Saturday, December 27, 2008

Best. Christmas Present. Ever.

I'm not really posting. I'm still on Blog Vacation.

But I just had to show you guys my favorite Christmas present I got:


Respect the Bumble.


jaime said...

i have no sound on my computer so that sucks...but I'm guessin BG is wearing an Abominable Snowman vest? lol!

Have a good weekend!

Meg said...

Awesome! Almost as cool as my Beatles pint glasses.

Happy Holidays.

Anonymous said...

How is it that Stud Bratz Pimp shows up and crashes everyones Holiday?!

Queenie Jeannie said...


Mistress Meeyee said...

I love it!!!! Very cool!

Leigh said...

Too funny!! Gangsta' Pimp Daddy (or whatever he goes by) is already an endangered species since Bratz will be AWOL come Jan 1st. Is he really comfortable being that close to the Bumble?

Swirl Girl said...

does Abominable have a tooth ache? Will Bathtub Gangsta be pullin' it like Hermie?

derfina said...

Awesome! I need one of those for the Unit!

Pam said...

ha ha cute

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

Scary...where is he going to show up in the mix?

C♥ said...

Very funny.

Liz said...

LOL. Gangsta' sure is cool in the face of danger! got my sis Bumble slippers. They were her fav gift - but then, isn't a Bumble always the best? (At least after jewelry!)

Shannon said...

awww! BG got a pet! I hope he's paper trained...

Jen said...

I could be wrong but to me it looks like BG is not very happy about the new edition to your family and is ready to kick some Yeti butt.

Aracely said...

Well then, I'm not really leaving a comment!

Incidentally where are my comments for the previous posts?

Miss Lisa said...

I totally agree :)

Jen said...

that is.... Sweeeeet!

Rachel said...

Too cute!

Julie D said...

Sweeeeeeeeeet. Santa must really like you.

Brittany said...

2009, year of the Bumble, HOLLA!

Mrs. Booms said...


Lisa-licious said...

What happens next!? What happens next?!!!!! I can't bear the suspense!

Santa brought me a Wii, and after two hours of "Wii Cheer", I can't move my neck. ARGH!

Miss Yvonne said...

I just played the video and the sound freaked my cat out. Awesome!!

Anonymous said...

Bumble is just angry because BG owned his ass and is wearing a nice new Bumble Fur vest.

Bumble got played. It happens. Happy 2009 to BG - word.

Vanessa Rogers said...

Are you sure he isn't going to attack in the middle of the night! He seems pretty scary!

Colleen - Mommy Always Wins said...

Huh - and if I had to pick a favorite gift, I'd have to choose between the Wii fit and my new Nikon D60. Who the hell am I kidding? D60, hands down!!!

Shelley said...

Ha! Gotta love the Abominab..Abomina...Aboman...that guy. It's like part of my childhood.

I hope you are enjoying your Blogcation. I left you a little present on my blog, because you make me laugh. Thanks Sue, and thanks to B.G. I think my biggest laughs are from him. I hope he and his shorties are havin' a merry one, yo.

Linda S said...

Happy New Year!!

Jennifer said...

BG looks a little scared of the Bumble--can't says I blame him!!

Practically Joe said...

I swear the Gangsta looks a bit jealous.

Anonymous said...

wow. BG does look a little threatened. so funny! awesome present, awesome video :)

Tonya Staab said...

So how's bathtub gangsta coping with the new addition to the family? Do I see a bathtub gangsta vs abominable smackdown show in our future

chandan said...

Thank You for this nice one