(Do you know how hard it is to find a non-smarmy angel graphic? This is the best one, and it's standing on bubbles.)
OK, can we talk about the US Airways crash into the Hudson?
First of all, mad props to the hero pilot, "Sully" Sullenberger for a textbook perfect emergency landing.....
But I have to think there was SOME sort of divine intervention here, don't you?
When I told my 11 year old she said, "It probably was a guardian angel."
Which gave me chills because she herself was saved by some sort of intervention when she was 1 year old.
I am a Conehead....
Seriously, though- this is her at 1, in our condo in Connecticut. When you came in the front door, there was a stone floor landing, then 15 steep, narrow steps up to the foyer. Obviously, we had a baby gate at the top of the steps.
One morning, I was playing with her on the living room floor after a very sleepless night (she was waking 3-4 times a night).
The doorbell rang and I went to get it- a very large box from UPS. I left the baby gate that guarded the stairs open as I set the box down in the other room, because my hands were full.
Forgetting the gate, I went back to my daughter, lay down with her on the floor and eventually drifted asleep. I mean a deep, dreaming sleep. I was exhausted.
The next thing I heard startled me awake like a fire alarm: a loud, audible voice shouting,
"WAKE UP!!!"My first thought as I jumped up was "Who the hell is in the house???"
The I realized- my baby girl was not in the room.
I ran to the front hall and there she was: standing precariously at the head of the stairs. I grabbed her just in time.
It wasn't a dream, it wasn't a "sense" that I should wake up: it was
somebody who deliberately jolted me awake because my baby was seconds away from falling 15 steps down to a stone floor.
I can never prove it, but I absolutely know it - and I'll be forever grateful to whoever it was.
Have you ever had a guardian angel experience?