Saturday, August 9, 2008

Party To-Do List

Woo-Hoo!!! Party tonight at my house.....


#1:   Chill wine & beer

#2: Clean grill

#3: Sweep pergola sitting area...Wait, what the-

What IS that????????

#5: Remove dead kamikaze bird from lattice.


Anonymous said...

OMG!!!!! sorry about the poor bird...that's an unly death.

Hope the party goes well

Gettysburg Mom said...

I was totally expecting it to be BG hiding in the corner...

Sensei said...

Looks like the bird got to the almost-chilled wine and beer before anyone else did.

Holy Crappers said...

I wanna come to your party !!! Gonna be a great night in Pa for a party.


Alice said...

WTF! I can hear it now...

I think I can fit, I think I can fit...oooo...*help*...

Did you use a firm poke with a broomstick to remove him?

Alice said...

And try not to be TOOOOO jealous, but I'm going to a party today also. With my in-laws! And all their relatives! And most likely NO alcohol! Except what I sneak into my purse. *WAHHHHH*

The Mom Jen said...

I think you should leave it and see if anyone notices! PS...i'm heading over to your place, be there in 15 hours~

jill jill bo bill said...

herr herr!(said like Nelson off the Simpson's)
Since I have this weird fear of birds, that is a beautiful sight for me. I would have to point and laugh, but I am an uncaring and insensitive bird-hating bitch like that.

Have fun tonight!!!!

Leslie said...

Oh yuck. I don't think I would be removing the carcass myself. Ummm, well maybe if I drank a little.
Enjoy the party!

oº˚ Homeschool Mom˚ºo said...

what time should I show up! Just joking i'm in louisiana. Hope you guys have a good time.!

Deb@Mommie Mayhem said...

Im down for a Par-tay lol ... WTF for # 5 .. looks painful!

Beth Cotell said...

Even the dead wildlife at your house makes me spit coffee out of my nose!

Um, I never received my invite. What's up with that?

Rach (Mommy Learns to Blog) said...

I hope you either left that last job to the husband or had a few cocktails beforehand. Have a fabulous bash!

Pam said...

yikes! you could always leave it for an interesting topic of conversation at tonight's gathering?? LOL

have fun for me tonight :)

Buttons and Dots Photography said...

I know its wrong but I am laughing my hiney off! What a crazy thing to find! I think I would use him as a conversation piece for the party.

Jen said...

Aside from the bird, it looks like it will be an awesome party. I want to come.

Swirl Girl said...

Why don't you just leave it there as a conversation starter? Only kidding! the poor birdie...

feather nester said...

Ewwww! Poor little guy. But seriously, what was he thinking? Was he trying to dive bomb the burgers? Dude, you're not a pelican.

Suburban Correspondent said...

Thanks a lot - I really needed to see that. Excuse me while I go throw up...

Brittany said...

OMG that is like the blog Gods shining down on you!!! Dead bird stuck in a deck! COMEDY GOLD!

You are awesome!

Anonymous said...

That might be the grossest thing I've ever seen. And we even had a bat, yes a BAT, under one of the shutters we removed when we were painting our house. EW. I hope someone else had to remove that besides you.

Anonymous said...

Holy S***... I thought the wasp nest under my deck was bad.. but that... wow!

Kelly said...

omg how freaking weird is that?
And did someone say Par-tay? I am so coming over..

KSK said...

phew, I am SO glad it wasn't poop. guess I am still stuck on previous posts and that maturity-level of humor... ;)

McMommy said...

1. I clicked on that picture to enlarge it. Yeah, I'm kind of weird like that. But I couldn't actually believe a bird would commit suicide like that.
2. Even McDaddy was called to read this post b/c it was TOTALLY his kind of humor.
3. What time is the party? Am I late? Point me in the direction of the bar.
4. You do realize that BG HAS to make an appearance at that party, don't you?
5. I like making lists.

Anonymous said...

Why get rid of it....add a party hat and you got yourself a decoration....and a conversation piece all in one.

Better see some BG with the guests pics tomorrow! Maybe BG and the that's a good one!

Texasholly said...

Wow. That bird was seriously off his flight plan. And ewwwwww...

robkroese said...

That bird didn't commit suicide. It was MURDERED.

Not really though.

Liz said...

My initial reaction was OH MY GOSH!

