Oh. My. God.
How hard did I laugh at all the comments you guys left for the Front-Butt post. (81 at last count).
I would be remiss and irresponsible if I did not provide a recap, a "roll call", if you will, of all the genitalia nicknames that you have bestowed upon your kids, or that they have made up themselves. Some apparently have been passed down through the generations. For the few readers who said they have yet to decide because their kids are still too young, I give you:
Girl Privates:
tu-tu, cootch, cooter, coochie, cakefoot, pee-maker, tweetie, lucy, coo-coo, kitty, butterfly, skinny butt, woo-woo, bum-dooder, lady business, froggy, po-po, girly bits, thingy, highness, pocketbook, area, twiz, chang, schnoolie and wahini.
For the Boys:
Peeny, penini, winkie & the boys, business, weanie, tallywacker, uh-oh, peppy, lu-lu, twig & berries, weenis, tenders, goober, package, mohanson, knuckles, ding-dong, pee pee bum bum, Mr. Bojangles, stuff, schmack, gweiner, pitot, flacker, nuts & bolts, hoo hoo & the accoutrements, wrong spot, wing ding, thing, thingy, peppy, carrot & onions, the guys, pudter, and Mr. Peterman & his associates.
I did not make any of that up. That is all you. And that is just readers of my blog. Any only readers who comment. Imagine the book I could put together if I actually researched it. They could sell it in the checkout line at the grocery store right next to the Baby Names book.
I could make millions. And put it in my girly-wallet.
Good grief. So glad I missed all that, not having kids! LOL
Altho, I'm sure Mohanson and Highness will be very happy together.
i'm laughing my ass off @ pocket book. i think pitot is a filipino thing. LOL
Twig and berries...that would be the squirrelly gang. We are totally "Nutty" and if you ask the hubby our nuts are good...uggg...
I love it !! With 8 children under my belt 6 boys 2 girls I can relate. you can just imagine the nonsense that has gone on at my humble abode :)It is so nice to read your blog and chuckle we are not alone :)Robin B
I've never heard some of these but they are cute! That is so funny1
Wow, I think I like girly wallet best! I am totally using it next time hubby and I are doing it...only I am totally going to say it in that creepy raspy Batman voice.
I laughed my hiney off! I thought I was the only one that used "hoo-hah" and "doo-dah". For the kids it is "privates" "hiney" or "winky".
Oh this is a list for the ages! LOL! I love it!
Cakefoot? lol. My family called it a cooter when I was little, and to this day I HATE that word. Girly-wallet is still my favorite haha.
Never forget the ever popular Noodle and meatballs.
Am I the only one scarred with an inappropriate mental image of you shoving your millions somewhere- just me? oh sorry!
LOL, my fave is Mr Bojangles. Every one is too clever.
This only goes to illustrate how much we hate to use the words 'penis' and 'vagina'.
Blech. I could barely write them just now.
Have you noticed there are way more boy names than girls? Do you think this says something? I do!
Oh that list isn't even half of it, I'm sure.
So very funny...only you would do a post like this I think.
Thanks for the summary. My new favorite is Mr. Peterman and His Associates. HA HA!
And Tena, I winced at the millions going in Sue's girly wallet too!
I agree with Rochelle, Mr. Peterman and his associates had me in hysterics!
It nick-naming gets a little different when the kids get older. Like ... hot dog and bun ... locomotive and tunnel ... well you get the idea. Sorry. Just giving you something to look forward to.
Mr Bojangles?
I can't believe I missed that. Hailey calls her "tootie" which is especially funny since she calls that disney rat movie "The Ratty's Tooty". God knows what image that's conjuring up in her little mind.
I read the original post and this one and have to say now I am fretting about what the heck to call my kids areas when they are born. I don't even have kids yet, not for several years... but yet I think about it!
Haha, thanks for the laughs
Love your blog! You are hilarious!
OMG that was hilarious!! My boys call my girlie stuff "giant" short for vagina but a little mean considering. We kindly refer to theirs as their 'junk' as in "Dude, keep you hands off you junk!!"
I would buy your book before some baby name book in a heart beat!
"Mr. Peterman & his associates"
The grandmother of a friend of mine always called it "Mr. Impossible" and would direct her granddaughters to sleep without underwear at night because,"you have to let Mr. Impossible air out, you know."
This is the first time I've come across your blog and I will definitely be back! You are hysterical! We call it "junk" in our house - both for girl and boy parts.
This cracked me up... all the names! It totally knocked my brain back into those naughty times in college... LOL! No... I just mean the creative fellow graphic designers in my book binding classes. One gal created a sliding tab page in a class collaboration book that had images in the place of genitalia for men and women (missiles for breasts, a male chicken for penis, etc.). It was hilarious... I'll have to dig it out... and scan it and send it to you! :)
LOL! And I read this to my husband and he wanted to add, "Fishing pole and tackle." LMAO!
I would rephrase "Mr. Peterman & his associates" to the more accurate "Mr. Peterman & his colleagues"
You don't want confuse the kid.
Oh man. Memories. My mom always referred to it as a who-zee,
Following your post about Google searches leading to your blog, how many hits have you got off of "put it in my girly wallet"?
Dad's- Big Jim Walker
Son's- Little Jim Walker
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