Sunday, July 13, 2008

Bathtub Gangsta Does the Hamptons

We're back!!!!!! Turns out, the Hamptons are NOT whack.  Our vacation was awesome - our weather was sunny all week...I tried to look up your weather, but "Blogosphere" isn't listed.  Missed all you guys. 

You would think East Hampton is no place for a Bathtub Gangsta. Lotsa yellow sweaters. Lotsa oversized muffins. Lotsa wide eyes when my "Play That Funky Music" ringtone went off at high volume in the gourmet deli. (BTW, lobster salad: $50/lb. Literally..... $50/lb.)

But guess who loved the beach.......

Check my mad boarding skillz, yo.

Yo - get me out, G.

Then we went window shopping downtown........

Fly crib. $4 Mil - how many bathtubs?

Tiffanys' all frontin' - talkin' bout 'no chains that small'.....

Ralph Lauren IS whack, yo. For realz.

And I shoulda known, back at the house, 

Hot Tub Gangsta in the house. Playa's gotta roll with his shorties.


Gettysburg Mom said...

Love the topless barbies...

When we visited the Hamptons once, I found a $400 baby onesie...I kind of wondered if Hampton babies didn't poop or puke on their clothes...

Welcome back!

Merrie said... thinks Bathtub Gangsta's a ho.

Hope the Hamptons were wonderful! I can't imagine they wouldn't be.

The Mom Jen said...

BG looks tan too. Glad you all had a fab time. We were in Carmel, CA the other day and the shops are similar as well as the real estate! I need a sidekick. Well other than my 3 kids. LOL

Glad you're back and in perfect form!

Anonymous said...

I knew it.....I knew he would find the babes there.....did he get his groove on?

Looks like BG had a blast!!! He makes my day.


Anonymous said...

that last shot shocked me! next there'll be a nasty video of that little gangsta online going viral.

Mr Lady said...

Tiffany is a poser, for sure. *ahem* Pho Sho, yo.

Anonymous said...

Glad to see you back BG , MISSED YOU!!!


Kathy said...

How pathetic do I feel that Bathtub Gangsta got it goin' on in the Hamptons and all I'm doing this summer is hanging out in my backyard and last I looked I wasn't eating lobster. Can I come next time? Looks like he needs a chaperone.

Caroline said...

Welcome back to "reality"...looks like BG kept it pretty tame...I didn't hear of any bail bonds needed (Although, Barbie is a ho).

Alice said...

Welcome back BG. You suck. A plastic doll, excuse me - Gangstaaaa - had a more rockin' vacation this summer than me. I hope your weenie melted in the hot tub.

Yours truly,

MYM said...

lol @ the topless barbies ... made me laugh ... probably shouldn't have ... but it did!

Tenakim said...

Welcome back!

Amy said...

Welcome back you both. You've been missed :)

jaime said...

is that Porn Star Barbie? LOL!
GREAT pics...glad you had a good trip and BG seems to have enjoyed himself also.

Meg said...

I think Bathtub Gansta needs to come over and meet some of my homies. They're a lot older, but the dude's got to know his history.

Brittany said...

HAHAHAHA! I am SO glad you are back, and with plastic porn to boot! WOOT!

McMommy said...

No one in the Blogosphere is more happy that you and BG are back than ME!!!!!

Missed you guys!!

Fo Realz.

Kelly said...

Lol at Alice's comment!
Glad you are back..I missed the damn BG and his naughty ways..and ofcourse your posts are freaking hilarious yo!

Kristi O said...

finally you are back! HA
we missed BG and your stories!
Nice Barbie Ho's

Anonymous said...

This is just my second day checking out your blog...glad to see you are back from vacation, since I read all the stuff you had already blogged that I could find, and was anxious for more of your witty musings! Thanks for bringing joy and humor into the world!

Ali said...

Welcome back! Those barbies look a little young for BG. I would've thought he'd hook up with a cougar in the Hamptons:)

Mama Dawg said...

I love how one of the Barbies is still a little shy...she's still wearing her skirt.

Swirl Girl said...

What a frickin' riot!
Not for nothing- but how long did it take you to come up with, pose the BG, and do this post?

Did you have any vacation time yourself?

Jen said...

It looks like a fun time was had by all, especially in the hot tub. Did those barbies know that they were topless?

Anonymous said...

Looks like BG had a great time!

Even picked up a few hotties, hey!

Anonymous said...

I think BG needs to start traveling the globe like "Flat Stanley". I would love him here for his first stop in the city of brotherly love.


Debbie said...

Wait, no tatoo? I thought for sure he would come home sportin' "Bratz and BG 4eva" Barbie is a little too prim and proper for him. Oh wait, apparently she isn't, ahem....

Anonymous said...

Just wanted to say that I love BG! The rest of your posts also, but if BG is involved.. well, it's just that much more hilarious! Thanks for the laughs

.jimaie.marie. said...

Yay! you're back! i love the pictures, oh man, i missed bathtub gangsta! LOL!

Wendi said...

You. are. hilarious.
Welcome back!

LuckyMe said...

Missed you! Love the BG's bathroom obsession. My boys recently confessed to being wierded out by all the naked dolls in their cousins' shower/bathtub when they stayed there. My 12 year old son says dolls are just creepy, the way they stare, "that's why all scary movies have dolls."

