Monday, August 11, 2008

Top 10 Things Hillary Has Time For Now

#10. Host a Pampered Chef party

#9. Read "Breaking Dawn"

#8. Bling her cell phone

#7. Catch up on Project Runway

#6. Join Curves

#5. Remove Barack from her MySpace friends

#4. Scrapbook

#3. Get tickets to Jonas Brothers

#2. Sudoku!

#1. Install spyware on Bill's computer

Disclaimer to 'Anonymous' who is about to post a rude comment: This is in no way a personal or political attack against Senator Clinton, who is a lovely, intelligent woman. Just a humorous thought. Settle down.


Shannon said...


#5 and #3 are my faves!

Mama2hre said...

Ha-ha! As a Hillary supporter even I appreciate this! I must say #5 and #1 are my favs. I don't care for Obama or McCain. I'm still writing in Hillary!

Patrice said...

lmao this is hilarious, as always! And I love the disclaimer at the bottom!! Priceless.

KSK said...

Hilarious! Can't imagine she hasn't already gotten to #1! (Eeew, what might he be downloading? ;)

Beth Cotell said...

As always, you crack me up!

Pleasing Procrasinator said...

Great post!!! I agree with ksk on #1.

Raging Dad said...

#5. Remove Barack from her MySpace friends

I think she's also waiting to decide whether or not to ignore her friend request from John Edwards.

Ann Harrison said...


Ann Harrison said...

Hey Sue, I was wondering about the "Anonymous" situation.
Tiffany from R Family posted about it recently.
What the *#@!* is going on with people?

The Nice One said...

See, I think Curves is a higher priority than Suduku (how the heck IS that spelled-even spell check didn't know). Because once you get sucked in to that game, you just can never get out. Right?

Anyway....again, very funny. You rock.

Blessings From Above said...


Oh, and congrats on the rude comments. If you are receiving rude "Anonymous" have arrived! Only jealousy would fuel those comments...

Melissa said...

ha ha ha! Thanks for that!!!!

Anonymous said...

this cracked me up - I would totally go to Hillary Clinton's pampered chef party! :)

Queen Goob said...

Senator Clinton is a lovely, intelligent woman and I cannot believe you wrote such a degrading post about this not-so-Presidential candidate.

Dammit, I didn’t post this anonymously, did I?

(You forgot number 11; get a facial because you may need one after that long and grueling journey to nowhere. Or is it a journey to the top of her husband’s…..nah, a journey to nowhere works.)

Tenakim said...

I'm thinking calling Elizabeth Edwards for some mle bashing is on top of that list. And you're right- I'm SOOO not twittering- I just don't get it- am I retarded? When I click into it I don't know how to send meesages!

Thanks for the advice on the blog name, too, I think I'm siding with you, but do you think that's the same with me because my address is not the same as the name?

Kelly said...

haha I am totally going to her Pampered Chef party..I get 20% off now..hee hee!!!

Anonymous said...

#11 Down size pantsuit collection via eBay

100% Authentic Hilary Clinton pantsuit size 8 EUC!
I guarantee you wont find Bill Clinton DNA on these garments!

Anonymous comments? I bet it's that Dooce chick. Hater!

Ali said...

I was also thinking she could return the 300 dollars that my MIL gave to her campaign.

McMommy said...

Honey, you are positively SINFUL for writing that post!!!

(ha ha! Get it? I crack myself up.)

Gettysburg Mom said...

Perhaps she will start a Mom Blog?

Suburban Correspondent said...

Obviously a joke, Anonymous - it's funny because all those things are totally unlike her.

I hope she invites me to her Pampered Chef party, though.

Unknown said...


Jennifer said...

Anonymous rude comments--you're in the Big League now!!

Debbie said...

Sue Sue Sue...first I have to say...laughed out loud very hard about your comment you left on my blog...wait, I think my daughter is slicing strawberries for me right now while I read this...

As for Hill, you don't mind if I call her Hill do ya? Hill, see ya...buh bye...Once that senator thing is over, are you gonna start Mommy blogging with us? Really, we are a fun bunch. You need to loosen up a bit. And if things don't work out with Bill, Sue can introduce you to BG.

And one more thing, today's "Washington Post" had a ginormous pic of your boyfriend, er I mean Joe Jonas and his brothers. They referred to Nick as the cute one, Joe as the Hot one, and Kevin as, get this, the other one...I'm still laughing about that. Do you want me to cut it out and send it to you so you can hang it up in your bedroom next to Steve from Blue's Clues ;)?

Bada Bing.

Caroline said...

That's a great list! I would love to see Hilary "bling" her cell phone. Hello Kitty, no doubt!

Anonymous said...

You freaking crack me up. 5 - OMG, too funny and seriously 1 - the woman needs to do 1 in the worst way.

Keeper Of All Things said...

I think she should host a Lingerie Party....then maybe she wouldn't need the Spyware......Lol

Maddness of Me said...

How about a sex toy party, I hear they are all the rage.

ps: there seems to be an epidemic late of anon trolls and I'm starting to think it's all the same person

Wendi said...

You my dear are so very clever!
Love it...hilarious!!!

Anonymous said...

luv your blog-
Glad I found it-
Come by and visit the DramaPond sometime!

Swirl Girl said...

Does Hillary's Pampered Chef Party offer extra long salad tongs and hermetically sealed ziploc bags? You know, so she and Elizabeth can collect DNA.

They should both dump those chumps for making them look bad. No reason to 'stand by your man' anymore...politically or otherwise.

Creative-Type Dad said...

Make a scrapbook...?

Kristy said...

I love your blog! I'm sharing it today so all my friends can have a good laugh! Thanks!

Anonymous said...


Lisa @ Boondock Ramblings said...

As a supporter of Hillary I am very offended by this post.

Yeah, right.

This was hilarious.

No. 1 is the best!

Meg said...

LOL! We all need time to catch up on Project Runway.

Holy Crappers said...

I am not a Hillary fan. She reminds me of a really mean teacher back in Catholic School.

Hillary now has time to come out of the closet.


Unknown said...

Love your blog! Too funny. Thanks for the laughs.

Katie said...

Oh I was kind of hoping it was a rude attack. :)
