I can't stand it anymore. I am dying of curiosity. Who ARE you guys????? I don't mean my new BBFFs (best bloggy friends forever) - the ones without whose comments I would pack up my computer and go home.....but you other guys.....the blogging community calls you "lurkers". I prefer the term "Comment-challenged Americans". My OCD-inducing widget "Sitemeter" tells me there are 500 or so of you visiting my ridiculous blog every day. I love you and I don't even know your names.
SO. My dream for today is to get to know each other better and maybe you could throw me a comment. (this means you, Mom.) Just click on the word "comments" at the end of the post and a window will pop up. If you're already on Google or Blogger it'll have your name, if not, just comment as "Anonymous" or type your first name under "name/url". Then voila!!! You're a commenter!
So I'll start:
Here are some things you probably don't know about me:
I'm an excellent rollerblader. I used to bartend at a country dance bar. I hate to cook. I'm claustrophobic. Joan Jett is my idol. I won a swing dance contest in college. I was ridiculously prepared for Y2K. I'm usually the first one on the dance floor (or table). I am the worst present wrapper you will ever meet. I haven't had natural haircolor since I was 18. I love Spongebob. I can sleep til 10:30. I can name the title, artist or lyrics of almost any 70's song. I've seen a UFO. I went to an Ivy league school. I can throw a mean roundhouse kick. I'd rather go to Friday's than a fancy restaurant. I will never "chair" anything. I miss frat parties. My cellphone ringtone is "Play That Funky Music". I may have a mojito problem.
So what about you? Check in!.... Say hi! Have a blog or a website? Plug it! Today is all about you. Then tomorrow, back to me.
Woohoo! I am here, and not afraid to admit it. I found your blog thru my google reader...it suggested you! And I was hooked, I went back and read everyone of your posts.
I wanna be like you when I grow up... TOO FUNNY! Your blog is the bomb.
Oh, and I can't wrap a gift to save my life, so there! :)
Yippeee!!! It's working!!!!!!
Hey Sue,
I'm here! Ann at "Ann Again..."
And I've been singing "Boogie Nights" by Heatwave all night!
(Go listen ... get funky)
I just started reading you and I'm not sorry. Bathtub gangsta is the best thing going. period.
Here's some random facts about me:
I love lima beans, hate beets. I have a weird hair that grows right above my bellybutton that I always forget about until it's like three inches long and then I freak out and pluck that ugly thing. I'm afraid to go in my basement at night. I have no idea why. I have a 4 foot long iguana.
I plunked you down in my reader- so I promise to read and comment more often.
bathtub gangsta makes me laugh.
i'm a new lurker...(so does that make me officially a lurker...i don't know...)
and i think it's even funnier that you sharpied his boxers on...
is this a confessional?? do i have to tell more random things about myself??
maybe i'll post some random things one day...maybe i won't...see, that's just how random i really am.
I found you through Jen at Cheaper than Therapy and you roped me in. Funny, Funny!
I'm 5 foot tall and my almost 14 yr old daughter thinks its funny to tell her friends that her mom is a midget. Grrrrrrrrrrrr I AM NOT A MIDGET!
How's that for random?
wait. you saw a UFO??? you better post about that, or if you did in the past you better tell me where to find it- i'm scared just thinkin about it!
i'm not a lurker by nature...if i find a blog by some random reason and i read it...i have to comment. maybe it's the Italian in me? or Polish? sometimes it's the lamest comment but i HAVE to leave my mark. i think i told you the first time i came here how i found you---just thru a friend's blog list! this was a good idea for a post btw---
come out come out whereva you are lurkers...muahahahahah.
ok i'm done. sorry. it's been a long day.
I am Kristi and I love your blog. There I said it. My friend Jamie read your blog everyday. Here are some things you probably don't know about me:
I showed Quarter horses growing up. I can carry on two conversations at once and do it well. I order well but don't like to cook. I'm claustrophobic. I went to a liberal arts college. I work for the Government and own my own Scrapbooking store. I am a reality TV junkie but I didn't know who Nick and Jessica was till they were on MTV. I can remember a whole first conversation with someone for years but can't remember to get milk at the store if you called me three times while I was there. I love hymns. I have amazing children who dig me and great boxer dogs. Choosing the wrapping paper or gift bag is equally important as choosing the gift. I am a blondie. I don't like Jim Carey or Pro Wrestling. I love to take girl weekends. I am really close to my folks/brother. I have a serious Diet Coke problem. I have never smoked. I can shop a shoe sale like no other and dress in the classics, khakis, red/blue. Boring. I am a faithful friend but stubborn and can hold a grudge.
I've posted comments before, so I'm technically not a lurker.
But - did you know that Jan. 10 is official Delurker Day? It's true.
