Just want to give a shout-out to Father Adelir Antonio de Carli, the Brazilian priest who got carried away by party balloons and is still missing. In case you missed it, this is a true story. Father deCarli was trying to break a world record for being held aloft by helium balloons. He may have inadvertantly broken the record for stupidity. Or "Most Festive Suicide". Yes, I will feel like a really bad Catholic if they find his body in the next few days. But for now, I'd like to imagine that he's enjoying the ride through the stratosphere, just a fun-lovin' guy without a backup plan. Party on, Dude.
That cracks me up....I just watched the video on this!
I guess they still haven't found him.
LOL-wow! How do you stay on top of all the news like you do? I missed this one xxoo,Lynne
He's missing? Don't these people have parachutes?
But now I have "Up ... up and away in my beautiful, my beautiful baloooooooooooon" in my head.
Sadly they did find his body!
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