OMG. Forget the lottery. I have a brilliant magazine idea. You know how mens' motorcycle magazines, car magazines, health magazines all have bikini-clad babes sprawling about? OK - what about: womens' decorating magazines hoppin' on that bandwagon. I'm talkin' about:
and oh yeah: Prince Caspian in the kitchen.
I just need some investors: who's in?
Oh yeah, I definately want in on this. What a concept, I would buy anything Matthew wants me to..Yummy yum-yum!!!
Prince Caspian looks so right at home in that kitchen! I'm with Pleasing Procrastinator...Matthew and Marky Mark can better My Home and Garden any day!
LOL - oh girl, you are too good with photoshop.
I am IN!!!
P.S. Your comment on the weiner was EXACTLY the same as what THIS dirty mind was thinkin' - lol!
I love me some Marky-Mark, so yeah I'm in
I'm in! I think we can make a fortune!
Dette: I WISH I was that good with Photoshop: that's old-school glue stick. :)
I so heart this idea. I suppose I could go ahead and volunteer for the part of photographer. Taking pictures of half naked men prancing around in different rooms in the house is definetly going to be a difficult task, but since I love you so much, I will be up for the challenge. When do I start?
I have no idea how I got here.
I am glad I came.
This post made my day.
Count me in!
Nothing says home decor like a little Marky Mark!
I see you have been honing your photoshop skills. The practice time was well spent. :)
I also see that I am an idiot. I swear your comment about glue sticks was not there a minute ago. Uh-uh. Was not. In any case, it's a good plan.
Brilliant! I would spend a lot more time browsing those babies!
You're F***ing BRILLIANT! And a wiz at PhotoShop to boot.
Can I get in on the ground floor of the endeavor for, say,...around $200?
That is a great idea! I think I have $12 left in my budget this week, will that help?
Works for me!!
*raising hand* I'm in!!
Now don't steal my idea, but I have plans to open a chain of restaurants, that are our version of Hooters, too.
I am calling it "Squirrels" because 'it's all about the nuts!'. :p
shut up.
What a fabulous idea!
Count me in......I wanna see Anderson Cooper working in the garden.
oh yeah
Where is my subscription????
I'm in! But rather than Marky Mark, I'd vote for Mark Ruffalo.
where can i send my subscription
sign me up!
Yo Sue - go check your e-mail for me please!
Fabulous. Genius. word.
Oh, YES!! Add Rob Estes to the list of people I want to see.
I'm guessing Josh Holloway is in the "how to makeover your bathroom" layout??
Josh in the bath.
Admit it, you totally stopped reading my comment now and are just daydreaming about Josh in the bath, aren't you?
McMommy: LOL I totally did. I was all: bubbles, bath oil.....
pick me - pick me - pick me!
BTW - that's my living room, Mark is my secret boyfrined.
That's hilarious! I am all over this -- and them...! Count me in!
What a BRILLIANT idea. I want that house matthew is in. Oh you say it looks like shit? I don't care cuz Matt's in it!
Seriously...you have to stop using your photoshop.
Oh I love the mom's comment...I second that!
Oh yeh, I am so in.
I think this is a fab idea and you should get in touch with people in the know. My husband would buy into this if we had a pot to piss in right now.
Matthew...mmmmmm. Although you totally jacked that picture from the National Enquirer. Not that I read it. I only look at the pictures because my co-worker leaves it on my desk. That's my story, and I'm stickin' with it. I'd buy the decorating mags though, if they had half-naked men in them. Count me in.
I'm with pleasing procras., I love Matthew. I would love to see some hot dudes in my mags, then I would actually buy some.
You are SO on to something!
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