Thursday, July 3, 2008

Off to the Hamptons!

Woo-hoo! Yes, BG is coming, but he's not happy about it. He wants to go to the Jersey Shore.

Hamptons are whack, yo.

Anyway - he'll settle down once we hit the road. Plus, I told him Diddy has a place out there and I notice he did pack his teeny white outfit for the White Party. 

BUT. I just realized. What about my plants? Who's going to take care of my gorgeous plants?

My pride and joy.

you should have seen it when it was new.

I was told this was "Evergreen".

Yup. Plastic.

It's kind of amazing to me that my children look as good as they do.

HAPPY 4TH OF JULY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Of course BG wants to hit the Jersey Shore. He would fit right in as he arrives in his low rider with the bass thumping.

Better bring some bling bling,'ll need it in the Hamptons!

Have a great trip!

Amy said...

LOL! I can't wait to see BG's vacation photos.

Anonymous said...

Yea! I get to meet BG in the "flesh". Can't wait.

Ali said...

Better to bring BG with you--I would not leave him alone for the weekend with a house full of Bratz! No telling what might happen!

Have a fun trip!

Anonymous said...

yay!!! bg is my idol. cant wait 2 meet him in EH. cu there.

Aubrey said...

Ok, I didn't think I could laugh any harder but when I saw your beautiful plants...I think I have those same ones on my front porch!
Enjoy your vaca!

Alice said...

Do BGs new Sharpie drawers double as swim trunks?

Queen Goob said...

Don't tell BG I said so but he's so Stepford now.

And your plants look petter than some of mine....oh wait, I just have pots of dirt. Nothing else, just dirt.

Have great vacation and a fabulous 4th! I get to spend mine kids, no mom, no family gatherings, just seven more books and a twelve pack of beer. WOOHOO!!!

Smoochies said...

Couple more hours and I'll be on my way to my vacation. Happy 4th!!

Wendy said...

I have some allegedly "evergreen" plants that look just like that! Lies, all lies!

Have fun in the sun!

Brittany said...

Biting humor and ridiculously green thumb...we are sisters:)

The Roaming Southerner said...

I don't think it is legal being this funny...loving the BG series!

Staci Loalbo said...

how have i not come across your blog until now?? giiirl you had me not weed....okay so lets be friends, i am officially your personal blog stalker!!

Holy Crappers said...

sue's sister, back off he's all mine !!


Anonymous said...

BG has so much freaking fun. He is tiny...make sure he has a sufficent car seat. It can get mad crazy up in those Hamptons. Those rich folk dig getting their groove on. BG will fit right in. Damn him....I am so jealous.

Make sure he takes some GC...gansta condoms just in case...ya never know...that ho barbie may show up.


Anonymous said...

I've often wondered the same thing. If my kids were plants, they would have been long gone by now. Those are some sad plants, though.

Have a nice time on your vacation!

Tenakim said...

Have fun!

jaime said...

have a great trip!! can't wait to hear how it goes...have fun w/ BG too!

Ashley. Unscripted... said...

Can't WAIT to see the pics.

Love your plants by the way. They're prettier than mine.

Pleasing Procrasinator said...

Omg my plants look as good as yours!! Still in the container not planted, looking a little on the brown side, I love this. My mom buys them , I don't take care of them.(she works at a greenhouse)
Anyhoo, I am looking foward to seeing what the BG does on vaca.
Happy 4th!!!

MYM said...

Happy 4th!

I've heard of the Hamptons ... on TV ... it's a real place? ;)

KWolfAK said...

Found you through SITS. I will be back! Your plants crack me up! They might actually do better with you gone!

Anonymous said...

Hello SitsTa! I have 6 of those crunchy plants in my FRONT YARD!! I seriously need to water them before it's too late. Loving your blog! So envious you are going on vacation...I haven't had one in 2 years. So I can live viariously thru the people who do vacations as I admire all of their pics! LOL
Happy 4th!!

Sunshine said...

I didn't think I'd ever see "Hamptons are whack, yo" ever in my entire life.

Caroline said...

Have a blast and don't let BG get a hold of the Hampton's'll need your bail money!

Heather said...

Hope you have a great you need me to come over and water? I have a bit of a green thumb, and I feel the need to rescue your poor little evergreen. congrats on being saucy...come by and see me some time.

