Cokes. 

When the theater doors were opened, it was a stampede - girls literally running down the aisles to grab the best seats.

For anyone contemplating bringing younger kids, the most inappropriate part were the previews for some scary-ass movies. I pretty much told the 8-year-old to cover her eyes and suck it up. Mommy needs some Edward Cullen.

The movie was very true to the book, possibly a little over-acted and over-dramatized in a few places vs. the erotic subtlety of the novel...but all in all, very entertaining 

and then there's Robert Pattinson.


Oh! sorry, I was daydreaming. 

They couldn't have cast anyone more perfect, sexy and vampire-y to play Edward. He's completely mesmerizing to the point where you barely notice the slew of other attractive men in the cast. 

Or maybe that's just me: when "James" the evil vampire first appears, shirtless and ponytailed, my 8-year-old whispered, "that's my guy". OK, that's disturbing.

So here's my review summary:

If you've never heard of Twilight, you'll find it well done and entertaining.
If you've read the book, you won't be disappointed.
If you're an twilight fanatic, you'll be ordering your tickets online to go again. 

So I've heard. ;)


Marinka said...

thanks for the review--what did the 8 year olds think of it? I'm BoringStrictMom, so I wouldn't bring my 10 year old to it.

Is it based on the first book only?

Glad you loved it!

Aracely said...

You're just like Gene Shalit, only not really at all. Glad you enjoyed it.

Allison said...

Ugg boots are one of my biggest pet peeves. Especially when people wear them in July.

Tiffany said...

LMAO I just wrote my review too. I LOVED it! I want to see it again. And my love for Rob is even worse than before. I might rival you with your Joe obsession. I'm just saying. LOL

Linda S said...

Being dragged any minute to see it. I hate crowded theaters. guess I have to suck it up. glad you liked it and have another boy toy to add to your collection!

Jen said...

So glad you liked it. I'm on the fence. Some parts I absolutely LOVED and were better than I had expected but there were some disappointments.

Link this post up to Movie Madness when you get a chance. :)

Pam said...

omgosh...great review. robert pattinson is dreamy *sigh* i'm going to put my review up later today.

Anonymous said...

You know your daughter has a point. I haven't seen the movie, YET, dammit, but even reading the book I had a thing for James.

Okay that's it. I can't take it anymore. Hubby is taking me tonight after we have our night out. I am printing off show times now.

Anonymous said...

I'm trying to find a tween to go with so I won't look liks a total and complete pathetic cougar.

Jenni said...

I am pretty sure my husband was the only adult male willing to get within 300 feet of that theater last night.

I luv Edward 4-eva...

Tenakim said...

I am the only human on the earth (at least on the blog) that did not read these. I have to admit I'm looking forward to seeing the movie from all of the hype.

Evolving Mommy Catherine said...

I haven't seen it but just finished the first book and I loved it!!! I agree that Robert Pattinson was the perfect choice for Edward.

Oh, now you have me itching to see the movie.

Anna Lefler said...

Oh,'s getting closer - I can feel it. I haven't read the book...or bought the book...but I feel it hiding in the bushes outside the house...waiting for me.

I, like Marinka, am BoringStrict I'd love to hear about the possibility of my 10-yr-old daughter checking it out. God knows she's heard enough about it and is dying to read the book...

This reminds me of then I was obsessed with Pacey from Dawson's Creek. (Wait, did I say that out loud or just think it?)



Dawn's Daily Journal said...

OMG!!!! When the kiss finally happened I expired right there on the spot.
No, I am not 39...I am 15. I am sticking to that story no matter what anyone else says!
dawn....the 15 year old. giggle!!

Amy said...

lol, I'm thinking of going tomorrow...hoping the stampede has died down a little by then, but maybe not with all the repeat attendees.

jaime said...

i'm starting to feel peer pressure to actually read adult books. I've heard mixed reviews about these books tho.

I'm down for ANY movie w/ vampires...and the fact that Jenny Garth's hottie hubbie Peter is in this too...more reason I want to see it.

derfina said...

I just last week caved in to peer pressure and ordered the book(s) on my Kindle and am about halfway through the first in the series. Do tell, Sue-is the movie based on just the first book? I don't want to go see it if it's going to spoil the rest of the books for me.

