Monday, August 4, 2008

The Front-Butt

You know those parents who are all: "You need to use the proper terminology for genitalia with your kids"? 

Yeah, I'm not one of those parents. 

Because my 7-year old daughter? Over-sharer. Princess TMI. Always talking about The Junk. Her junk, other people's junk.....So to avoid the inevitable "Mommy, my vagina itches..." in the produce aisle of Stop n' Shop, we've adopted the term "front-butt", coined by my niece when she was 5. We're all about the front-butt.

An informal survey of my friends assures me that most of us are TMI-phobic. Thus: girl parts are referred to as "feef", "la-la", "virginia" and "tootie". And the age-old question "Why does Daddy have a tail?" has led to : "peter", "pee-pee", "winkle" and "dingus". One friend's son claims that boys and girls have "peanuts and china". Excellent. 

Thankfully as grown adults, we ladies have matured enough to refer to our own anatomy as "va-jay-jay" and "hoo-ha". And let's not forget my all -time favorite from my friend Maura: "girly-wallet", which is hilarious on so many levels.

Fess up: what do say in your house?


.jimaie.marie. said...

oh man, i love this!

In my house vaginas are "tu-tus" yes, like the dancing attire.
why? i no idea!!

scargosun said...

I use the word crotch interchangably. I like hoo-ha and woo-woo (Just watched Boys on the Side today). The girly wallet kills me!

Oh, we don't have kids.

Alice said...

*hangs head*

Guilty for not being medically correct.

Girl - Cootch. My mom was a big fan of 'wahini' when we were small.

"Make sure you get all the sand out of your wahini"...after a day at the beach.

Boy - Peeny (when he was really small, but then I was scared he'd get it mixed up with Peonies in the yard). Now I just tell him to hold his wiener. Klassy. (But I broke down and told him the correct word to use at school in case the teacher asked. Because I care about his scholarly pursuits.)

Pam said...

came over from jen's, read & commented on your guest post.

ha ha lmao at this. how bout coochie, cooter, sometimes i'll refer to the man's part as a penini (you know like panini) LOL

when my son was younger (he's 21 now) he would say that boys had winkies (i think that was from my mom & i watching golden girls) then we asked what girls had this is what he said: CAKEFOOT uhhhh, i'm still trying to figure out where THAT one came from LOL

Shannon said...

Hi - I found your blog from Barefoot Foodie...and had to comment

I have 2 little boys, and my husband started calling it their "business" and it has stuck. So, it is nobody's business but his own.

I don't have a clue what it will be called if we have a girl....but girly wallet is priceless! And front butt is cute for little ones!

Beth Cotell said...

It makes me cringe to hear little kids saying vagina and penis. Not sure why but it really annoys me.

My little girl has a "bottom". Everything down there is simply referred to as "bottom". Although "front-butt" may be the new name going forward.

My son has a bottom and a weanie.

And girly wallet is wonderful. Can't wait to share that one with my husband!

Heather said...

I also have a TMI kinda girl and a built-in cringe factor for hearing girls say "vagina" *shudder* .... My daughter's best friend is all about the loudly spoken VAGINA - and I mean, technically, that isn't exactly where we want a kid to wipe after peeing anyhow, you know? In my house, we use the generic "privates" to refer to either boys' or girls' bits. Once when my kiddo saw her male cousin peeing, she asked what was sticking out of the front of his privates and we told her the correct word, but she was just so distracted (and impressed) that he could pee standing up that I don't think it sunk in, really. So, she knows that girls and boys have different "privates" and that's good enough for me for now! :)

We did run into a bit of trouble with this back when the kiddo was around 2. For whatever bizarre reason (parental humiliation, perhaps), she confused the words "privates" and "armpits" in her head and would say the wrong thing. Yeah, one really wants their small child to say something like "Stop tickling my PRIVATES" - eek! (For the record, she also to this day confuses "potato" and "tomato" so the armpits-privates mix-up isn't the only one in her brain.)

"Front-Butt" is kinda hilarious, by the way!


Shannon said...

My nephew once referred to his baby sister's area down there as a "china".

Big Family Buzz said...

OMG! (as my teen would say) I about fell over with laughter the day my youngest referred to her 'front-butt'. We've now adopted it as our term.

