Tuesday, December 2, 2008

New Addition to the Family

As I write this, I am mourning my independence...my peaceful household......sleeping through the night.....

Yes, people, I am talking the "P" word. 

No, not "pregnant".......


Pooping, peeing puppy.

As with any other unexpected family additions, you're saying:
"How did this happen?" "Don't you already have one?" 

and this is what they said to Britney. And look what happened to her.

A month from now I'll be shaving my head and taking career advice from sketchy middle-Eastern con-men.

Where was I.  Oh yeah- how DID this happen. All I know is my husband went back to Connecticut to visit our still-unsold house and the next thing I know he's talking about memories and time flying and fleeting childhoods and I'm pretty sure Kodak was in there somewhere, and somehow this all translated into getting the kids a puppy for Christmas.

He thinks it'll be great fun for our standard poodle too - which is kind of like telling me that he's bringing Vanessa Hudgens home to live with us and I'll love it cuz we can play together.

Also, it's going to be LARGE dog. Disguised as a small dog. Like one of those drop-in-a-glass-of-water "Crazy-Gro" dinosaurs.

As a puppy, it'll look like this:


But full-grown he'll look like this:

Which, really, is like saying "Hey- let's get a bear."

So this is where you come in, faithful reader....I need name ideas. 

All we have right now is Zeus, Bear, and Thor. 

And an un-named Twitter friend suggested Weenie or Booker T. Washington.

Whaddaya think???????


derfina said...

Barack? Seems to be the "in" name.

Anonymous said...


I'll come up with more....

Jenni said...

Name him Twitter!

Or Jiggety...that's a pretty great name!

Jess said...

You are so brave! I am such a 'small dog person' You know? The ones who don't get any bigger than cats? I'm not good with naming pets, we kept the one our adopted dog came with! How lame is that?
How about Sarge? Sasquatch? or Yukon? See? I told you I'm no good!! LOL

Unknown said...

The big dog looks alot (kinda creepy) like this Batman mask my kid has! How about Bruce? as in Bruce Wayne.

Tami said...

How about Bowser?? The rest are too common.....

Unknown said...

Chauncey. Yeah, there's a dog name ;)

Twisted Lisa said...

seems appropriate

Tenakim said...

How did this happen? Did you learn nothing from my sleepless nights? Enough of the lecture... What kind of dog is he anyway? He sure is a cute pup, but I don't think I've ever seen that breed of bear. Also, would you be willing to share your poodle's name- I think I could help better with that info. Maybe I'll tweet you.

Swirl Girl said...

I don't know, his baby picture kinda looks like my Uncle Murray.


nah, he's not responding

Mr Lady said...

If that's not a Rufus, I don't know what it.

Dennis and Leslie said...

Harley? Caesar? Diesel? Mojo? Snoop Dog? Bear? Elvis? King Kong? Peanut? I could keep going....Zhar? Zeus? Someone stop me...

Jennifer said...

Whovever said Booker T. Washington was onto something! That name gets my vote!

nikkicrumpet said...

I think you should name him "I won't pee in the house if you give me expensive dog treats" But it might be hard to fit it on the dogtags. Very cute dog...how can you resist another fur baby!

Vanessa Rogers said...

My mom named her male dog Zeus but calls him Zeusy Woosy. He feels really masculine!

Anonymous said...

Twilight or Edward or Cullen

...just a few suggestions

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Erin Jeannine said...

I think you should name him Joe Jonas. Then let him in your bed and tell everyone you are sleeping with Joe Jonas. It's perfect.

Jill said...

I like dogs any size as long as they don't pee on my floors! I am sick of picking up puppy poop myself! I have 4 dogs ALL SMALL but I use to have Great Danes! This breed of dog is beautiful.

My name idea is: Cringle... perfect choice for a Christmas puppy!

Aracely said...

Goodness girl, I had the Twitter Search and Rescue Patrol looking all over for you.

Leave Maverick in the backyard to do his own thing,and come out and play already.

kristin said...

Hey! I suggested Tweet yesterday.

Didn't you see it on Twitter?

kristin said...



Anonymous said...