Yeah, I didn't realize how great comments were until I started my own blog. I've been lurking on several sites for years, and now feel like I owe them an apology or explanation or something!
Just found your blog recently and am loving it! I think I got my neighbor hooked on you, now, too. (Hey, Lynne -- you gonna de-lurk and comment? heehee) (Not sure why but I get a kick out of calling her out on Teh Innernets.)
We wish you lived around here so we could join you for some ACTUAL Happy Meals and Happy Hours...
OK, shameless plug time: www.jujyfruitmcgee.blogspot.com
well...i think i commented the first time i read your blog. on your post about the nail salon. seriously...if you haven't watched the link on youtube i gave with my comment you need to. you will laugh! (but i just left that comment like 2 days ago.) i would link it again, but i live in turkey where youtube is officially banned so i have to do all kinds of mean things to my computer to actually get to youtube. that night i was willing to make my computer suffer...right now...since it is only 7:45 am i am not in the mood!
so...stuff about me. diet coke is the bomb. jodie foster is my celebrity crush even though i am a girl. i got a tattoo from a frenchman i didn't understand when i went to france. my best friend was with me and she speaks french so it was ok. i learned how to cook when i moved away from america. i would do almost anything for a shrimp poboy from pappadeaux's right now.
I think I commented once before (or thought about it anyway). Love your blog. I can wrap presents, do not dye my hair - although I'm considering it as I've started to notice a few grays sneaking in here and there, I can't dance but I love country music and Jimmy Buffett(5:00 Somewhere is my ringtone), I'm terrified of heights, and George Clooney is going to be my second husband. I just need to figure out what to do with my first. He's still hanging on like white on rice.
Found you through the good blogs...love your blog. Come over and visit my blog sometime... Cheers, Caroline
Hi - just me.... same ol' boring commenter...
But I totally want to hear this UFO story! And I'm claustraphobic too. You should have seen me freak out when they tried to make me squeeze through a teeny opening in an underground cave once.
Hi, I'm Philly and I'm in love with BG
I found it recently that a few of my friends occassionally check me out but no one ever comments. I think it is funny that I get the random comment from a stranger (and I do mean random) but people who actually know me fail to respond if even in the littlest way.
I’m new to your blog but have become a regular in less than ten days. Does that mean I have an addictive personality?
About me…when I started college – the first time – I worked at a college bar and grill and my job was to guard the bathroom during bladder-bust. Had to quit a later job at an animal hospital because I kept bringing home the lost and stray; five dogs, twelve cats, three ferrets with the possibility of a baby goat were too much for a tiny, tiny apartment since four of those dogs weighed over 100 pounds. I am back in school with four classes left; will receive a degree in law enforcement with a specialty in Crime Scene Investigations. I am single, never been married with two teenaged kids (yes they have the same father….LOL) I am the second of three preachers kids and everything they say about PK’s is a lie….my sister is a VERY nice girl. I love my family, my dog, I read too much and I can wrap a present like a sumbitch. (It’s all about lining the seems at the corners.) The ring tone on my phone for my mother and kids is the theme song to Halloween and even though I’m blonde, I cover those ever present greys with hair color…..to “blend”.
My....aren't I just a little Miss Chatty-Kathy this morning.
Hi Sue, Nice to meet you. You're right, I've been tuning in for a couple of weeks now -- you're a riot. I found you through another blog. I usually check in first thing, get my morning chuckles (usually lol) and then I can face the rest of the day.
I love your blog! Once I found your blog, I spent a good two hours of my company's time going back and reading the archives! But please don't tell my boss, I have a feeling she wouldn't be too happy about it;(
My name is Allison and if you feel so inclined, you can get to know me at www.thecheliusfamily.blogspot.com.
Sorry I have been so "Comment-challenged," I will try not to be so anti-social in the future!
Ask and you shall receive. I found your blog thru My Therapy, which I found thru Sarcastic Mom. You are now in my reader - your posts are so much fun. I especially like the BG pics.
Only been blogging for a few months - but I am hooked. Reading as well as writing. It's a wonderful release.
Damn, I hate being the only guy commenting.
I'm new to your blog but find it very addicting. I found you through Tena. I'm a new blogger who has a lurking problem. LOL But once I find a blog I like, like yours, I'm like a bad disease you can't get rid of. OK so maybe not a disease but maybe an annoying bug. LOL See now you wish you hadn't asked us to comment huh?
Hollaback!! I'm not quite sure if I used that term correctly. Forgive me. I'm 35.
I'm a frequent commenter, too, still lovin' your blog!
I'm new to the blogosphere and I have just started commenting. I am trying to shed my lurker status, so thanks for calling me out. I am the mother of 16 month-old triplets and a teacher. I love Prince and reality tv.
You are super funny and I enjoy reading your blog. Keep the BT Gangsta coming!
