Oh. My. God. I ain't even gonna front: Back in the day, I was all about the hair band dudes. The spandex. The bandanas. The fingerless gloves. The eyeliner. THE POWER BALLADS.
You guys, come on:

Kip Winger......
David Coverdale......
Bret Michaels.......
Sebastian Bach.......
So cheese-tastically-80's hot.
BUT. Not boyfriend material.
Any girl with a brain in her head knows, you don't ACTUALLY go OUT with a band dude. That is a recipe for disaster, what with the groupies and the drinking and the late nights....

I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed.
I love the identity- protecting black line. It's very Glamouresque!
BG would not approve of this hair metal madness. Or would he?
not smart, but i am sure you had fun
Definately not Jonas, but that was a different time right?! LOL!!
Hey did you hear JJ is dating Taylor Swift? You could totally take her!
Bret Michaels always looked like a girl to me. But, I loved the hair bands and Power Ballads as well.
I'm sure I have a picture like that in my stash! lol~ Love the hair bands! No. As in, I really did love them!
No need to front, sister. When I read your Van Halen reference on a previous post, I just knew you were THAT girl. Please don't say you have a tramp stamp, please.
Never liked the long hair! Yes you were right not smart they are a bunch of loosers. Much Love from Queen Bee.
wow. really...wow. That's all I can say. Unfortunately, I think, I was born in the 80's, so I'm a child of the 90's. But I do think I missed out on some great things!
I dated a few back in the day...bet you had fun (then got your heart stomped on when he cheated on you with your best friend...oops sorry that was me!).
I didn't just date a drummer from an 80's cover band...I married him. LOL!
Perfect time for me to say it...WE ALL PEE I THE WIND SOMETIMES.
Been there...done that. Well not with a rocker...and not with a guy...but you know...wrong person.
Hysterical! I was President of the Women with Big Hair Club in the 80's! I didn't date the hair guys though, I dated cowboys. Check out my BG reference today - http://iamboymom.blogspot.com/2008/08/who-what.html
...not as funny as you Sue, but I'm working hard to be worthy to stand in your shadow!
Sue, you are looking HOT in your little black mini skirt!
Did you meet him on a plane? You know, after your Xanax and chardonnay cocktail?
You gotta have some fun, it was the 80's after all.
Love the hair.
Oooh! In my heart I have always wanted to be a groupie! Not the kind that that gets screwed over, literally, but the kind that always got to hang out after the show and be cool. (sigh)
Oh, Gawd! I'm glad I stuck to my motto: I don't guys who wear more jewelry than me or whose hair is longer than mine!
You did Robert Plant too!!??
Look at you you hott thang!
Oh - we all had our days - especially in the 80's! And I have to say Kip Winger!!! Oh my!! And that was when Brent Michaels was HOT & not plastic surgery looking & he didnt HAVE to wear his bandana like he does now. Time is harsh on some of these guys!
You may not be the sharpest tool in the shed but you had great legs! What band guy wouldn't dig those??? In addition to the vote-getting boobs!
P.S. You get extra points for not having a perm!
Never had myself a rocker. A jerk-off here and there but no rocker.
I had one rule of thumb while in my dating stage -
never date anyone with better hair than me....or who applies eyeliner better than I do!
that ruled out dating in the 80's altogether, I guess.
dude, he had good hair though - at least in that pic.
i bet many a chick woulda tossed their drawers at him.
I have spent time over the last 2 days reading your blog (I found it through a link off a friends) You are absolutely hysterical!! You have been added to my favorites and I look forward to more great laughs!! Thanks!
I thought about growing my hair out like this at one point. I have a third cousin who still looks like this and was over at my parents house this morning for some reason....he doesn't have teeth though, yikes!
He had rockin' 80's hair. You look totally awesome, like you know what I mean?
Did he just get done with a show or did he always wear a vest? :)
Oh I was all about the Bon Jovi lookalikes with hair longer (but not higher!) than my own.
20 years later, I still have a weakness for musicians. I'm just (a little) better at controlling it now.
Oh I still rock the 80s hairbands in the minivan, girl! That's good stuff!
And I always thought Bon Jovi had the BEST hair.
But I married a drummer...with no hair. ;-P
I am guessin' you are calling dibs on him to pose with for the calendar, huh? Damn you, Sue! You always get the cute one!!
I was so thinking about doing "Flashback Friday" for my blog. Great minds think alike? Dude, dig the hair. :P
*sigh* I used to watch those guys on MTV and think, I would just LOVE to wake up and see that every morning...
I dated the look-a-likes and wanna-be's, too. And it was a total not-smart disaster.
I am officially throwing all sense out my left ear... because not only am I *married* to a metal musician... the 3 men I dated before that? Guitarists for rock bands. And I even almost married one of THEM.
The funny thing is - I'm a musician too... but I'm an opera singer. Can you IMAGINE the duets that ring through our home?!?!
Forget bringing back big hair...let's vote for the vest over the big hairy chest? OMG.
Funny!! We must all be blogging about the 80s today. I blogged about "8675309 and Jenny" today when my 15yr old daughter heard it today on the radio.
I'm just loving that vest...
I watched Rock of Love 1 & 2. I'm just sayin'.
Ok, someone said something about a Xanax/Sangria (in my case) cocktail, like there's something wrong with that.
How cute are you with your rocker boyfriend/one night stand/whatever he was? But how could you forget Joey Tempest from Europe!
That hair, omg! He was HOT. He had bette hair than any woman. And Jon Bon Jovi! Come on!
Good lord, he looks like a girl in that picture. Hee. Early 80s, that was high school, man! Yeah, I'm old.
Ok, I don't know why that link for the Joey Tempest picture doesn't come through right, but it's supposed to be http://www.classicrockmagazine.com/resources/classicrock/tempest.jpg
Screw it, I give up. Google. He was got. Girly hot.
What do you mean used to.....oh wait...you were....um.......nevermind.....thought we were talking about the music. My bad......No.....I'm done
80's Music rawked though! Still does........Sirius Sat radio.....helps me relive the 80's everyday.
Ahahahahahahhahahaha....I just relived my 20's! Thanks for a great way to wake up today!!!!!
Oh I am a product of the 80's ad I so loved me some hair metal bands and oooo the ballads...Thanks for the walk down memory lane!
But you were oh so with it then.
You just busted my cool meter. In a good way.
It was the man-perm that did it, right?
Ok, Sue, I am DYING to know who that is in the photo with you...I just can't figure it out, and have surveyed many of my girlies...some options, but no confirmations. Care to solve the riddle for us?!
Thanks for everything...you know what I mean. You are my blogger idol!
Oh, BTW, what do you call a musician without a girlfriend?
(An oldie, but goodie!)
And I must add that my "former drummer" hubby has incredible rhythm and timing...yeah, baby...
I love the vest....and he actually had nice hair!! Is he bald today?
Seriously, you can pull off any look! How were your Marcia Brady days?
I recognized all but one of the pictures of singers before ever seeing the names. Ah, Winger. I have a few of them on my iPod. Who amongst us wouldn't have been stupid if one of them had approached us?
Winger??? Really?
Ah yes, Good times! I bet you had fun. I also loved the music. I would sing all the power ballads at the top of my lungs when alone in the car.
Oh, Sue...I married the long haired, motorcycle driving, bad boy...I will never forget my High School English teacher's words when I told her: "you're not supposed to MARRY him! Oh, sweetie, they are just for a good time" That was coming from a woman in her 70's! Well, we're still married!
Wow, he's hot, and you both have the same hair.
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