Sing with me:
' Da-na-na-na-na-na - you say it's your birthday.......
Da-na-na-na-na-na - we're gonna have a good time.....
Damn, I love The Beatles. I will be taking today off from posting because my loving family got me Photoshop Elements for a present and I'm studying the manual - not, of course to beautify portraits of my children, but to create stupid graphics for my blog. (Dammit, I will have Prince Caspian's head on a Chippendale's dancer!!) Anyway - please see Gettysburg Mom's comment on the 'MILF' post below. It made me laugh all day long yesterday. Men. So predictable. And speaking of "new readers", I'm considering adding suggestive words to all my blog titles now to increase traffic. Please look forward to these future posts:
"Ironing Is Not Fun. Barely legal!!!!!
"Visit to the Pediatrician. Threesomes!!!" and
"How to Make Lasagna. Boobs!!!!!"
Happy Birthday! I heart Photoshop Elements!
I think you should stick with the original. MILF is working for you... why fix what isn't broken?
Happy Birthday!
Yay for Photoshop.. :)
I'm only biding my time until I can lay my hands on Photoshop because I would totally spend hundreds of dollars to mess with Prince Caspian's head.
Happy Birthday!
Have fun with PSE!!
Happy Birthday!
If adding those words to your blog increases your traffic,please let me know. Icould use more hits. And I'll do whatever it takes to get them.
Perhaps I should remove the unattractive photo of my butt in a bathing suit skirt. That would send them running away before they even had a chance to click on any of my ads.
Happy birthday
happy birthday!!!! hope you have a great day!
Happy BDAY!
This is your birthday song
It isn't very long
In that song's context, I believe it's pronounced "Birfday"- have a good birfday- at least you're not "fitty" yet! I am down wit the getto
Hippo Birdie Two Ewes!
Geez you make me laugh.
Thanks, I needed that.
lol - Happy Belated Birthday!!
Sorry I missed it :(
But happy belated Birthday!
I'm SO jealous. I wish I had photoshop. Oh the damage I could do with it.
Well, I know I'm really late, but I just got here. My birthday is May 26th! Geminis rock, yo! (Is BG a Gemini too?)
ok that's fine, i just brought tons of bran-new emo backgrounds 4 my blog
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