Sue, my sister and I think you are absolutely hysterical. Love the BG entries, definitely relate to easiest options and the fruit fly at the home and school meeting. I love your tips!
My husband and I are trying like hell to keep 3 teenage girls on the right side of the law, in school and out of maternity clothes. So far, so good.
No need to publish this, just trying to satisfy your curiosity. I am definitely a loyal follower, would love to have cocktails with you, but know I am not nearly as interesting in print as you are. So glad you decided to blog. Yours is the first one I've ever been interested in besides my sister's. By the way, we're nearly neighbors. Annie's in Exton and I'm in Skippack.
Hiya! I am sooo guilty of lurking on your site. I love reading your blogs, and I honestly don't remember where I found you. Probably on one of my many blog surfing episodes...
A few things about me: I think a well wrapped present is done with a brown paper grocery bag and some string. OR duct tape... I have two of the cutest little girls ever (go check out my blog - see for yourself!)... I just recently dyed my hair for the first time (part of a mini midlife crisis)... My husband thinks I look good- I think he needs his eyes checked... I am allergic to the sun. Yeah- thats right- ALLERGIC to the SUN. I have the kind of personality that when I get Post Pardom Depression (which I got with both kids, and am STILL dealing with) people think I am normal. Yeah- I am usually a super perky annoying person... Oh, and my latest blog (that I am gonna write as soon as I finish this comment) is how I managed to get three tickets in one sitting and two warrants for my arrest in separate states at the SAME TIME. :) All while being a teenager. LOVE YOUR BLOG!
Hi! I found your blog a couple of weeks ago. Not sure if I've commented before, which speaks volumes about the number of blogs I have bookmarked. Lovin' the Bathroom Gangster!
Random facts about me: I worked as a butcher two summers while in college. I'm writing a novel. I have two kids and a ridiculously horny husband (really, it gets old). I'm not sure I even know what my natural hair color is at this point. I just took up jogging today.
Oh, I forgot to tell you, next time I'm in Coatesville for a visit with the family I am SO looking you up!
Hiya Sue!
Totally need to hear the UFO story too. I wonder if you have any pictures? My first thought was that you did and Bathtub Gangsta was sittin' shotgun..hahaha
This is my first time here; saw your new award! Congrats! (No pressure to make me pee or anything...)
Holla back atcha. ;)
I'm Angi, and I honestly don't remember whose blog I was reading when I came across the link to your site!
In any case, I was hooked after the first reading, you're a funny gal! I'm pretty sure I've commented once before...
Random fact: my eyes appear to change color depending on what color shirt I'm wearing.
There ya go!
I stumbled across your blog somehow, I don’t remember how, I don't remember a lot, but I love your blog! I find you hilarious! So, hello!
Hi, I'm Laurel and I'm stalker #119. I can't remember where I found your blog but I love it and will probably rip off a few of your ideas. Isn't that the way stalkers work? I think you are damn funny and most days I need that laugh. I get mad when you don't post everyday. Because your life should totally revolve around me #119.
Facts about me:
I have 3 kids with one becoming a teenager. GASP
I too have a really horny husband and agree with Jen that it gets old.
I live in Mormon country but am not Mormon. (I'm still a really nice person. At least I am once I get my drugs for the day).
My kids make me proud and crazy at the same time.
Love your Gangsta posts and the weeds post. I feel the same. I think my weeds are just addicted to the chemicals and that's why they keep coming back. Little drug addicts.
I'll try to leave more comments but somedays I'm lucky to even read the whole post!!
Staler #119
De-lurking. Haven't been here long, forget how I found your blog. I cannot wrap presents either & love tissue paper & bags instead. :) I don't care for lima beans. I like a good salad. I used to take Tae Kwon Do & can't really do a round-kick well because my legs are too long but i can yell "kia" with the best of them :) pluggin - http://thephilt.blogspot.com/
the hubster & I share this blog
Uh, let's see I started reading your blog a few weeks ago, and you make me laugh out loud. As a matter of fact, last week I was reading it and giggling and my husband wanted to know what was up. You had him laughing out loud AND he stopped brewing beer with his friend to read your blog. I could dance naked on the kitchen table and he wouldnt' stop brewing beer.
About me...I'm a mom of 2 boys (3 and 1) and I work full time. I'm exhausted most of the time, but dammit I'm going to get back in shape this summer too. I'm starting by eating only the very small snickers bite size pieces....about 20 a day.
I am 37, am 100% certain that I did NOT dream that there was 2 aliens knocking on my bedroom window when I was 10, am supposed to be working right now but obviously am not, I love bluegrass music, want to play the banjo and travel the country in a band, like to be in the mountains, and did not kill my husband for letting our 1 year old eat a worm on Saturday.
Um. I've said a lot. Thanks for helping me thru the days!