For boys, ever since he was a baby, we girls have referred to it as the 'pee-maker'. And that's how mommy's and daddies and doctors can tell the difference between boy babies and girl babies when their born.

Now 7, my son tends to prefer weiner.

FlowerGirl said...

With no girls in the house, front butt and girly wallet are hilarious!! With my guys, it's always been winkie. Not good enough when my oldest was almost 3. He found his testicles and wanted to know what "those were"... So, it's always been 'winkie and the boys' at our house.

Jen said...

Sorry but being an RN, I insist on the correct names for the parts. Trust me, I have seen way to many from both parts to be embarrassed by what my kids say about it in the store. But they are still young yet.

Brittany said...

My brother always called it a tallywacker growin gup, and despite my mom's porddings...I just couldn't use it. I usually opt for peepee, but in reality they call it there uh-oh...because whenever it is out, it is shooting urine everywhere...uh-oh.

Shieldmaiden96 said...

We're all about the 'bits & pieces' at our house, but there are no kids there. Just the two nearly 40 year old ones.

Colleen said...

Never heard of "front butt"...I have a 14 mo. old son and so far, for reasons I don't yet understand, we refer to his "Pepe"...

Anonymous said...

FUNNY stuff! Okay, my girl part is called my "HOO"...I guess I should add the HA..laughing! My girls refer to their parts as simply "privates". Growing up, we referred to boy parts as a "LU-LU" and girlie parts as a "tweetie"!!! Oh yes!

Anonymous said...

Okay so I was totally lol and trying not to wake up my sleeping kiddos!

We say Peenie, penis, twig and berries.

for Muirne we say Potty. I know so unoriginal. I just can't seem to think of a better alternative...yet we say twing n berries...yeah...

Tenakim said...

Wow, I've never heard of any of these- some clever (and funny) ones! We use "privates"- it's interchangeable to boys and girls, front, back, boobs, ,you name it- we're all about convenience and laziness~! They all know the "real" names, but I think they are just as emabarassed to hear it as they are to say it.

Stephanie said...

when my boys were really little, they called it a WEENIS (weiner plus penis) which i thought was hilarious! now that they're 9 and 11, we have various and assorted names (the current one is "their tenders"...from Kung Fu Panda). my youngest daughter has taken to va-jay-jay...which is pretty funny to hear coming from a 6 year old!
in my mind, front-butt is when someone (usually a man, who has his shirt tucked into his pants making it very obvious) is so overweight that he has a huge pooch below his belt!

Anonymous said...

Growing up it was always "Lucy" for girls and "Goober" for boys. It confused my cousin when my mom told him he needed to eat his Goobers (chocolate peanuts) at the movies...slight trama actually. So I decided to teach my kids the appropriate names. Yeah that back fired too. My daughter's favorite word was vulva for a year...sharing and asking everyone they had a vulva or penis. Ugh!

Once we had friends over for dinner after I watched their daughter the day they moved houses. When her father asked what we did that day she prompty told him that we all went into the "big bathroom at McDonalds" and that Ms. Stephanie has hair on her vulva just like mommy. I almost choked on my peas.

oº˚ Homeschool Mom˚ºo said...

we use coo-coo for the girls and a pee-pee for the boys. My 13 year old don't think that is cute anymore -- so I just tell him his package. funny -- Kids do love to share alot.

Tiffany said...

HAHA We taught my son to say pee pee. And he calls my bras boobs. yea he's still a little confused about girl parts. LOL

CindyDianne said...

In our house the front butt is a "Kitty".

(First comment here - Howdy!)

Of course, our kids are 18 year old boy and almost 12 year old girl. The girl is way past wanting to talk about it and the boy is like "whatever".

Jenni said...

I only have boys and they just say penis...unless they are being silly in which case it is "mohanson". I think they know vagina too, but it doesn't really come up!

Anonymous said...

Yeah i'm not medically correct either *hides*

Girl - "butterfly"
Boy - "pee-pee" Uh yeah... had problems being original there

Great post!

Tara said...

I am usually a lurker...but I had to comment on this....I have 2 boys and we just call theirs a peepee...pretty boring. But since my 5 year old is so observant...he asked me the other day why I had a "skinny butt" down there....and because there is NO way he could have mistaken my bootie as skinny, I had to assume he was talking about my tu-tu....I told my husband, "Well, at least smoething on me is "skinny"! HAHA! Great post!

