Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Ghosts, Goblins and Sluts

Here is my question.

When exactly did Halloween become "Dress Like a Whore" Day.

I took my 12 and 9 year old daughters to one of those "pop-up" Halloween stores yesterday, and since the tween is now too big for the kids' section, we browsed the adult section.

Holy ho-bags.

Do they have a nurse costume? No. Slutty nurse? Sure.
Angel? No. Slutty angel? You bet.

Slutty leprechaun, slutty referee, slutty cop, slutty devil, slutty girl scout, slutty schoolgirl, slutty Dorothy, slutty nun and even slutty gardener.

Slutty gardener?

Plus there's a whole section of clear stripper heels, vinyl boots, fishnets and thigh-highs. I guess the slutty gardener would lose some street cred sporting flowered gardening clogs from Smith & Hawkins.

(this is where the gardener's knee pads comment goes but I'm obstaining...)


All I'm saying is -  they're only children. And as the parent, it is up to you to choose something classic and appropriate.

Like I did for my 9 year old.


Former Fat Chick said...

great a damn dirty hippie! hahaaaaaaaaaaaaa, make sure she has a big ole joint in her hand, some acid and understands what FREE LOVE means! haaha

Woo222 said...

LOL I love it! Did you get her the stripper heels? ~Susan

Better said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Strong, For a Girl said...

I don't have daughters but I want to vomit every time I walk into a Halloween store. Where's Holly Hobby when you need her.

.jimaie.marie. said...

i LOVE her costume!!!
good job mom.

Unknown said...

You didn't know it was renamed Nat'l Dress like a Slut Day?
I caught on to that last year. I'm going to have to go ahead and wish I was one of those awesome moms that could sew...but alas...thank god my daughter is going to be tiny forever!!!

McMommy said...

Sweet! Tell her not to forget to burn her bra, too!

Dakermom said...

Holy Hoebags, I know! I noticed the trend emerging when I was in college, but I thought it was just that, it was college girls, but now it's all getting way too young. I'm scared to see how kids will dress five or ten years from now. If I ever have a girl she may not ever leave the house. Cute hippy!

chocdrop said...

You did a great job not falling for the slutty thing.
THey have taken innocence out of life. BTW, was there a slutty pumpkin..hee hee

I think she looks great.

Anonymous said...

It's not just tween age costumes. My 7 year old wants to be a disco girl. But it's disco-slut toddler. Looks like Mommy will be making another homemade costume.
Even as an adult I wouldn't wear those costumes. And it's not because I wouldn't look good in one ( I would be more like Chunky Slut Barbie) it's because I have MORALS!

Katie @ Noodle and Boof said...

heard that!!

Kell said...

you should totally read the post i did on halloween costumes. i think you'll appreciate it. there are 2 slutty get-ups that i hate in particular and i detailed them in my post lol.. i could not agree more.


Denim and Pearls said...

I highly recommend the crayon costume - easily put together with some poster board, staples, an elastic band, and ribbon. I did it in college and got a million compliments - cute but definitely not slutty!

Jenni said...

Love the 'fro!

I am going to be a slutty mom blogger for Halloween...

TheRixonFive said...

LOL! I just have to say, I have fallen in love with your blog! I spent like 6 hours reading through the WHOLE THING a few weeks ago (sifting through the archives and catching up to the "now") and have become a loyal follower. I recommended it to my sister and she is now a regular reader too. It's great stuff! Keep it up!

Bad Christy said...

Hey! Leave off the slutty halloween costumes, aka my personal marital aids! I always stock up at halloween! Victoria's Secret and Frederick's of Hollywood cost too much! Slutty halloween costumes are making marriages work at least one day a year!

Lisa-licious said...

How cute is she??!!!

I am dressing up as a slutty witch, since most of my friends already know that I am (WAS!!!-well, the slutty part, anyway!)

I, personally, look forward to the "Whore's National Holiday", so I can have lots of blog fodder! Plus, I get to wear my "fence net" stockings! (like fishnets, with bigger squares!)

My girls are dressing up as a bride (?!) and a genie. Since I know I will be the one carrying her "genie bottle" around all night, can you guess what it will be filled with? Tr-"Hic" or Treat!

Bamawhitney said...

I know exactly what you mean!!! I am telling you I hope I never have to venture out of Gymboree!

Shaggs said...

I'm with bad christy I want me some of them ho costumes. I currently go to a good will shop find old nurses uniforms and have to slut them up myself - its getting old! God to live in the retail wonderland of USA!

Anonymous said...

Oh dude. Ha ha ha. You are cracking me up with this one. I think this slut costume craze is hitting a deep-seeded need for all of us mamas to feel like uh, sluts for a day.


Well, anyway - nice costume for the hippie chick. You are so ahead of the game....is Halloween close?


Laila P said...

Where is this place? I need to go there!!

Live Simply Mommy said...