Delurking to say that I have stopped by a few times and find you hee-larry-ass. Found you thru Jen and have not commented before today (I think...maybe I did the other day - on the household purchasing post? Did I imagine it?) Anyway here I yam!
I should just put you on my blogroll, cuz I likey.
oopsies, I forgot a random thing....
I thought inappropriate thoughts when my new dentist said, "Dang, you have a tiny mouth - have you ever been told that?" Erm...not told but kinda figured it out in the bedroom.
I found your blog after the "dooce" lady was on the Today Show. I totally don't get "dooce" but I check up on you daily. You are so funny; I thought you must have been a professional writer. Cheaper Than Therapy is the only other blog that comes close to yours for entertainment value.
I also can't believe how good you are in spite of how new your blog is. You inspired me to blog, just as a creative outlet because I love the internet and digital photography. I'm learning so much about technology and the internet by posting.
About me - my DVR is loaded with too much Reality TV (the Hills, Kardashians, Gene Simmons, Run's House, Jon & Kate) and I am hooked on the Sunday NYT crosswords.
I sent my workaholic, Type A husband my blog link and he doesn't know half of what's on my site, but last nite at dinner in Sea Isle we were discussing blogs and he quoted your "chardonnay swiggin' beta mom..." profile word for word and told my ultra macho brother in law how funny you are. His fav was lunch with Jesus. I was hooked after Polygamist wives. Your Ivy League education comes through in your wit.
I've even sent your site to some friends who are going through some tough therapies for breast cancer. I knew you would help them smile.
If you get to the jersey shore and you love 70's music, you have to catch up with the Juliano brothers at the no shower happy hour, 4 PM at the Springfield in Sea Isle.
I sure hope you're making some $$ from this because if anyone is worthy, it's you. Keep it up!
Annie, Joan's sister
I rarely leave comments even on my family and friends blogs(lame huh?) let alone a strangers( I just LOVE to find blogs though and read them --laugh out loud or share experiences with fellow mamas) So Im sorry! Here I am posting a comment because you asked...isnt that nice!? haha.
Love your blog and will be a frequent visitor...:)
Hey, I am your lurker! Googled "humorous blogs" and up you came! I love your blog!
I am a 46 year old mom of 2 boys. One is 16 and the other 6. I have 5 birds, 2 cats and 3 dogs. I recently married the man of my dreams. I was 2nd runner up in a beauty pageant, can knit, cook, do basic handy man chores better than most men. I live in the country in a very wee town in North Carolina. I smoke, cuss and drink a lot of wine! So here is your lurker...boo!!!
Hi, I think I've commented once or twice, but am definitely more of a lurker. Anyway, I think you're hilarious, so I keep coming back! :) I don't remember how exactly I found you though, sorry.
(I was just browsing through some of the other comments, and Pam, one of the little girls I babysit has mild sun allergies...sure makes in "interesting" in the summer!!)
Anyway, I'm a stay-at-home mom to 2 wonderful, rambunctious, spastic boys (see my blog if you'd like). I also have a spastic, nutso puppy. I'm a terrible gift-wrapper...I can Never get it as tight as I'd like! My husband travels periodically for work, and I just got a part-time job. (Besides my Very part-time job of selling Usborne Books!) So things are a little busy. But I still manage to spend lots and lots of time on the internet! I love going to movies and concerts but obviously don't get to do much of that. I can't really think of much more to say. :)
Take care!
I want to hear more about the UFO sighting! Hopefully it involved gangsta being given a makeover by some alien types! HA!
So I am here...commenting!
Perpetual Lurker here. Actually, this is my first day on your blog, and I can tell you that I'm already hooked. I'll probably check back to see if you've posted again about 3 more times today, so does that make me 4 lurkers?
Boy, you make me realize that I take myself WAY to seriously. This falls right in line with my shameless self promotion:
I admitt it, I've been a blog stocker, until recently and I've thrown my hat into the arena. Can't wait to read more from you! Check out my blog (still figurung this whole blog thing out).
You go Mojito girl!
Hey, I know you!!!
I am just saying hi!!!!
How is that BG doing? Is he outside tanning these days? Tell him we in the South miss him. Maybe he could do like a roadtrip or something.
Dear Sue ––
Well, you've thrown out the challenge, so here I am!
Obviously Bathtub Gangsta has replaced Eeyore as your favorite toy. I love to keep up with his hilarious adventures.
CU soon! Can't wait.
Well, I'm Jen and I'm completely brand new here, as in just this very minute new here. I got here by following the bread crumbs around the blogosphere. I started out at I Should Be Folding Laundry....then Not Just Any Jen....then Cheaper Than Therapy mentioned you on her blog today and voila...I'm HERE!
