Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Women and Friendship

This is a true story from Christmas shopping today: I was in line at Justice ("the store for girls!") and my total came to $175. The cashier asked, "Do you have Justice coupons?" and I said "No..."

There was an audible gasp from the women in line. Literally, a 70-year-old grandma elbowed me and said "Honey! You could have saved so much money!"

Then her daughter, probably my age, said "Hold on.." and went rummaging through her purse and produced THREE $25 coupons, handed them to me with a triumphant smile and said "Merry Christmas!"

A $75 gift from a total stranger.

All the way home I was thinking "I need to Pay It Forward". When I got home, I got an email notification that my favorite author, Kelly Corrigan, has posted a video about women and friendship. So I feel that it was meant to be that I share this with you guys:
(and go out and buy "The Middle Place" - it's fantastic)


liannecoleman said...

Wow! thank you so much for that. I cannot believe how timely it was for me. I am part of a group of friends who have stayed together since high school and college and we are just like the group she is talking about. Today, as a matter of fact, one of our friends preemie baby is undergoing heart surgery at 2 1/2 weeks old. We have all organized around her family (with food!) to hold them up. Thanks again and I have to say you have given me a gift. And in turn I will be passing it along to my group.

Piece o' Coconut Cake said...

dammit, Sue, I have to go fix my make-up now.

Tenakim said...

that was lovely- my husband asked why I'm crying... me: "you wouldn't get it!"

Maddness of Me said...

Nobody ever pays full price at Justice :)

That's why they seem a little expensive for girl's clothes.

If you get on their mailing list, they will send you a thousand coupons a week.

Merrie said...

I love that. Thank you.

nikkicrumpet said...

Very nice...although I can't see to type. Thanks for sharing this and warming my heart...and making me stand in awe of these courageous and strong women.

k e r r y said...

I bought these coupons on ebay $250 worth for like $8. I plan to hit the store this weekend with my 9 year - it will be our first visit. Gone are the days of letting mom pick out all of her clothing. She even asked for clothing from this store for Christmas. jeesh.

Mags said...

What a beautiful and heartrending post!!! Thank you for sharing that.

Unknown said...

I was all prepared to say now wheres the "Justice" in that then I read more then I watch the vid...now i am a blubbering mess...Thanks Sue

Danielle (Life with the Hewitt Family) said...

What a kind thing to do!

Former Fat Chick said...

was the lady in line hot? coz, seriously I think I would have kissed her! Love the Vid too!

Anonymous said...

that video was so touching! it made me think of my own group of friends that i met in college. and even though we're only 23, weve gone through some of those things the woman mentioned together. thanks for sharing!

Kathy said...

I am a puddle. Thank you for that.

And how wonderful you ran into those ladies today. I'm paying it forward, too.

jill jill bo bill said...

That is so wonderful. I will definitely go and get her book. Thanks. And I will take some xtra coupons if you just have them laying around....

Anonymous said...

Hey Sue, I stop by from time to time to get a good laugh. I admit that I usually pass by when you post things that only women get and most men do not as one of your readers commented.

Do not know why I watched it but I shared it with my wife and my mates and told them to share it with their wives...not because we get it but because they will.

We still try...they like us cause we try to get it and hate us cause we never will.

Jen said...

That is really cool. It is the season.

McMommy said...

Oh wow! Thank you for that!!! I like the softer side of Sue!!!

p.s. What the heck is Justice? I don't think we have those round our neck of the woods. Although from reading the comments, it sounds like the clothing store version of Bed Bath & Beyond....where once you get on the mailing list, you get a coupon in the mail practically everyday.

Tasha said...

That vid gave me goosebumps! How lovely of that woman to give you coupons.

derfina said...

*blows nose like old man hocking into his hanky*
Mercy. Sold me! *sniffle*

Classy Fab Sarah said...

That video was beautiful. I cried.

And I have preordered the paperback version of the book.

Paige said...

aw how sweet!

We need more of that and less of trampling people to death at wal mart

sassy stephanie said...

What a sweet kid.

*sniff, sniff

Anonymous said...

That was so wonderful of that girl!! And how great is a savings of 75 bucks??

I loved that video! I am defefinetly sending that to some people!!

Linda S said...

thanks, great video **tissues, please**

Liz said...

Oh my gosh. Beautiful. I giggled with her & I sat here & cried. So well worded! Thank you for posting that!

Anonymous said...

That is a GREAT Christmas story and reminder that we should all be a bit nicer to each other. It really makes a difference, doesn't it?!

Michelle Fluttering Butterflies said...

I love stories like that, especially at Christmas. People are great.

Anonymous said...

The Middle Place last summer. I so wanna live her life with her family. Oh but this was about womens friendships. Right? I swear I'm listening.

michelle said...

I think all my girlfriends ar egeting this book for the holiday. I certainly just sent them the video link :o)

Now about those coupons.... Someone just gave my 8 year old a gift card to justice for her birthday. We have never been there before. Looks like I need to get on the mailing list before we go redeeem! Thanks for the heads-up!

Rachel said...

I so love nice gestures like this...how great!!

Ali said...

Wonderful video! I so don't get it when I hear girls/women say they relate better to men and don't like hanging around women.

Susan said...

And here I sit... at work... trying to hide tears. Thank you for paying it forward.

Noob Mommy said...

I love those unexpected days. Makes you grin all day.

Anonymous said...

Everytime I'm at Justice or Limited Too, someone gives me coupons (and I never have any, either). I don't know what it is about those stores...

Denise Thomas said...

Am sobbing now.

Me said...

Thank you for sharing this. I'm sending it to all my dear friends today.

And I love when people share coupons. Nice!

LuckyMe said...

Great book! frank and funny.

Anonymous said...

That was beautiful. It makes me long for my best friend who is 2000 miles away. I'm going to send her a link to this post and the video.

Thanks for sharing it.

I Am Boymom said...

Thanks for sharing the video and the coupon story. I love when people do nice things that restore my faith in humanity.

Leslie said...

that was lovely. Thanks for sharing it. I think I will pass it along as well.

Elisa @ Globetrotting in Heels said...

I've never been to Justice. Where do you even get coupons for this store, anyway?

Lawyer Mom said...

Gee, thanks a lot Happy Sue. A little kleenex heads' up would have been appreciated. My delusional kid thought I was a major bad-ass until he wandered into the kitchen the other night and caught me crying into my computer monitor. You've ruined my rep.

Hope you're tolerant of attributing copycats. I posted the video on my itty bitty blog and the itty bitty few who read it loved it(w/credit to you for finding it, just as I did for "Its Business Time").

Lawyer Mom said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lisa-licious said...

PMS and these amazing stories do not mix. Thanks for reaffirming what I have always known and been taught by my mother and aunts about the strong bond we women share. I think I will have a Kahlua now in honor of all my girlies! I am blessed with many such fine friends!

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for sharing this video Sue! I have watched it about 10 times, and it makes me tear up everytime- motherhood has turned me into a total baby! Dang kids!
I've been a lurker on your blog for several weeks, can't remember how I first ran into your blog, but I am forever grateful!! The Jerk video about Target cracks me up, and I have a secret crush on BG!! Kidding, he is totally not my type.
Jaime in Colorado