Mister "Oh-I'm-Outta-Here-I-Don't-Watch-That-Chickfest-Crap"
YOU, sir, are missing out on the most soap-tastic, blood and gutsiest, limbs flying-est, clothes-rippingist, orgy of horrific trauma, personal angst and passionate trysts ever set to adult contemporary music.
Let me just get you up to speed:

McDreamy, McSteamy.

McPuppy McArmy


(oh, look-the men came back)

and my personal favorite:
He's dead. Well, sort of. He still comes back in a sweet-but-kind-of-stalkerish way. But, if you're going to have a dead guy following you around.....yeah.
(also: Javier Bardem called: he wants his face back.)
(also: Javier Bardem called: he wants his face back.)
So my questions to Grey's Anatomy are these:
1.) Where do average-looking, tired doctors go to sleep when the On-Call room is always being used for sex?
2.) Does a 10-blade come as part of a set, like in golf?
3.) If I come in for surgery can I opt-out of the Theater-With-An-Audience operating room?
4.) In a whole hospital full of doctors, can no one prescribe Meredith and Christina some Paxil?
but most of all:
Do you have any idea how McDisappointing it is to go the doctor now?
I hate to say--but I just can't get into Grey's. That goofy background music is such a turn-off. But I do like McDreamy!!
I haven't watched in so long--I didn't know there was a McGhost!
What does Javier Bardem have to do with this? If I knew that hot mess was in it, I'd so be hooked by now.
Yeah, but do any of them have lice?
bwa-hahah Javier Bardem! I'm with the hubby, I can't watch that chic fest...mostly because I am tied down and forced to watch The Matrix, Cage Fighting & BraveHeart 24/7...
Well I don't watch Grey's Anatomy but all of a sudden I'm really hungry for a quarter pounder with cheese!(That wasn't meant to be a sexual innuendo either, I mean a real one from McDonald's)
I've been a big fan of "McDreamy" ever since he was McNerdy in Can't Buy Me Love.
Hilarious! Almost as funny as my Grey's Anatomy post....haha! I think I'm sooo over that show!!
p.s. I gave you a blog award, read my latest post!
I like the name McHottie. Who can we name McHottie?
Nope, can't bring myself to do it.
I spent eleven years at a teaching hospital. Some aspects are very realistic, while others are not.
And sex mostly happened at the christmas party.
Where's McMommy? I think she needs a cameo appearance. Nanny loves that show, and she was giving me the low down on it the other night. She accidentally called it Gay's Anatomy b/c she was telling me about the gay guy getting fired, but I think she had it all wrong, according to tweeting with Susanpsychward.
And I hate how that music gets stuck in my head on a Thursday night after it goes off. Nanny will go to bed, give me the remote, and I'll either be humming or depressed.
I stopped watching that show this season. Sure, they are all hot to look at ...but after two years, 4 surgeries and some crappy hospital experiences - I just couldn't take it anymore.
Too close for comfort to think they all talk that shit while you are splayed open on the table.
and-McLezzie was fired, not mclipstick lezzie enough apparantly.
I've never watched a single episode of that show...and I still found this funny...which says a lot!
Okay, Sue, I guess it's just me and you. I watch it. There. I admitted it.
And hospitals ARE Peyton places. At night. When the admin. are gone and all the charge nurses weigh over 300 lbs and getting up to check and see what's going on in the storage room would take them away from their national Enquirer and chili cheese fries. That's what I heard at least...
Oh hell - I love this show, even IF Meredith pisses me off sometimes. You were SO right about "McWhiney!" - and the rest of them, too - lol!
You hit it right on the nose with everyone of them!
You crack me up!!
Okay, when Denny showed up last week, I became a weeping puddle of Mom. Hubs didn't know what to do with me.
Why can't I be stalked by a hot ghost like Denny Duquette?!?!
Don't worry, I'll join you in the shallow end of the pool. I love this show! Your names are great I say they start incorporating them into their scripts immediately.
Amen to the downer debbie duo and antidepressants.
And McGhost, was so cute. 'Til you pointed out he resembles Javier Bardem. Now, just McEWW.
A friend of mine is in med school...I told her to make sure she lets me know when she starts having sex in the on call room! LOL
Haven't seen Grey's since the new season started. I feel so out of the loop.
LMAO - Love this post. McWormy is a big gross. But the McDisappointing was hilarious!
Don't watch it but I love the adult contemporary music video commercials for it!
Every show that "Denny" is on, he dies. HE DIES!! Dude what is up with that?
And I totally think McSteamy is hotter than McDreamy. And I want to bitch slap Christine.
But oh how I love the show!
My all-time favorite show!!!
I want a McDreamy Doctor too :D
I don't watch this show and now I don't ever want to.
Dude, I totally have a McDreamy doctor. All the nurses swoon over him and everything.
I heart Grey's Anatomy. Sometimes I wish someone would suture Merideth's mouth shut.
This is one of my favorite shows, it is so silly--but my husband watches it with me, as he too is oddly silly.
Here is a piece of trivia---do you know that sometimes when you wake up during surgery, you can see those people up there in the viewing gallery? that is friggin creepy.
They all McMakemypantieswet.
I had a dream the other night that I was dying. It was sad. Then I realized all the male doctors from Grey's were taking care of me. The dying part seemed less bad after that. Then I woke up.
i love Greys...last season got kinda ho hum for me but it's back in full force again this season.
i have been expecting a post from you about your JO Bro guy dumping Swift via phone in 27 secs...if i have to see her tell another person the story I am gonna Swift kick someone. I know it was harsh but come on already- you are like 12! get over it... see how sad i am that i jsut got all riled up like that?
