I can't stand it anymore. I am dying of curiosity. Who ARE you guys????? I don't mean my new BBFFs (best bloggy friends forever) - the ones without whose comments I would pack up my computer and go home.....but you other guys.....the blogging community calls you "lurkers". I prefer the term "Comment-challenged Americans". My OCD-inducing widget "Sitemeter" tells me there are 500 or so of you visiting my ridiculous blog every day. I love you and I don't even know your names.
SO. My dream for today is to get to know each other better and maybe you could throw me a comment. (this means you, Mom.) Just click on the word "comments" at the end of the post and a window will pop up. If you're already on Google or Blogger it'll have your name, if not, just comment as "Anonymous" or type your first name under "name/url". Then voila!!! You're a commenter!
So I'll start:
Here are some things you probably don't know about me:
I'm an excellent rollerblader. I used to bartend at a country dance bar. I hate to cook. I'm claustrophobic. Joan Jett is my idol. I won a swing dance contest in college. I was ridiculously prepared for Y2K. I'm usually the first one on the dance floor (or table). I am the worst present wrapper you will ever meet. I haven't had natural haircolor since I was 18. I love Spongebob. I can sleep til 10:30. I can name the title, artist or lyrics of almost any 70's song. I've seen a UFO. I went to an Ivy league school. I can throw a mean roundhouse kick. I'd rather go to Friday's than a fancy restaurant. I will never "chair" anything. I miss frat parties. My cellphone ringtone is "Play That Funky Music". I may have a mojito problem.
So what about you? Check in!.... Say hi! Have a blog or a website? Plug it! Today is all about you. Then tomorrow, back to me.