See Mr. Smiling Sun? Mr. Smiling Sun is hoping that THIS round of Google Analytics keywords will vindicate me.
Mr. Smiling Sun is sure that THIS time the list of phrases people typed into Google that landed them on my blog were things like:
"quick-witted insightful blog" and
"smart blogger slammin' body".
Pack up your things, Mr. Smiling Sun: The Bizarro Train has just pulled into the station. Shall we begin?
(Disclaimer to those who are new here: these are all actual searches that Google directed to my blog. I did not make this up.)
"butt farts come up vulva"
News flash, Sparky: those aren't butt farts.
"dos swine flu ifect my kids"
Probably not, but your lack of education might.
"my personal trainer doesn't know what he's on about"
This seems more of a "complaint" than a "search"
"fat girl"
Seriously?.... Seriously.
"boys weeners stuck in girls vergina"
Parents, get site blocking software on there ASAP or weeners in verginas are gonna be the least of your problems.
"Can Sudafed give you a drugged feeling"
Only if you ingest it.
"funny blogs organize neat girls"
"mommyblog Dooce make $40,000 a month"
Why do you HATE me???????
"i can see your hoo ha"
No you cannot- I do not have a webcam.
"i am slave to my goddess wife laundry clean toilet foot massage"
OK maybe my husband does read my blog.
"what does Jesus say about diet pills"
Jesus says, "None of that crap works - stop being such a lazy-ass, put down the cheese dip and get your fat ass to the gym..... Amen."