So I'm a Jen. Yes that's right, I was born in the 70's. I have two kids. I teach middle school art. I'm a bookaholic. I'm deathly afraid of heights. I got a wicked sunburn yesterday. My hair has always been this color - even when I tried to die it was still this color. And I tend to write ridiculously long winded comments.
I'm adding you to my reader cause your freaking hilarious!
I love your Bathtub Gangsta posts...they always make me laugh. I would love to hear more about your UFO sighting.
Hey SITsta. Found you through Jen at Cheaper Than Therapy, so I am not one of your lurkers (who have all hopefully delurked).
You CANNOT be the worst present wrapper ever, because I am. It is what I dread most about Christmas. We should have a wrap-off.
DAMN!!! And all I had to do to get some comments was ASK???? You got 49!!! A good day on MY blog is around 4!!! sheee-it. Return the favor PLEASE.
Ahhh! I feel so guilty! I admit I'm a weekly lurker! I found your blog on Mom Blogs. I initially commented when you wrote about your van being detailed. I've been checking back weekly every since! You truly are too funny! To find out more about me, feel free to check out my blog at www.mama2hre.blogspot.com Please keep the posts coming. Now that I know you know I'm here, I'll leave more comments. Tell BG I said "HI!"
First time here, actually. Got here through Jen at Cheaper then Therapy. And, my sister, you and I can form our little "worst wrappers ever" club. Or maybe "worst wrappers with over ten years of vigorous hair dying" club. Sigh. So nice to know I'm not alone.
One of my blog friends referred me to your page because she thought I would enjoy Bathtub Gansta, which I do, immensely!! You are hysterical! So, I read a few more of your posts and now I am hooked! You are on "My Blog's Role Models" list, for blogs that mine aspires to be like.
so true...
Sorry to hear about your sale falling through. That happened to us recently too. Showings have dropped off significantly since summer vacation started too. We do have a showing on Wednesday, so keep your fingers crossed. We'll do the same for you...
Oops...I forgot to say something about myself... I am in Mom hell right now as my husband has been out of town for 10 days straight! I love peanut butter and bacon sandwiches. Bad Santa is my favorite movie and Homer Simpson is my hero! I am going to have some wine now...Cheers.
It's not that I'm a lurker - I just drive by and pick up a little of this and a little of that. It's all I have time for. Thanks for the real comments about yourself. My husband wraps every gift at Christmas - it's really a talent I'm happy not to have:) Okay that didn't take long - so I'll let you know next time I drop in.
I found you through Tenakim and I can sleep 'til 10:30, too.
Holy 59 comments, Batman!!!!!!!!!
ME! But you already knew that. I have commented before and asked you to be in my Muffin Top Killers blog...no reply yet?
Anyway..random..hmm...Oh I also have a traveling friend, but he is a nome. He is a true OG. I got him for my son when I birthed him 3 1/2 years ago..he will be going on out trip to the coast this week. I am a pepsi with special ice kinda girl. Have no sense of directon, have a muffin top, love to go to the gym everyday and spin, have never watch E.T., very picky eater....yeah.
I officially put you on my blog roll.
I am reading your blog here at my mom Kristi O's scrapbooking store right now, and I am gut rolling at your posts! Most hilarious blog I've come across... well ever. I must admit, I am a lurker. Sorry.
Hm.. about me. I am a ballerina. My grandmother is from Bavaria and my grandfather is from Oklahoma by way of Russia. What a mix, eh? I live in a small town in WA. Last week, I taught a VBS for 30 3 and 4 yr olds. Yes, 30. Screaming. Clawing. Coughing. Tantrum throwing. Hitting. Bratty. Pre-Schoolers. And I loved every minute of it. I am a very kind person. I LOVE to cook, mostly desserts. I would drop everything and live in Ireland in a heartbeat. So there! Now tell me more about you- I could die laughing of your travels with Bathroom Gangster-keep it up!
Okay - I am back and I am leaving a post that I hope will get lost in the other 60 something posts. You did say this could be about me - Here is something that NOT ONE OTHER PERSON KNOWS BUT YOU...I was Homecoming Queen and Miss. BHS of a small high school (I just watched the tape for the first time in 11 years). Mr. Captain of everything and meaningless H.S. boyfriend escorted me onto the field and whispered, "You know, you probably are not going to win".(that's the part I've never told) Ha! I won and loved proving him wrong:) I can't wait to pass on to my girls that kindness to the good, bad and ugly - not just the pretty face and expensive purses - is never wasted. It was their votes that showed me the jerk he was. I feel better now.
Are you sure you don't just want me to "lurk"?
I feel silly commenting "I like your blog!" But I like your blog! I first came across your little bit of genius about a week ago. But it actually took much longer than that to get here. It all started last fall when a friend sent me a link to the 1977 JC Penney catalog post on 15 minute lunch. I liked what he wrote, so I kept going back. Soon, I linked to other blogs on humorblogs, which lead me to Honey Pie, who linked to the Bathtub Gangsta (Awe-Some!), and the rest is history! Needless to say, I have a thing about reading humor. But only really fine humor. So thank you for your excellent work. It is greatly appreciated! Sorry I can't be half as funny in my little comment.