Kelly said...

Oh thats going to be great blog in the hoyte toyte Hamptons! Sweet..I can see it now..drinking some Cristal by the pool w/ some barbie ho's haha..hope you take plenty of pictures! Have fun!!

Anonymous said...

hmmm - Hamptons or Jersey Shore? Hamptons? Jersey Shore?
Destin - my Jersey husband agrees!

WheresMyAngels said...

Have some fun and I guess I need some plastic plants also.

I Am Boymom said...

Lookin' forward to BG's adventures in the Hamptons...maybe he'll change his name to Biff? "Biff is whack, yo!"

Debbie said...

Oh are one funny girl...I am so glad to actually "know" someone that vacations in the Hamptons...even though I am one of those "bloggy friends" that our real friends make fun of...yeah whatever...Have a great time. I'll take care of the fake plant for ya while you're gone....

Gettysburg Mom said...

The only house plants I have are in the succulent (cactus) family... they think it's perfectly natural to only be watered once a month! If that often...

Jen said...

You are HILARIOUS!!!! I love your blog and laughed so much that my stomach hurts. I cam over from SITS and I will be back again. Awesome, keep it coming.

Lisa@BlessedwithGrace said...

Oooohhh, have fun on the vacation. So jealous. Congrats on the Saucy blog. BG seems very interesting. I will have to return and check up on him.

Tonya Staab said...

hey dead or not at least you have plants, I have a pile of empty pots in the shed. It's on my list though, best not do that job though before I go on vacation or they will end up looking like yours by the time I return.

Hope you and BG have a fab time on vaca. Looking forward to hearing about BG's adventures.

Anonymous said...

That's so funny! I actually watered my plants today because I felt bad for them.

Melissa Lee said...

Okay, let me get this straight...

You are headed to the East Hampton's for a vacation AND one day you got a whoppin' 88 comments?

Yeah, I'm kinda glad your plants are dead.

Oh well, here's thanking you for stopping by my place last week on SITS day. My measly, little, one horse, 36 comments, shack of a place...

I will not compare.
I will not compare.
I will not compare.

Have a great one!
Melissa at Stretch Marks

Chelle Blögger said...

Hope you had a Happy 4th!! Can't wait to see the pics! ;)

Bex said...

Happy Vay-kay! I will live vicariously through you as I am stuck - at home - with my husband, my three kids, my puppy, my brother, 2 Russian nationals, one of whom is pregnant and due YESTERDAY and the other who doesn't speak a lick of English. Oh, and did I mention that I'm going to start my period any minute now??


Kaza said...

I agree with Ali, it would appear that BG could not be trusted alone in the house.

I am a fellow black-thumb when it comes to plants. I used to worry I wouldn't be able to keep a child alive, but fortunately it's only plants who should fear my tending. Turns out I can water and feed my kid reliably. ;)

Enjoy the vacation, fellow saucy SITSta!

Natalie said...

have a great time! how could you not with bg in tow?

oh...and i had to give you an award. you can see my blog for details!

Trooper Thorn said...

So that's where Vanilla Ice has been hiding: your beach bag.

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to see pics of your vacation! Hope your plants survive. Especially the plastic looks like it needs water!

Ann Harrison said...

I would love to see BG in a Mike Reno headband.
Do you think he could carry it off?

Tracy P. said...

Saw you on SITS! Yeah, the plants at my house were resentful of our weekend getaway. Oh well--small price to pay!

The Mom Jen said...

You are taking a boy doll on vacay and I'm totally stoked about it! Something is weird about me. LOL!!

You rock sis, missed you!

Little April said...

very funny!

Miss Blondie said...

i am brand new to blogging and happened to stumble across your site. I absolutely love your sense of humor! Thanks for writing such amusing stuff

Rhea said...

haha Those plants look like mine! We have one alive, and I don't know how or why it's still green. It's an amazing super plant! Have a great holiday in the Hamptons.

Lydia said...

My question is: how did you get photographs of my plants?.. lol

Lisa @ Boondock Ramblings said...

I agree with Lydia. That is so wack.

Lisa @ Boondock Ramblings said...

Er... Whack?

that is what I is whack you have photos of my plants!

Suburban Correspondent said...

Jersey Shore has it all over the Hamptons...but go ahead, be a snob.