Saturday, October 17, 2009

Weekend LOL Video

This video is more just straight-up awesome than LOL.

As far as I can tell, people fall into 2 categories: The people who say "I wish I worked there", and the people who say "I wouldn't want to be the one paying these guys' salaries"

Which one are you?


Anonymous said...

that was awesome! so that one girl had no idea what was going on? lol.

Shaggs said...

R u getting paid from Apple for that viral situation? I'm bettin Dooce would.....

kristi said...

*raises hand for the "I wish I worked there" group*

Anonymous said...

Totally in the WISH I WORKED THERE group.

Anonymous said...

In the "I wish I worked there" group, btw, happy workers = better productivity!

Spot said...

OMG! they so copied my idea! Because I dance around singing with my laptop all the damn time!! Well, I mean, I would if I had a laptop. Yeah, ok, you're right. I probably would be the chick who had no idea what was going on. Busted.

Thanks for the giggles,

chocdrop said...

That was so awesome. I definetly would like to work there, they know how to let some stress go.

Heather B. said...

Definitley in the "wish I worked there" group!!!!!

Mom's Day said...

Totally wish I worked there!! I bet they do a lot of innovative things to pass the time. Can we install a camera to watch a typical day in their office??

Lizzie said...

i would so love working there! :)too funny, thanks for sharing

crazylife said...

I also would be in the "I wished I worked there" group. Seems like a nice group of people to work with.

I also agree the the statement happy people equals productivity.

roy/elisabeth dean said...

Who wouldn't want to work there??? What FUN!

Briya said...

LOL. I think the one girl who was all " I am NOT going along with this" was even funnier I would totally wanna work there

Henley on the Horn said...

How do you find this stuff? I would have so much fun with this group! HIlarious!

The boy and I said...

Oh, it killed me... I watched this so many times and showed so many people. Perfection.

Tenakim said...

The best? First dude says" ain't nothing but a party" intstead of heartache- awesome!!!

secret agent mama said...

That. Was. Awesome.

foxy said...

Definitely, DEFINITELY wish i worked there. They are straight up cool.

Sarah Gutierrez said...

I love the one girl who couldn't care less. Also funny - the twirling.

Anonymous said...

that was awesome!!!

Lisa-licious said...

I was cackling so loud that Tom yelled from the other room to send him the link! SOOOO funny!

Hokie Girl said...

I definitely wished I worked there!! Loved it!

Kim said...

Loved it so much I posted it to my Facebook profile.

Anonymous said...

I'm in the "wish I worked there" group.

And as someone who supervised staff for a long time ... I'd vote for allowing that sort of thing every now and again. A happy staff is ... well ... a happy staff.

MrsSki said...

HILARIOUS! Thanks for posting it!

MrsBingham said...

Loved the guy climbing around on his desk in the background so he could be upside down for his shot. Too funny!

Bad Christy said...

Put me into both camps.... Looks like a great place to work, and having a team of creative employees like that.... Sure, they might screw off, but chances are they can churn out some work under pressure.

And besides, they were probably doingn it on their lunch hour.

Liz said...

Where do I go to apply to work there?

Elyse said...

that was great! i liked watching everyone in the background! and the one girl not participating...what a wish i worked there!

OHmommy said...

So awesome. So so SO awesome. I loved it.

lumpy lulu said...

I loved it.
Don't we all think about doing that at work!