If this post is a little incoherent and rambly it's because I'm all hopped up on Sudafed Maximum Strength Severe Cold.
Which, I was just told by my 16 year old stepson, has the same ingredient as crystal meth.
(Note to self: If I live, look into why he knows that.)
I woke up Saturday morning with one of those über-colds with the coughing and sniffling that you think is going to elicit Code Blue sympathy but really your cough is just annoying the crap out of everyone.
I made a lot of phone calls, 'cause that's where you get the sympathy.
"You sound AWFUL!!!"
" I know...I'b sick."
"Oh my gosh! Can I bring you anything???"
"no...no.....I'b just gonna lie dowd...try to get sub rest.."
Then they tell you who else they know that's sick and I'm all: Can we get back to me?
AND I'd much rather have a stomach bug 'cause then at least I'd lose 3 or 4 pounds from the puking. No such luck.
So....I got nothin.
But I'll share a couple of pics from Before The Plague:
Friday morning we got SNOW here in PA, so I bundled up Flat Joe and took him outside:
and Friday night my girlfriends ended up at my house for a few bottles glasses of wine and I saw this the next morning:
Oh you poor thing.
I don't know anyone who has as bad a cold as you.
and I left you something at my place.
cumb ober and bick it ub.
I had the stomach bug last week, myself. I barely kept ginger ale, chicken broth and saltines for a full week, and spent more time with my toilet than I did in the blogosphere. (So: LOTS of time.)
I did not lose a damn pound. Not even one measly pound.
I think my body went into that starvation mode and converted everything I did keep ingested immediately into cellulite, I swear.
So, just saying - at least you can get hopped up on cold meds and languish comfortably in bed. The stomach flu isn't all it's cracked up to be if you don't even lose the leftover Halloween candy binge-fest weight.
At any rate, feel better soon!!
Oy, I never, ever proofread before hitting PUBLISH YOUR COMMENT. That second sentence should read "kept down" ......
sounds like a helluva party.
I hope you feel bebber soob.. it do fun beind sick
I hope you're feeling better!
Were you sharing your meth meds with your friend before she left?
have you told your friend yet about her bumper? maybe she doesn't realize it yet!
sorry i may have given you that cold.
Sorry you're sick. I don't know. Look into Airborne. I don't care if the FDA says it's a crock and a waste of money. I've used it since it came out and haven't been sick in four years.
Feel better.
Maybe you should have moved your mail box before your friend left. She may just blame it on you! Lol!Good stuff!
good thing you were thinking about flat joe. he did look cold. the bumper cracked me up! I wonder if she's noticed yet.
If you got that Sudafed off the shelf (instead of having to go to the pharmacy, hand over your driver's license, sign a form, and practically be fingerprinted), then it wasn't the good crystal meth stuff.
I hope you feel better but you still managed to be funny as hell even under the weather. The whole bumper thing at the end... I lost it!! :)
ROFL at the bumper picture! I loved the comment that you should have moved your mailbox! LOL
Sorry you aren't feeling well. That stinks! You might try a Neti-Pot. It helps. Also, if your nose is stuffed up there is a new Sudafed nasal spray that works wonderful!!
Feel better soon!
You probably have the worst cold ever. It's probably much worse than anyone else's that I know. Poor baby.
Flat Joe looks good though. I like his hat.
now that is a good party. I hope that you are feel better soon. You want me to bring you some warm chicken noodle soup and some herbal tea?
Nice bumper shot. At first I thought it was Flat Joe.
Flat Joe cracks me up. I need a flat Eric from CSI Miami. You know it wasn't me who left the bumper, as teh mailbox is still there. Hope the sniffles subside. Til then enjoy the drunk effect.
I came to your blog through a friend's and was just reading some of your older posts - you're a great writer, I really enjoyed it. I hope you feel better and look forward to more
Maybe you caught your cold frolicking w/ Flat Joe in the snow?
And how did you get that umlaut??
Dude...I've gotta party with you!!! (That is supposed to sound like Bill Murray in Stripes).
Get better soon and good luck with extracting sympathy from everyone! You have mine...I was just sick last week.