Random things about me: I never comment on blogs (I guess I should start...), I have a scent alter (I've taken to buying things like perfumes and candles and I keep them by my chair to smell on demand when the urge hits), this blog is on my bookmarks bar along with 13 other funny things, Target is also in my bookmarks bar, I live in a 158 year old house but I don't think it has a ghost since it was a church rectory, and I've always called beets "bloody potatoes."
Thank you for the invitation to chat! And on that note, Peace out to your motha.
I don't know if I'm one of your new BBFFs, but I'm definitely not a lurker. Although you probably know more about me than you care to already...I would like to go have mojitos at a bar sometime with you, I am a karaeoke hog, and I LOVE the 70's- especially random one hit wonders!
Have I finally found my soul sister? I love your blog. It's like you are Bizarro World Swirl Girl and I am Bizarro World HMHH (it sounded more clever in my head).
You had me at Holla!!!!!
When you have 1200 comments like Pioneer Woman's Giveaways, I won't comment anymore. Now get back to work on making us laugh.
Busted. Yes, you caught me. ;)
LOVE LOVE LOVE your blog. Makes me laugh out loud!
I'm Staci...34, live in the flooded state of Iowa...3 kids who are 13,8,6. Hmmm...what else? I have a hubby and a dog that behave just about the same by trying to hump me every damn chance they get. I work for a very well known telecommunications/wireless company.
I don't even remember how I found your blog but I check in pretty much every day to see what's up!
Well, here I am....an official "lurker" as it's known on the www. But in real life...i'm pretty much a stalker! I am SO in LOVE w/ BG! I, and the many other stalkers out there, need more of him!
I'll go with being a stalker is random enough...right?
Okay, have a happy day!
Agreed - Joan Jett is awesome. I love your blog, so, thanks!
Wow, lurker...huh. I didn't know that there was a term for reading a blog without posting a comment. Geez, I'm now feeling bad about all of the blogs that I read on a regular basis without commenting...
Random facts: I'm afraid of heights, my toenails are almost always painted black, panna cotta is my favorite dessert, and I am addicted to the Ghost Hunters show on the Sci Fi network.
Rock on...
I'm a commenter and a lurker and ... well, I'm just adding to your already 69 comments. *snort* *snort* 69. So funny. Sorry..totally juvenile on my part.
I also have a problem going to bed anytime before 10:30 p.m.
Wow. We are soulmates -- but I'm married, so sorry, not interested. :-)
I'll keep coming back as long as you stay funny, dawg! I'm sure that won't be a problem!
This is such a great idea!!
I have lurkers too that I kinda want to draw out, but I am a bit paranoid.
I mean, what if they are a bunch of serial killing weirdos?? :p
What can I say I like to read and I was hooked with the Bathtub Gansta!
Geez, this the second time I been tagged as a lurker! I guess I change my lurking ways.
I have three kids, I have recently discovered chin hair, I read more than I comment, I am a photography nut, beneath the fat I used to be an athlete but I still like to watch and attend sporting events, uhmmmmm there is more, I will save it for later.
I think I am comment #73.
If everyone comes out of hiding... you will be up to your eyeballs in comments.
How I love this post!
I feel the same way.
Why visit and never leave a comment?
I loved learning those oh so very interesting things about you.
You. are. a. funny. girl.
I'm an occasional lurker. But in the spirit of sharing:
I am unnaturally afraid of people who are taller than 6'3...and clowns.
Wow, you are so close! What a small world!! Bloggers unite!
I'm pretty sure I've commented before...but I'll totally help you get 100% attendance today!
Something interesting about me...People think I'm a weirdo because I don't like animals, kids, fireworks or root beer.
Wow! What a response. I see that Mom left a comment, albeit a cryptic one.
As Sue's sister I can vouch for the accuracy of her blog. We did see a UFO. (Ditto for the table dancing).
Love ya.
Hi! I just found your blog so I don't think I'm officially a lurker. We have a lot in common--especially Spongebob, lack of present-wrapping skills and mojitos. Oh, and knowing all the words to 70s (and 80s for me) songs.
You're blog is fun!!
I love your blog! It is always a fun read. ;)
And I am right there with you about cooking. I hate it. I so would rather go to Friday's than a fancy restaurant, too. I could eat nothing but appetizers!
u caught me! im probably the youngest lurker on ur blog. its lily, ur niece. u have an awesome blog! i check 4 new posts like everyday! i <3 bg. say hi to lorelei, and brie 4 me. c u @ karen's house.
