Remember that photo I posted of how he'd look now? Well, I've decided that must have been an ultrasound film

Because THIS is my 12-week old puppy:
Everyone, this is Diesel LeBron.
Everyone, this is Diesel LeBron.
Diesel, this is Everyone:
His ears were already cropped when we bought him...we're trying not to make too many Gotham City references....
(A big thanks to Leslie from Stethoscopes & Stilettos for the name suggestion, and to my blogger idol Diesel from Mattress Police for seconding it.)
(A big thanks to Leslie from Stethoscopes & Stilettos for the name suggestion, and to my blogger idol Diesel from Mattress Police for seconding it.)
OK, people, that puppy is 12 WEEKS OLD.
And the breeder says he eats raw chicken, bones and all. So my husband bought 75 lbs. of raw chickens. Because that's normal, right?
And the breeder says he eats raw chicken, bones and all. So my husband bought 75 lbs. of raw chickens. Because that's normal, right?
Why does this remind me of that scene in Jurassic Park where there's a live goat in the T-Rex enclosure.
Anyway, he's the same size as the guard poodle, who is pretty much walking around like "This is BULLsh*t."
But like all new parents, I know that everything can be fixed with a cute T-shirt.
OH. My. God. He is huge. And adorable. And Huge. And big sister looks just tickled.
He is huge! Go LESLIE for the name suggestion if fits perfect!
I didnt think dogs were allowed to eat bones-but what do I know.
How big is he going to get-oh my!
Love how TALL and pretty big sister is sitting. :)
If it was anything like me bringing my second child home from the hospital, big sister's pissed! LOL
I think you'll need all that chicken! He's ginormous!
I'd better not show that pic to my Batman-crazed 5 yr. old--that dog would go straight to the top of his Xmas list!
Egads, but he is humongous! How long do the Bat-Ears have to stay on? I could imagine that being tricky...
Tell the guard poodle I know that pain, when the younger, cuter and LARGER sibling comes along (speaking as the oldest *and* shortest in my family...)
You ought to dress BG up as the Joker for a photo op. "Why so serious, yo?"
is raw chicken safe? it's not safe for humans, so i wouldn't give it to a dog. just sayin. course i don't know much about dogs cept they're not sposed to have chocolate.
diesel lebron is a cool name. maybe now that lebron's there, guard poodle will start guarding??
Chicken, bones and all? Seriously?
cute cute cute.
For anybody who wants to know, cooked chicken bones for dogs, BAD. Raw chicken bones for dogs, just fine. It's the splintering of cooked bones that can cause problems for animals. Raw bones won't splinter and therefore aren't a problem. Lots of people choose to feed their dogs the BARF diet (Bones And Raw Food). So no worries!
-a vet's wife
My heart goes out to you-and your supermarket bill.
That dog is so handsome, in a Wayne Manor sort of way.
Cute doggy!!!!
Maybe on Saturdays you can book him for rides at kid parties to offset the cost of the raw chicken?
So, does big sister want to constantly help with feedings and diaper changes?
I was goin to ask how he got so damn bi- nut you answered it with the chicken- bones and all- thing! Holy Moly- it might have been more cost effective to get a horse.
I'M SO JEALOUS!!! I have the miniature version of your puppy (only mine's 10.5 years old and weighs 11 pounds ;-))
anyway..I SO want a giant one. please post pictures all the time!
i thought chicken bones were bad for dogs because they are so shard and small? and i feel really badly for him that he had his ears cropped. I'm sure it's painful! why do we humans have to alter the way an animal looks that we have for a PET? what difference does it make the way his ears look? I think dogs like schnauzers look cuter when their ears aren't cropped.
Have you seen that dog at the Happy Hour House????... he's ginormous!!!! That's what all the neighbors will be saying!!! cute! So hungry!
I was all "cute dog" until I saw the box of raw chicken and went into convulsions. Raw chicken scares the bajesus out of me and makes me want to hide forever. The Lysol commercial seriously gives me nightmares.
I second Heather's suggestion of BG as the Joker... ROFL What a Christmas card you could make!!! =P
Holy shit! He's gonna be HUGE!
Good luck Guard poodle.
Hmmm, all that food will be coming out the other end too. Now THAT is gonna be huge:)
And I thought our 90 lb. Golden Retriever was huge...nope ours is little, NOW, now that I've seen your horse, I mean dog! I thought chicken bones splinter..I thought I could only give our dog beef bones. You have a beautiful dog!
That's... a puppy? Oh wow.. Oh my gosh. Too cute though! He's going to give you plenty to blog about and I can't wait to read the stories!
Oh my, that is a big dawg.
Oh God! I did not think it would be that big. Yikes!
Congrats on the dog with the coolest name!