LMAO@ McMaybe...
more like McBi
McLezzy?? bwahahaha! And McWormy? Dude. Meredith's whining is totally worth the SLIGHTEST CHANCE of the dead guy showing up.
McWormy??? Bwahahaha!!!! love it, just love it. I can't help myself, but I watch. Then again, Chilean TV is pretty crappy. So I have to.
Anyway, love this post. Had to laugh too at the McMaybe...
you are a hoot.
Holy cow, gotta show my love for Grey's! Have loved it since 1st season, when I had to tune in because I was so happy to see McDreamy getting a show (finally).
UM and How do I get some valium injected into my finace EX??
I don't watch this show, however, I must admit that the guys on it are pretty yummy!
Ok, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't wishing for you to just randomly throw my pic in that post and put "McMommy" and then everyone would be all WTF?
ok, this is great! I only catch parts of the show here and there, but I'm with you on the Paxil chicks....I have a similar post coming up on LOST. Just because I'm going through Sawyer withdrawals. TV should be all hot guys all the time. I'm divorced, kill me now.
What about McMommy? I thought she starred in Grey's Anatomy but you failed to list her in your primer!
I just got hooked on this McSoap this past year on DVD. I agree my favorite is also McWormy. Things would be so much better if Denny would have lived.
We spent four hours in the emergency room on Friday and not one McSteamy or McDreamy in sight. Not even a McPuppy. McTotalLetDown. Mc$200.
And Javier Bardem -- heh heh heh. good one!
Did you hear Hahn is gone now? (At least that's what Perez says!)Wasn't that a crappy exit?
I LOVE GREY's and i love all your nicknames for them...lol. Can I say I found my Mcdreamy when I went in for surgery a few years ago. I remember seeing him and going all gaga over him.
The day of my surgery all my female relatives who came couldn't get over how goodlooking he was. Oh man I wish I could still see him but he cured me:-)
OMG #4 had me rolling on the floor! That was AWESOME!
You are cracking me up! I love this show and believe it or not my husband gets mad when I watch it without him.
One thing - Army guy is creeping me out a little. I'm sure we will find out he is shooting up to stay awake for eleventy million days in a row.
Denny still makes me cry. I thought that Izzy had convinced herself last week to let it go and the last frame of the show brought tears to my eyes.
Freakin Alex needs to get over himself. What an ass! If there is a story behind his assishness I wish they would share.
Anyhooooo - big fan of Grey's so don't even get me started on The Practice. :)
I think the best part was when that one doc was getting hacked by the helicopter....didn't he get it twice???
Perhaps this comment will make you first 50....sheesh...I can't seem to be the first 10 on any of your posts...lol...I'll keep trying without appearing to be a McStalker.
I don't even watch it and somehow "vajayjay" and "seriously" have cropped up in my vocabulary... how did that happen?
Oh my god! It's like you and I were separated at birth! I mentioned Grey's Anatomy in my post today too!
What are the odds.
So funny. You really nailed it, Sue. I catch up every 3 or 4 episodes. It would be so much better as a half hour show. But it was worth watching so I could enjoy this post. Same reason I read Twilight.
I totally thought that was Javier Bardem and he was not getting enough movie roles. Thanks for clearing that up.
1) Any self respecting medical professional would NEVER set foot in the Grey's on call room- considering the risk of all the bodily fluids that have been expelled in there.
2) Yes, the #10 blade is part of a set.
3) OR's with galleys are rare, however they do tend to video tape procedures so make sure you've had your pedicure and waxed anything your particular about.
4) I had my hopes up that Meredith and all of her whiny ways would stay underwater...she needs to be put out of her misery...or at least eat a meal now and then.
Mcn't seen the show.....*gasps heard around the blogosphere.....
I so have a cruch on McArmy. He is totally yummy. I miss Journeyman.
I'm more of a E.R. girl than Grey's but when my hubby recently bought me a gorgeous diamond necklace from www.idonowidont.com for my birthday I called him my McDreamy!
Wait a sec. The guy from HBO's Rome is on there now? Wow, I'll have to for sure join the bandwagon because, back when he was on Rome, I use to fantasize about having sex with him and it put me to sleep in 5 minutes flat EVERY time.
Sorry..I have never watched this show....sorry can't finish my comment..Housewives of Alanta is coming on..gotta go!
Just stopped by to say hello! I found your blog through a new blog friend. Looks like I'll be coming back! Mcseeya later!!!
McRecap is spot on. Fun-nee. Unfortunately, I haven't caught it in awhile.
Love this show!! Not a big fan of McArmy...but I love Denny aka McWormy (gasp!)
Maybe if the men would hang out for the sex-filled chickfest they would get lucky!
Such a good point about the Paxil. Those bitches (sorry, but they are)need to stop moping around all the time. I know everyone loves McDreamy and Meredith together, but I kind of was hoping she really did drown herself last season. Sorry, but it's true. LOVE McWormy's nickname!! Hilarious!!
Btw, I'm getting ready to work on your Friday Eye Candy list.
Yes...if I ever have to get a major operation, or even just like...oh an upgrade job...no way do I want to be in the OR with the view.
I'm with Tasha - McArmy is a VERY nice addition.
But WTH Thursday night?! Are they killing off Izzie?
A-freakin-men... I am so disheartened when I go to the Dr. and get some over 50, over weight, half bald, horrid breath, weezing old man! DAMN IT I say bring in all the McSexy's!!!
LOVE your blog!!
McWormy! Ha! That's hilarious. He's definitely the best.
I've always referred to Jeffrey Dean Morgan as The Poor Man's Robert Downey, Jr.
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