Darn! I was sick as a dog yesterday so now I'll be at the bottom of the list of 80! Oh well.
Love your blog and sense of humor - found you through Cheaper Than Therapy Jen. I check in and comment whenever I can.
My random facts - I am a SAHM with 3 business degrees and 4 websites. See www.whinesandwines.blogspot.com www.vistanotes.net
I eat cookies for breakfast whenever I can. I only drink local wines. My desk and I are hopelessly burried in "projects". I too am an awesome rollerblader - I used to take them as my carry-on when flying from Detroit to LA on business. After work I'd skate on Venice Beach and people watch.
Thanks for brightening my day with BG and your other antics!
Your blog is hilarious. I check up on all the time. It makes me laugh my ass off and brightens my day...seriously. My favorite blog is the one where you pretend you have a dinner conversation with Jesus. way toooooo funny.
and i'm a college student/athlete and i don't wrap gifts...i leave the clearance item in the wal-mart bag.
Hey! Thanks for the invite! I am a lurker. I Googled "mommy bloggers" based on a Today show interview with Heather from Dooce.com I am a stay at home mom of two and enjoy reading your blog. Your title "Happy Meals & Happy Hour" is perfect for my life too. Keep up the good work and I am looking forward to hearing more about the Bathtub Gansta. I almost peed my pants with the pics of him at the grocery store. (And yes, after 2 kids it's not hard to pee your pants...or fart in public!)
So, I completely stole this idea ... and did my own lurker post today. See what you started?
Okay, I'll admit it since you asked. Lurker here. Nice to meet you. Las Vegas housewife. Blog addicted. Heard yours is good so here I am! :P Now I'll have to go do my own post...
I am new to your blog...but you sound like a lot of fun. I love Mojitos too....would love to be a server in a Country Western Bar...sounds like a blast.
Anyway,my name is Stephanie and I live in Indiana. I have 2 kids..son who is 8 and daughter who is 5. They drive me insane. I work in the mortgage industry. I need a new life! :) Your blog is great!
Someone on a message board recommended your blog, so here I am!
Howdy! Just clicked on the link to your blog from SITS and loving every word! :D
This seemed like a good post on which to comment, so here I am! I was never a champion swing dancer, but I *was* a champion square dancer back in the day! I don't think I've posted about that on my own blog, yet.
Hi! I found you through SITS and am adding your blog to my personal faves so that I can keep an eye on your writings! Love the bathtub Gangta!
So I found your blog the other day and have just had time to sit down and go back and read. You are hilarious, so you are getting added to my reader. Thanks for the entertainment.
Your ringtone is Play That Funky Music? That's hilarious!!
I'm a first time visitor, from SITS, I live in Texas, just dropping by to say hi!
Oh, and my ringtone is Back in Black by ACDC
I just found your blog and since I am also desiring to "meet" all of the lurkers on my blog, I thought I would leave you a comment. Then maybe you could leave me a comment on mine!
A little unkown facts about me are: I have 6 kids living, I had 2 miscarriages. I have 3 soon to be step children. I have been married more times than I care to admit. I love chocolate and eat entirely too much of it. I never drink soda that isn't diet. I am always on a diet. I too, am claustrophobic. My mom is super cool and looks much younger than she is. I love to cook, sometimes. Fall is my favorite time of year. I collect Santa Claus's. I decorate for Christmas in the beginning of November. I squeeze bread to find the freshest and I only buy Sunbeam. I also love Mallo Cups and squezze them to see if they are fresh. I go on whims way too often. I am afraid of snakes and deep water. I can water ski. I love to sing in my car. I love Def Leppard. Stevie Nicks is my favorite female artist. Dream On by Aerosmith is my favorite song since I was 5. I have lived in Tennessee, West Virginia, Ohio, Arizona, Colorado and Virginia. I believe in karma.
I actually tell others about Bathroom Gangsta. I even showed my six year old son, who also thought it was hilarious.
And I totally believe you about the UFO. Who are we to say we're the only ones around? And I think I'd have high tailed it out of there, too!
I just found your blog today... hilarious! You seem really down to earth, which is great to read.
Okay..I didn't know I was a lurker--now that I've made a comment, do I get to loose that title?
I was directed to your blog by a good friend who is allegedly a neighbor of your sister's in Maine (do you really have a sister in Maine, or did I get a FW:FW:FW email with the FW's deleted?)
So I've got three kids, the oldest, 14, told me recently that I had only two hobbies--scrapbooking and mixing drinks. I was indignant! I told her let's not forget shopping!!!
Keep up the blogging--I relate to all you write!
First timer, here by way of McMommy - if she loves you, I'm sure I will too, for she is McFabulous!
Things about me:
I started my blog less than 3 months ago, and I wish I had done it sooner.