Like getting a bear?! BWHAHAHA. Well, we just adopted a super mutt, after searching for a Boxer that the boys wanted to name Zeus. But were Greek, and you don't seem to be, so I would say it's more apropo for you guys. Good luck, those effers crap every where.

Deb said...


McMommy said...

Maybe you should name him BeeGee.

In honor of our homey, B.G.

Stephanie said...

how about DeeOhhGee...you know...D O G

Sue Wilkey said...

OMG you guys I am cracking up - these names are all great!!!!! I've gotta write up a ballot for the family.

Karen said...

We had a big black lab, Bear, it works. And if we ever get a {whisper} puppy *gasp* the name Moose is a front runner.

Mom Can I? said...

I like swirl girl's Murray suggestion. Our family n ames the pets like they are people, we have Henry Cooper and Shelby Elizabeth. If they don't have a middle name, how do they know when they are in trouble?

Karen said...

Oh almost forgot the second name in the running here if we ever go to the puppy side again is Pete. As in for the love of...

the blu moo said...

Just came across you blog and your hilarious (sp)!! Love the pirate story.

k e r r y said...

Is that a schnauzer? I love him!! We have a black miniature schnauzer named Holly Golightly (after Audrey's character in Breakfast at Tiffany's). I am terrible at names but had to comment - I love schnauzers!!

Linda S said...

awww. we have a miniature named Buster. about 1/15th the size of the bear. that is one cute puppy. good luck with all the training.

Erin said...

somethin that size looks like a 'Moose' to me....

Ashley. Unscripted... said...

I kind of like Booker T. Washington. LOL It suits him.

Ali said...

Bill Murray?

Anonymous said...

Steph took my suggestion with DeeOhhGee. Or you could go extreme opposite and call him Cat.
Buster? Midget? Ronald? McDonald?
When I see a standard poodle, I always imagine their name is Coco. It's so she-she.
but they are so cute!

Anonymous said...

I am no help in the name department. We call our dog "Lizzard the Terrorist"

The Mom Jen said...

Are you Greek at all? How about Pupadopolus? Muttinator? OOh TWILIGHT!

Blondie said...

How about "Endust?" Put a stick up his..well, you know...and you and dustmop everything in your house!

Blondie said...

How about "Endust?" Put a stick up his..well, you know...and you can dustmop everything in your house!

Briya said...

Algernon. Because I like that name.

Anonymous said...

I'm just adding a comment so that we can see if you can get 5,000 dog-name comments like Dooce.

I say name him dog and just go Marky Mark on him and say, "Hey, Dog. Say hi to your mutha for me"

Rachel said...


Shelley said...

Ok, I was going to suggest Edward or Cullen...but someone already beat me to it. ohhh, what about Jasper? I also like Jonas and BeeGee. Or J.J., for Joe Jonas.

Jodi said...

Jonas is great, of course. Or something German, to fit the breed. Helmut or Schmidt or Barnabas or Kurt.

Angela said...

We just went through this with our puppy! Our choices were "Gumby" and "Zipper." We now have Zipper. I'll sell the name Gumby to you for $5. Send it to my PayPal account.


Anonymous said...

Wow! Had I known you were getting a puppy I would have thrown you a shower! I even would have made you a little diaper cake out of puppy pee pads (I have so many left over from this time last year when we were going through the same exact thing with our Goldendoodle puppy!) and milk bones!

I think he's going to be beautiful! I'm all about big dogs! And even though we have a Goldendoodle, we're still getting a Newfie. Now THAT's a bear of a dog. *lol*

Anyhow, I kind of like Zeus. But that's just me!

Gettysburg Mom said...

No names- just my condolences.

Anonymous said...

I love "Scout."

And it's fun when they do something good and you can say "Good Boy Scout."

Anonymous said...

OH! Before I forget...if you read/hear/someone tells you about "bell training" your dog...it's an awesome idea! Unless you have cats.

We have two huge tumbleweeds that resemble and act like cats. When we first brought Casey home from the breeder we were ALL ABOUT bell training him. And it worked for about two weeks until the cats discovered the bells hanging from the rear slider and front doors. Then they started playing with the damned bells and screwing with Casey, which just confused him and he ended up peeing all over the place!