Then, like several others here, I thought you should leave it to see if someone noticed it at the party! LOL!

And like McMommy, I had to enlarge the pic & sure enough...yep, dead bird.

Ya know, I think we bloggers are like scrapbookers in a lot of ways. So many of my scrapping friends will have a weird moment like that & say "Oh, I can see a scrapbook page being made from this experience!" and they start planning the page in their mind. Not us bloggers. We grab our digital camera, start snapping pictures & think to ourselves "Oh yeah. I'm gonna blog that!"

Unknown said...

Ohhhh I love a good party and with the exception of the kamikazeeee bird strike that after a few beers the bird would be the hit of the party

Anonymous said...

Oh, good grief! Here I am posting baby bird pictures and here you are.....poor birdy. Stop putting bird seed on the porch!

Kristi O said...

I just hope Bathtub Gansta with his homies showed up at the party.

Maddness of Me said...

R.I.P. little birdie.

He was probably trying to get away from a cat (tawt I taw a puttie tat).

Carol said...

Oh my goodness.

Yeah a dead bird hanging from the rafters isn't gonna help the party atmosphere.

Death can be a bit of a downer!

FlowerGirl said...

Aw man, poor little guy!! It has definately brought two thoughts to mind... Yes, how did you get him out. He was obviously stuck pretty good. And, yeah, after getting over the initial shock of death, I think I would have dedicated that party to him. Put a hat on him and memorialized him... Hope the party was a blast!! Love the pergola...

jen aka mommay said...

OMG...that is funny. But not funny for the poor birdie.

amelia bedelia said...

I want to know how you got that stinkin bird out of there?? you know me and my weak stomach, I would have been gagging the whole time.

Mr Lady said...

I have never been more attracted to you in my whole life.

MammaDawg said...

Shut. Up.

OMG - lol - what in the world????!!

But I bet the party will be a blast - roll on by whenever you get the chance - I've got some bling for ya ;)

Patrice said...

Looks like a good time. I am trying to feel sorry for that bird... but I am more sorry for you that you had to find it and clean it up... ew!!!

Thank you so much for commenting on my blog and leaving your words of wisdom... even your comments are funny! lol I will definitely remember those wise words and use them often! I hope you come back to my corner of the bloggy world!
And I hope you had a rockin' party!

Heather said...

Ewww! We had a similar kamikaze bird catch himself in the leg of a wrought-iron plant stand on our front porch. I felt horribly guilty and removed the stand from the porch, after making Hubby dispose of the corpse, of course...

Hope the party was fantabulous!

The Nice One said...

Oh.My.God. What a sight. Oh I woulda peed my pants....

Anonymous said...

Thank the good lawdy you started off with a picture of booze, otherwise I would not have been mentally prepared for that bird...

But where are the pics of BG disposing of the kamikaze carcass??? The camera must have run out of batteries. :)

Anonymous said...

ROFLMAO look at that bird!!! ROFL


Maura said...

What are the odds? Bizarre. I thought it was going to be a wasp or hornet nest. Hope the party was fun after all that effort!

Anonymous said...

Bird Prison flashbacks. Such a shame. Just a few inches to freedom.

Ann Harrison said...

You FOUND this in the lattice!
I hope your bar was all set up because that is where I would be headed.

Shieldmaiden96 said...

I drove around with a goldfinch in my grill for three days until I had this conversation:

Me: Can you do something for me that is kind of gross?

Work guy: Sure (I love this guy)

Me: Can you pull the dead bird out of my grill?

Work Guy: (Goes and does it.)

just a girl... said...

LMFAO. Thank you for that

Anonymous said...

That bird is so sad :( I live in apartments, and the carports have.. I don't even know what to call it, fencing, I guess, to try to keep the birds from living up underneath them. Anyway, awhile back, a smaller bird somehow got above the fencing, and when it tried to get out, got stuck pretty much the same way your pictured one did. Very sad.

Queen Goob said...

THAT was funny as......well, you know what I want to say because I'm classy like that! Hope the party was a blast and no one else got hurt.

Katie said...

Oh my gosh, I cannot believe this last picture. There are no words.

Maria's Space said...

OMG....that is so crazy.

AM said...

c'mon now, it was trying to get to the liquor...and didn't realize that with the past several weekends beer consumption it had developed a beer gut....

His last words: "Dammit, I used to fit!"