I'd love to eat dessert dinner. I think cake makes the best breakfast. I can listen to a song once or twice and know every lyric. I can't remember what I did yesterday. I just got the American Idol game for my Wii because my hubby knew it would totally be my thing and I ROCK at it (and not ashamed to say it!). I would love to go on, but my 3 year old is in my face trying to make out with me and who can resist that at 8AM before anyone has brushed their teeth?
Nice to meet you! I will be back, you're already in my ready!
Ah, I know about the comment troubles. I don't think I have anywhere near the readers you have, but I have a ton that just don't and never do comment. Sometimes I wonder if I'm pissing them off, or just way too boring to make them comment. I love your little companion. You can thank McMommy for my visit, and I'm putting you on my reader.
Found my way here through Mcmommy. Can't wait to read more from you!
I just found you through Diesel's meme..that's not really a meme. But thank goodess he directed me this way. I'll definitely be back! Anyone with a mojito problem is ok in my book. I'm going to read some of your back posts now. Don't tell my boss I'm supposed to be "working."
Btw, I'm fascinated with Bathtub Gangsta. I'm glad he decided the Hamptons weren't so whack, after all.
I know I'm commenting well after this post was put up but wanted to let you know I'm hooked also, and reading the 'back catalog'.
I've been blogging since 2005 when someone told me I should. Lame, I guess; it took a while to evolve into a humor blog, I spent the better part of 2005 whinging about a work-related separation from my husband, then the trials of getting situated elsewhere in the same state but socially on a different planet. (Chester County to Tioga County should require a Passport). Now I keep three blogs; one for fun, one about being an EMT, and one about my fabulous transformation-cum-desperate claw out of the black hole of nonfitness into someting serviceable and less heart-attack prone.
Stuff about me:
I'm trained and ranked in Japanese swordsmanship.
I once sang on PBS at Christmastime and PBS captured my supreme dorkiness to display, like a fly trapped in amber, for five subsequent years until I was mercifully upstaged by Pavarotti and the Vienna Boys Choir.
I once seriously considered emigrating to Ireland. There was a man involved. Its not a pretty story.
I have an atlatl.
I am a friend...I only lurked because I didn't know how to comment..see if you can guess...I used to be on a dance show..I wore jumpsuits with shoulder pads and big hair...it was not pretty..I am a good iceskater...I am always losing things...even ATM cards, and sometimes I don't report it gone for several weeks..I keep my skinny jeans from college even though I could not fit into them if I greased myself with butter and jumped into them from the roof...I hate birds and daisies..I won a contest in grad school for having the worst after college job...Swear to god, someone came into the office naked..the office manager tried to strangle the secreatary in front of the whole office, my big fat, cigar smoking, chesse fries eating married boss hit on me all the time...the office was cited for unsafe levels of CO2 several times..I guess this is why I passed out once...I dated a guy in high school that was on The Bachelor...I thought he would be too old, I guess just the girls have to be young...I can read the Wall Street Journal in 4 minutes..I am a loyal friend but hate superficial friendships...I was in a commercial once....I did not like being pregnant and have no idea what women are talking about how great it was,, I thought it sucked. I keep a hidden box of juju bees in my work out clothes drawer...yes-I get the irony...
And finally I think your blog is great...did you guess which friend..I tried to not be to specific...
"Friend": I don't have a CLUE. I have to assume if you are one of my real-life friends, i would know you've been on a dance show. Because "back-up dancer" is my Dream Job. But if you're one of my "Bloggy friends" you would know how to comment. So yes, I am stumped. Reveal yourself!!!!!!
I love your blog. I needed a good laugh. Thanks.
I sure know I'm late to THIS party, but just reading through your blog for the first time and know that this would be the spot to "de-lurk". I'm an Internet Researcher for a web filtering company, so yes, I look at pornography and get paid for it. My husband loves telling people this. I've been doing this job for over twelve years. I'm a Stepmom to twin nineteen year old boys, and have only recently found out that one of them hates me with every ounce of his being. The other loves me like his mother who sadly took her own life in '99, and I've been trying to be a happy and positive life force in their lives ever since. I have a pretty boring blog myself that I update not to frequently at: http://www.myspace.com/runrunrunforthe roses I'm a "retired" Deadhead having topped the charts with 117 Dead or Garcia related shows. Most recently my musical tastes are firmly planted in love with Adam Duritz of the Counting Crows, and the musical stylings of Modest Mouse and Blue October. Can't really think of anything else to introduce meself with, but want to tell you you are one hilarious writer, nice job on the entertainment factor thing.
When Friday's dropped the double stacked chicken casidillas, there was no reason to go back.
I read your blog everyday and I'm making my way back to the beginning.
I read this post and felt like you were personally calling me out.
Maybe I'll comment more often now!
You are hilarious and I SO would have voted for you on that calendar thing!
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