Anyhow, he's crate trained and whilst the bell training had to be tossed he hasn't had an accident in the house in almost 6 months.

Anonymous said...

With those ears- the only acceptable name is Flash Thunderfur: Guardian of the guest bedroom and ruler of all under the sink.

Anonymous said...


or is it a boy?
how about
he is sooo cute!

Anonymous said...

Hairy. Or, Harry. Harriet?

Maddness of Me said...

I want you to name him Farley.

Maybe I sound pushy, but I think Farley is the best dog name EVER. Who can resist naming their spaz dog after Chris Farley?

Big Sigh.

You can send my award for the best dog name ever to my house, I will send you the address.

Remember me every time you say "Farley! don't chew on that!".


you're welcome.

Kirsten said...

How about, "I never wanted you in the first place"?

Corrine said...

oh my he is going to be a big dog. y'all are brave, my kids keep begging and beggin for a dog, I'd like one but my youngest just started sleeping through the night and still have lots of potty training to do...kudos to y'all.

Anonymous said...

He looks like a Jack

Anonymous said...

Carnelous Rathmousen Diggenhouser. Only seems appropriate right?

Tiffany said...

How about Gigantor. Or Gangsta?

At my last job we had a client who had that exact kind of dog. He was HUGE. His back was to my waist. And he would ride in the front seat of a Jeep. He just jumped through the freaking window to get in. THE WINDOW! Good luck with baby Tricerotops (I can't spell lol)

Jen said...

First, I am so glad that it is you and not me.
I vote for Conrad if its a boy or maybe Finn. And for a girl Shelby.

Type A Deb said...

I have a connection to each of your names. Odd!
Thor - Is Tim Rice a follower of your blog?
Zeus - That's our big cat's name.
Bear - That's the name of my cousin's akida.

I like Ozzie, Bowser, and Torpedo (Torp for short). Then again, how about Cornell, Ezra or Cayuga? :)

jaime said...






jenn said...


Lawyer Mom said...

My first dog was named Pea-Leg. My second was Captain Crunch. My third was Underdog. But if you're sticking with conventional, I vote for Leopold.

Marshmallow Circus said...

I love naming our pets are cities and countries.

We've had...


and then came Gus, he is adopted and came with a name. ;)

Caroline said...

Oh gosh...good luck with the puppy...

You have a lot of names to choose from...some one mentioned B.G...I'd go with that! You can always politely say it means "big guy" since only your blog readers know the truth...

Anna Lefler said...

OK, that's awesome. We have two puppies right now (since March) and they're still under a year old. Something tells me they will ALWAYS be under a year old. [sigh] Yes, they are slowly and methodically killing me.

So we named the beagle pup Winston (for Churchill)...but later I realized that I'd overlooked a kick-ass doggie name. And so I present it to you, dear Sue:


Yes. And if you're an AC/DC fan, then bonus on you.

Enjoy, and if your experience is anything like mine, take a moment to bid farewell to the corners of any custom-made rugs you might have lying around the house.



Jen said...

I like Jonas or Jasper. Booker T. Washington kind of works too.

Julie said...

Sir Peabody?



Miss Lisa said...

You are too funny :)

I'd call him "Joe" or "Nick" or "Kevin" ;)

Unknown said...

you poor, poor woman! I feel for you. I think puppies are worse than babies.

How about:






Lurch (my favorite)


Anonymous said...

I just found your blog. And I'm already in love. Is that a giant schnauzer?! my favorite! actually, I have a miniature schnauzer, but I want a giant one too! I think that would be so much fun. Anyway, I'm horrible at naming things. My dog's name is Tobey. If I got another one I was tossing around the name Rudy, and I had others but I forgot...I'll try to think of them and get back to you. please post pictures when you get him!!! :)

Mama Dawg said...

How about "Martini"? That way, you won't ever forget his name.

Or, at least, that would be the case for me.

Or, maybe "Wine" or "Tequila".

All valid names.

Practically Joe said...