I did this exact same post last Halloween. Although mine was titles "Halloween Tramps." http://www.ayummymommy.com/2008/10/halloween-tramps.html

My daughters are only 1,3 and 9 and I still have to worry about it even in their sizes!

Shannon said...

Hellooo! Slutty gardener=Ho!
And to Bad Christy- "lol" At least someone is gaining from the Hoes R Us store. It surely won't be my hubby!

Wendy said...

i blame Barbie and all her plunging necklines.

Anonymous said...

Love the hippie! I have to say I agree with what you are saying. Sometimes I can't believe all the costumes that are so slutty.

Amy Amy Bo Bamey said...

I am going the homemade way because everything is just too slutty.

We got the Party City Halloween Magazine and my son was looking at it for costumes for himself but then perked up a bit when he got to the slutty girls in the back.

Now if I find it hidden under his bed I will know there is a problem.

Keyona said...

Ha! Looks like quite a few of us posted about the same thing. The costumes really do scare me. *shudder*

Spot said...

What happened to Halloween being about the "scary" anyway?! I mean sure...sluts are scary, I mean they might have std's or steal your wallet, or become your baby mama. But that's an everyday threat! I want vampires, werewolves & witches. Wait...remember Brad Pitt in "Interview with a Vampire"? He was hott. And thos Lycans in "Underworld"? Again. Hott. Maybe Halloween is all about sex. Hmm...I have to think about this...


crazylife said...

My daughter wants to be something scary this Halloween she gave me a list on it was vampires.. I said "Honey vampires are not scary anymore."

I totally agree on the slutty issue tho...

deconstructing jen said...

Hahaha!! Amen to that. It's crazy!!

Anonymous said...


You are correct it is not for the youngen's but what a perfect way to get your "Slutty" on!

Good chance to pick up a little sumtin' for trick or treat with hubby after the candy is gone!

Is a little SOUL TRAIN playing at your Halloween Haunt?

Ali said...

She's adorable! Love her costume!

Sarah said...

I couldn't agree more. I hate that all the costumes are geared towards skank wear...

You crack me up by the way.

Heather said...

Amen, sister! My kid isn't even a tween yet, she's 6 (AND A HALF, don't dare leave that off. Even though she's not actually six AND A HALF for another month....) and she wants to be a leopard for Halloween.

Let me tell you, there are some seriously slutty leopard costumes readily available for 6 year olds. Gack. For the toddler set, there are perfectly adorable leopard costumes, but once there isn't a "T" on the end of the size, it's all hoochie leopard city. Yikes.

Anonymous said...

Abstaining .. but I agree and like your post. :)

Mellie said...

Cute costume!

Yep, I've noticed the risque costumes here as well. The best/worse was a "ring toss". For a guy. Guess what you tossed the rings on....

wifey said...

I hear ya on the slutty halloween costumes for kids- It scares the shit outta me for my daughter. I have a feeling she's going to take after her mother and gravitate toward those mini-hooker outfits early!

Julie H said...

LOVE IT!! Try finding a costume for a "plus size" girl that is about 9 and wears "adult size". They have like 2 things that aren't total slut things, and guaranteed the fattest girl at school shows up with the same thing!

Mrs. S. said...

We thought the same thing as you! Try explaining ho outfits to a five year old who seemed to LOVE them...HOLY COW! She picked up a "dirty" angel costume and squealed with delight, "Please Mommy, all the kids will think I am the coolest!" Yeah, sure...maybe a future sleeze, but cool? OMG...had to explain that it wasn't appropriate for a five year old or even mommy at 37!
BTW...always enjoy your blog...totally make me laugh out loud after a day with 28 8-9 yr olds who drive my to rum every night!

Liz said...

You are sooooooo right! I hate the slutty crap available for my 13 year old!

I Am Boymom said...

I have boys and I don't dress up for Halloween, so I don't have to deal with that issue, other than trying to explain to my boys why the neighbor kid's mom's boobs are hanging out all over the place when she answeres the door dressed as Little Ho Peep!

prashant said...

i LOVE her costume!!!
good job
How to make a website

Anonymous said...

obviously I'm slow at work today,crying,so funny yet again BFF

Chriss said...

OMG- this is one of the things I dread the most this time of the year! I have three daughters- all of whom are very tall for their ages (the 8 year old is now five foot tall). I now have to spend extra money at the fabric store and have my mother make costumes that are age appropriate.

Maria's Space said...

Tooo funny. I love your sentence, "dress like a whore day". You are too right.

It makes me uneasy when the tweens in my area come to the door for candy and the girls look 21 and I know they are 10-15 years old. I am more uneasy when the hub answers the door. It just feels so dirty.

Daily Dose of Fantasy said...

And when you run out of those kinds of comments, you resort to even more base insults: "Are we dudes or just super fucking ugly? Only our urologists and your nightmares know for sure."