Our poor Sue!!! I hope you feel better soon!
Can't believe you can handle anything Sudafed related - that stuff makes me truly whacked and I won't sleep for days. I've moved on to Advil Cold and Sinus which also throws me for a serious loop but at least my heart doesn't beat out of my chest.
Feel better.
Damn where can I get a lifesized flat poster? I want one of a certain "golden-eyed" boy/man.
Get well soon! Meanwhile, enjoy the buzz...
Feel better soon--but rest assured that the Sudafed is not nearly as potent as meth until you add all the good ingredients-
the things I learn at work, I swear
Ya know, my husband went to a conference recently where the speaker said something that cracked him up. He came home & told me. It's soooo true, too.
Kids get the sniffles.
Men get the flu.
Women just get on with it.
Go to youtube & do a search for "man cold" & check out the video. Hysterical!
I hate it when I forget my bumper...
I'm still coughing a bit but feeling much better now. I got no sympathy at my house.
Flat Joe looks good all bundled up!
Hope you're feeling better ASAP.
How true is that when you are talking to people about how your sick they bring up who they know who is sick and yada yada...
The bumper thing...LMAO funny! I hope your friend is OK :)
OH NO! That bumper cracked me up!
I hope you are feeling better!
"I so much wish I could place a comment here today."
-Practically Joe
On behalf of Rodney, the Practically Wisdom Blog Team is visiting everyone on the list of BLOGs he follows. He would like you to know that he greatly enjoys reading your posts and commenting on them.
Unfortunately Rodney, sorry, we mean Practically Joe, has been heavily sedated for a long period of time now, following an accident which left him with two broken ribs and a number of minor injuries.
He has been coming along fine and asked the team to post an account of the incident, which was posted on Sunday, 11/23.
We have great expectations that he shall return soon, as good as new. He wishes you and every blogger a Great Thanksgiving Holiday.
For those not in the USA … Have a great week!
Thank You.
The Practically Wisdom Blog Team.
Aww, I hope you get to feeling better!
Love the flat Joe outside, makes me just laugh.
The bumper...yikes! And is that mailbox a little tilted?? haha!
Now THAT'S a party :)
Hope you get to feeling better soon!
More snow today too! Get well. That doesn't mean you have to stop taking the Sudafed though.
Feel better soon! I know too well the huge amount of snot that can come with that uber cold!
Oh, and a little tip....alcohol burns everything bad from your system....so my suggestion is to just drink more!
That is no reason to be concered about your stepson.
I think pretty much everyone knows the feds moved the real sudafed behind the pharmacy counter and will only sell one package at a time to any given customer.
Hope you are soon better.
Hey, you can cuddle up with Flat Joe and he won't even get sick. How great is that?
Have I mentioned that I'm in PA? If you ever invite me over for drinks, I promise I'll take all of my car home with me.
I want to be drugged like you. I bought generic crap for my uber cold, and now need to go buy MORE, better stuff. So is the Sudafed working? I was going to get Dayquil (or Nyquil, since I have no desire to be awake).
And that last line still has me laughing. A good party indeed.
Sorry you are sick...but that pic with your friend's bumper was too funny. It's amazing what happens when you drink a glass (or two, or three) of wine. hahaha
Oh I hope you feel better so you can taste all the goodies on Thursday!
The bumper cracled me up.
yo. that sudafed shit is hardcore. it may not work that good, but you won't give a damn. lol! Seriously, hope you feel better...
It is that darn time of year! I hope you feel better!
Can you send me a photo or two of your shirts or mugs to put with the link to your page for Bloggy Black Friday? I only got a couple of responses, but I still plan on posting them! I would love it if you could send a picture I could use with the link you provided.
If you know of anyone else, pass them along and I will spotlight them as well!
Annie @ Cookies, Chaos & Conversation
Didn't you wake up with a splitting headache/cold after the last time you got together with your girlfriends at Book Club?!
You girls party hard.
I like it.
Hmmm...for a minute, I was squinting at the pic to see if I could see someone's undies that may have been left behind.
That is one tough mailbox! Get well!!!!
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