Anonymous said...

I absolutely LOVE your review! I went yesterday, blogged about it, amd going again tonight and again on Monday.

Robert Pattinson... honestly was anything else happening when he was on screen? Oh. My. Edward.

Anonymous said...

But my question is...if you haven't read the book, do you need to before seeing the movie?

And is it necessary to get involved with all of the Twilight hoopla?

What will happen to me if I'm just one of those people whose just in the dark when it comes to Twilight?

Will I be ostracized from society?

Unknown said...

Loved your review! I totally agree that Robert was amazing as Edward. I would definitely go see the movie again.

Leigh said...

LOL! Rob Pattinson is the one casting choice that I have absolutely no qualms about. But you know, it helps that he's HOT. And not really 17. And, um, HOT.

RuensOnTheRun said...

I guess I better get the books, read them, and then see the movie! All in the next week?!?! Is it a quick read?

Anonymous said...

You need to go check out my play by play of the premiere here in Portland, Maine. Yes, I actually left the house and went and I am SOOOOO glad I did.

Now, I know it's all about R. Patt, but sadly I am firmly ensconced over on Team Jasper, who really needs some love! Poor Jasper. After reading the books I developed a soft spot for him (that's what she said!), and the movie just cemented my mommy-crush.

Sorry, had to wipe some drool.

Yes, R, Patt is dreamy and oozes sex, but I'm going to go see the movie again (Weds when no one will be there at the 11AM showing!), and drool over Jasper.

BTW, I loved the movie too and am re-reading all the books!

sassy stephanie said...

So, seriously ok for 8 yr olds? Mine keeps asking to see it. I am hoping to see it myself tomorrow.

Dennis and Leslie said...

Uggs and hoodies...sounds like bad 80's band. Glad you enjoyed it, I haven't heard many good reviews. Have a great weekend!

Brittany said...

Uggs and hoodies convention....HILARIOUS!

Deb said...

I heart Robert.

Jen said...

I am glad you liked it. You are the first good review I have read. Nice.

McMommy said...

I wish you lived closer to me because I would totally beg you to go see again with me (although it would be my first time). And we'd sneak in adult beverages in our purses. Because I'm all a rule-breaker like that.

Not really.

But do you think Edward would think I was hot if I told him that?

Anonymous said...

Ugg boot and hoodie convention -- heh heh.

I seriously can't WAIT to see the movie. McMommy inspired me with that last comment to bring a bottle of red wine. Cause the 40 yr old woman sitting in the back row drinking out of a paper bag surely won't draw attention.

Rene said...

I loved it but I think I'm swooning over Charlie now -- I didn't do that in the book but in the movie he's awesome. My friend actually moaned when Carlise showed up on screen. That got me laughing and I had a hard time stopping. I agree that those previews before were inappropriate for this kind of movie -- The Unborn (Undead, whatever it was) is definitely NOT going to be on my must see list. But...going to see Twilight again will be!

Anonymous said...

Robert GAH! Pattinson DROOL!!! Is the sexiest man alive, I just have to say. I think he's my Joe Jonas. Whoa, scary fangirl moment over.

I'm so glad you liked it!!1

I really enjoyed the movie. It's great entertainment and I really enjoyed the differences between the book.

Anonymous said...

Mmmm... Robert was an incredible Edward - I could hardly take my eyes off of him...! And I can't WAIT to get some more of Emmett - you know I love me some eye candy, right? ;)

Petra a.k.a The Wise (*Young*) Mommy said...

Glad to hear that it didn't disappoint. I haven't given in and bought the book yet, but I am sure it is only a matter of's EVERYWHERE!

Jay @halftime lessons said...

Thanks for the Fox pic...meow...;-)...looking forward to keeping up with you!


Also, have you registered for today's Mommy Bling giveaway at Halftime

palmettopink said...

I am still dreaming about my **sparkling** Edward! I loved all 4 books, and I've never been so jealous of Bella...

Anonymous said...

Going again for my second time- I did or my tics online last week- I also took my 13 year old son- he liked it and is reading the book now- He read The Host and liked it too-

Anonymous said...

I've been 5 times and am thinking about being at Wal-Mart when the clock strikes midnight to buy the DVD on March 21. Talk about Ugg boot hell!