We do the raw food thing, chicken is fine raw and here is the thing... they process more when you feed raw protein like chicken so they is actually LESS coming out... a good thing when you have a dog that big :o) At least there is a positive, I think?
Yay! He finally arrived!! Is that an ear girdle??? It looks very S&M...hmmm.
Don't you think feeding him whole, bone-in chicken pieces might make him, oh I don't know....the size of a horse????
I think he needs a saddle. Then you can put him to work!
I don't even want to think about the piles you must have to clean up, especially after a diet of raw chicken. *gags*
I'm pretty sure I want to puke...ALL THAT CHICKEN CARNAGE?!?!?! You've got to be kidding me. He really eats that stuff and doesn't get sick??? What ever happened to good ol' fashion Puppy Chow???
He is so beautiful! I want him!! Love the name too! Are you going to keep him on that raw diet? I thought chicken bones were dangerous for dogs?????
Oh I'm so sorry! That's how old our "puppy" was when my husband brought him home, also eating raw chicken! After my husband fed it to him on my kitchen floor I immediately switch him to dry dog food. He got over it!
Super cute! And I'm with a few of those others about the cones thing. Makes me a little nervous. My mom's dog got into the garbage...well, it didn't turn out so good. And he was a farm dog!
I love the name! Or you could have called him cutey-patutey!
Holy crow - he is friggin' HUGE!
lol - I'm still trippin' on how PERFECT his name is. Looove it!
Whoa. Big dog. Big, cute dog.
Here's some useless trivia:
Your breeder recommended the "Bones And Raw Food" diet, otherwise known as ...wait for it...
No kidding.
Enjoy your new puppy : )
Wow, that is some crazy stuff.
OMG, what a rockin' puppy!
So if you're stocking up on 75 lbs. of raw chicken at 12 weeks...what does he have for snackies when he's, um, 12 months...?
I hope you've got a Mastadons-R-Us drive-thru in your town. I'm just sayin'...
Congrats on your newest addition and love the name!
Bones too...that can't be good for the intestines can it? But after reading the vets wife post I guess it is.
He is big for a puppy!
Who says good things come in small packages?
He is adorable, but ginormous!
I'd hate to be the poop-scooper, hopefully you can delegate that chore out!
Diesel is a perfect name for that beast. HE is going to be HUGE
Yuummmmm...raw chicken.
He is super cute though, despite the Palin like pension for eating whole raw carcuses:)
do you have to get him one of those cone things so he won't chew his ears off?
when my kid got her ears pierced...we had to that...
Welcome, Diesel! So cute!
Diesel is an awesome name.
But, um, that is a lot of raw chicken for one kitchen. Big sister is probably like, "fuck kibble, I want some meat too."
Poor "puppy." LOL, I wonder if he knows by now that he has been sent to a "conservative eccentric" lady's house and that he will be the subject of some very "conservative eccentric" blog posts? HAHAHAHA.
And DUDE, what is up with the raw chicken, and how big of a freezer do you have to store 75 pounds of it? Just sayin'.
He's a cute dog. Now to figure out who is going to be the boss...
I think my toddler could put a saddle on him and go ride around a range ;)
Oh My hell! He's huge. Gorgeous, but huge.
Oh wait...we're getting a newfie, I mean, small indoor pony, in the next 3 months. How would you like to clean up after THAT!
Seriously, Diesel is gorgeous...absolutely gorgeous. Big sister will come around. I hope.
BTW, our Goldendoodle eats chickens like that when we let him. It just seems to make him have to poop it's a treat rather than a regular thing. That and whilst I know Casey's breeder told us it was fine, I do worry about salmonella. That's just me though.
Oooh, he's going to be a MONSTER! You'll be able to ride him like a pony. Awesome!
Eats the bones too? What are you gonna feed him when he's fully grown? You'd better keep BG at a safe distance, Diesel might mistake him for a drumstick. BG as dog food? That is so whack, yo! Good luck!
Diesel looks like such a tool.
But I like your new dog!!
They made Clifford the Big Red Dog get a job when he ate that much food. Will you be moving to Birdwell Island soon?
I have literally lol'd (which doesn't happen easily)when you said that it must have been (hold on still lol) an ultrasound picture.
This is a mammoth animal. Diesel is a great name but he should have been called "Premium circa early 2008" b/c that was really huge.
Have fun with your cute little "puppy".
He looks too cute and very scientific with the bat ears. almost like he's wired for sound...
That is adorable, love the picture! (and the dogs aren't bad, either!)
Raw chicken?! Really?! And I don't know whether to laugh or cry at the whole ear thing.
Wow. What a fine specimen of dog you have on your hands. I commend you for the daunting task at hand. (at least in my eyes) Hope the two doggie siblings get along well! Your new pup is gorgeous!
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