Pleasing Procrasinator said...

Look at them sluts, barely knowing BG and already stripping down. BG is a playa.
Glad you are home. Sounds like you had a grat time.

duchess said...

You are way to good with the lingo.
Sort of scary....hilarious but scary.
Did you bring everyone back some lobster?

Anonymous said...

Yay! -- You're back!! (Even though I KNEW you were gone, I still found myself checking your blog. Nice of you to leave repeats...but I can't wait for more new stuff!)

BTW, I think Philly might be on to something with the Flat Stanley world tour idea. You, er I mean, BG could do a cross-country tour, just like Bossy's Road Trip, with sponsors and everything, and come meet all of us! I'm just sayin'...

Natalie said...

oh...i totally agree with the bg tour thing! but it has to be a world tour so i can have a chance. i'm only going to be in turkey for 4 more months but still! BG would have an awesome time smoking a hookah and seeing the sites!

Anonymous said...

Bathtub Gangsta gets to have all of the fun! I have something for you, check out my blog...

The Roaming Southerner said...

okay, i want a picture of you taking a picture of BG

Rochelle said...

Welcome Back! We enjoyed the reruns but missed you and BG. Glad to see he got his party on in the Hamptons. Hope you and the kids had as much fun!

Whines & Wines

Unknown said...

I just came to your blog from McMommy's place and I am completely diggin' on BG! He's too funny!!!

But my favorite thing I've seen over here so far? That awesome "Homeschooling for Dummies" thingy on your side bar. Totally ROTFL at that one!

Anonymous said...

And I thought *I* would go far to avoid being photographed in a bathing suit.

You win!

Bex said...

FIFTY dollars a pound for lobster salad??! Was it made with lobster imported from an 18 carat gold encrusted pond in Transylvania or something??! BG could get his freak on FO SHO wit hiz shawties for THAT paper.

I am so gangsta it's just totally crazy. I'm so gangsta I bleed other gangstas.

Whatever. I'm going to get back to my Earl Grey Tea. Glad you're back, though. Missed you!!!

Kerry said...

Thanks for making my day at work go faster (not that I make reading blogs at work a habit or anything)! Just found your blog today through McMommy. Enjoy it immensely!

Bijoux said...

OK! This is good stuff....glad I followed the link from Honey Pie!

April said...

LOL this post is dope!

Leslie said...

Just found your blog, courtesy of Mcmommy. ;) Absolutely love you! You are a riot! Thanks for the laugh! I will be back!

Susan said...

This is my first time here and I laughed hysterically, read the rest of your posts, then had my husband read the gangsta posts. He laughed hysterically too. I will definitely be back!
By the way, I just posted a great watermelon mojito recipe you might enjoy!

Unknown said...

This is my first time at your blog and I love it! I haven't laughed this hard in, well, awhile :)
Good to Bathtub Gangsta made it to the Hamptons for this photo shoot...

Sarah Furlough said...

Thanks for the laughs, you are a riot!

Ann Harrison said...

Ah... another successful field trip with B.G.
When does his show on MTV start?
(I can totally see it. "Pimp By Tub".)
Or maybe Bravo. ("Project B.G.")
He has quiet the following already!

Anonymous said...

LOL - dammit girl - that last one had me ROLLING!!

Becks said...

I found you through McMommy. I have just spent my evening reading all your posts because I couldn't stop!! You are hilarious and I love you, haha is that a bit much since I just met you?? You are awesome and so is bathtub gangsta!!!

Anonymous said...

I just clicked a link to your blog today and AM EVERSO glad I did. You're freaking hilarious. I love the BG adventures, reminds me of the little gnome from Amelie, only with some flavah.

What's up with the nekkid barbies? Where's a sharpie when you need one, eh?

Lovin this blog!!!

I Am Boymom said...

"Tiffany's all frontin'..." Bwuah haa haa haa! BG shoulda knowed a playa can't get no Gansta Ice from Tiffany's! This ain't hiz furst day outta the hood, yo!

So glad yer both up, we need more!!

Queen Goob said...

Tha's a ho'bangin' Barbie, yo!

*does funky finger twisting hand jester that puts a cramp in her pinky*


(glad you're back and had a good time!)

Miss Lisa said...

BG is soooo not allowed in our state ;)

Heather said...

Welcome back! When I was a kid, my parents had friends who owned a house in the Hamptons (South, I believe it was...). We went there for the 4th a few times. I was *just* getting old enough to appreciate the ridiculous poshness of it all, but then they had the nerve to sell the place and we lost out on the super-kewl Hamptons hook up before I really could take full advantage.

I'm glad BG had an adequately good time, too! :D


Anonymous said...

I'm still waiting for the BG sex tape to hit the net. Do you have any pics from Pdiddy's (Sean-Puffy-whatever-the-heck-his-name-is-now)white party? Or did BG not get in? If so, that's whack!

TheAustinEmpire said...

I saw this the other day and then a day or two later I was at work out on the mail route and I thought how funny it would be if the BG came out for a little trial run of being a mail carrier. I could actually envision the things he would be doing (needless to say I'm a little bored out there some days). Too bad I would probably get fired for something like that though, it could make for an interesting post.