I'm with Blondie on this one.
The first thing I thought of when looking at the grown-up picture was "Dustmop".
How about ... Dustmoppity?
Duster? BoppityMoppity?
"The Mopster"
That's all I got.

Anonymous said...


Looks like my old dog....

Bar-b said...

if those are my only options, I have to say Zeus (I am very partial to greek mythological names) not so much Norse. Who effin' cares though it is what you want. I did have to lol (well, inside) at Barack.

You could name him Twitter but it would seem like a mammoth dog like that needs a better fitting name.

Waiting on baited breath yee who doesn't comment back :)

Aubrey said...

Cute dog! I can't think of name for him but I'll now call you Crazy! LOL

Laura said...

Flat Joe? Shaggy Joe? Joe Cool?

man, naming live creatures is never easy.

JT said...

1. Dog name - Mr. Belvedere or Roscoe

2. Heard today that your beloved Bratz dolls are being pulled off of shelves as a result of a lawsuit. Sorry Sue!

Larissa said...

Hahaha, I think you should name him "Swiffer" since he's SURE to sweep up and collect all sorts of random dust bunnies with that coat of his...


robkroese said...

I like him better as a puppy. Can you have him bound?

I suggest "Diesel".

Anonymous said...

How 'bout Beardamus Maximus? You could call him Max for short. Or Damus. You know, whatever floats your boat.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Another Calender?

Not quit cool enough puppy names?

When are the Obama's starting there puppy name contest

Carmen said...

Duke - the ultimate doggie name. This ensures he will be a great dog.

Anonymous said...

No. Not Duke. Any name but Duke. There are way too many dogs named Duke.


Anonymous said...

Zeus. Awesome name :)

BloggessJ said...

I just found your blog and LOVE it! We have a Laci and we had a Shawna.

Some other ones from our other family members dogs are:

Howie (for the Howard Huge cartoon)
Freckles (AKA Jonesy)

Anonymous said...

This is my first time leaving a comment though I've been secretly lurking for awhile. (I know shame,shame!)

My friend's mom has several dogs but the BEST dog name ever is "Uncle Jed"

A typical conversation:
"Where's Uncle Jed?"
"Oh, he was outside chasing a squirrel last time I saw him."


Carri said...

We got a new puppy as well for "Christmas" supposedly he is supposed to be mine but I remember my requirements being a yorkie with a pink bag a pink bow and pink leach and collar. Instead I got a red chi-weenie who is a male. Oh well at least he will stay small and he too is a new addition to our Cocoa. He is supposed to be there to keep Cocoa busy and company whilewe are gone, but so far all I see is dog fight's. Good luck with your new addition and I hope you find the perfect name. I named our's Bailey cause I just love the name and Kahlua sounded to girly for me.

Mrs. S. said...

I like Scout. Someone named their dog Bacchus, which is like greek for wine...or something like that. Cute puppy! I hear you on what a pain they can be, but they are SO cute!

Anonymous said...

Bruce gets my vote! lOVE YOUR BLOG! I'm totally not a mom,but love it none the less!

-blogless fan

michelle said...

First time commenting, long time lurker... sorry:o)

Rufus absolutely! I have a rufus, Ruffy doofy, Ruds the Dufus, great name for big dogs!

Or, stick with Twilight theme... Jacob Black? Seth? Sam? Wolf?

Melissa said...

Jerry. Roy. Lenny. Harold.

because I said so said...

dude, I did a post almost just like this on my blog last week only mine was about a kitten and not as funny as yours...AND I offered a prize if I used the suggestion....I got like 4 or 5 comments..SERIOUSLY....what's up with that?

I need to SEE the actual puppy to help name it....but I like Jonas too...except now that you guys are on the 'outs' maybe notsomuch. How about Samson or Tucker?

Belita Rose said...

That's not a large dog. My husband told me he was bring home a puppy six weeks before he deployed and I got a 45 lbs. puppy which is twice as much as my child! Now my husband has been gone for two months and the "puppy" is 75 lbs!!

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natalieanddogs said...

So what did you name the dog then? Looks very masculine.

Natalie and my giant schnauzer dog