Anonymous said...

when i was in college and my roommate always called her a woo-woo, or woo for short.

my son has started calling his bits "knuckles." i have no idea where that came from.

hysterical post. i love "china."

Andrea said...


No idea where that came from. Right now we're just dealing with a 10 month old girl during diaper changes, but I typically say bum-dooder

Maddness of Me said...

from now on I will be using girly-wallet


Suzie said...

too funny. My daughter does indeed have a china but she also has a woo. My son as a penis and we ahve no funny word for that hmmm. I guess he thinks its too important. MEN!

lisa said...

After too many bouts out and having my daughter tell everyone that I had a vagina, I quickly made the decision that we would term that area
"Lady Business"

Patrice said...

I think my younger sister and I have used "Front butt" when we were younger. I have never heard "girly wallet" that is priceless!

Ali said...

Front butt?!

With 2 boys, we say pee pee. Come to think of it, I don't think they've ever heard the word penis before.

The Nice One said...

We'd always been medically correct. Oh yea, Labia and all. However, apparently schools don't encourage that. Apparently they are supposed to say "OUCH, HE KICKED ME IN THE BALLS/NUTS/ETC." instead of "testes" or "testicles".
Now that we're at ages where "all those words are super fun to shout across the grocery store" I'm referring the general "private parts"

Lisa @ Boondock Ramblings said...

Wee-wee is in use so far. Nothing for vagina yet, as my son is only 20-months old and seems fascinated only with the "wee-wee"

"You have something on your wee-wee!" "Stop scratching your wee-wee!'

Yeah, you get the idea.

Gettysburg Mom said...

Girls have "kitties" and boys have "ding-dongs". I'm responsible for kitty and my husband for ding dong. Clearly the girl terminology is way cooler than the boy terminology...

TUTU Monkey said...

Love both the "front butt" and "the girly wallet!!"

Again you started my week off with a laugh out loud ....alone in my computer room.....thanks!!

Shannon said...

Oh Stephanie Jean, THAT was hilarious! Bet you never htink of McDonalds the same way...Girls parts "tutu." That's what we called it when I was little and boys have a "peepee." My SIL taught her girls the proper words. One day they walked out of visiting someone who smokes and my 4 yr old neice said, "Yucky mommy! now my arms stink, my hands stink, my legs stink, my hair stinks, my 'gina stinks..." priceless!

Jennifer said...

My 5 yr. old son has a "Poo-poo bum-bum" and a "pee-pee bum-bum." I'm very happy w/ that arrangement! My daughter can't really talk yet--so we've yet to name her parts!

Unknown said...

Oh this is funny!

growing up my mom called it our "froggies"

I vowed to never call my beans "bits N pieces" a froggie

So boy parts are called mr bojangles(altho' now middle bean doesn't like his anatomy refered to at all)I get it no biggie

The girl beans have po-po's yep like the reference to police cuz if a mr bojangles comes near the po-po they be goin to

Diane said...

We were just talking about this the other night. I have no idea what we're going to call it, but now I certainly have a lot of ideas!

Anonymous said...

we do use proper terminology, but use privates and bottom for all encompassing from time to time. However, my daughter now recently found her modesty and said 'front butt' the other day too embarrassed to say vagina....I just about lost it from laughing so hard.

Smoochies said...

I like to say "my girly bits" when "va-jay-jay" doesn't work.

Caroline said... funny! We say "thingy" or "bottom"...we so boring over here!

KSK said...

Elliot on Scrubs says vajinka. When my daughter was 2 she announced at the dinner table that her butt had burped. Ah, the memories...

Anonymous said...

Great topic!

I WAS all "use the right words" and the hubs was all NO WAY! But that sorta did work out well (see

So now we have The Package and Tushie which covers the entire groinal area...(that's a word, right?).

Insane Mama said...

HAHA, we both posted on the same thing, although yours is way better.

Jo-Jo said...

I have two young boys (age 1 & 2) and we refer to it as pee pee. I however have a step-son and we refer to it as your stuff! Lovely huh?

ArkieRN said...

As a registered nurse, it irks me when people who pride themselves on using the correct terminology with their children actually spread misinformation by using the word vagina.

The correct term for the external female genitalia is vulva. the vagina is entirely internal.

I used the term penis with my son. With elderly patients who may be offended by such bluntness, I use crotch or privates.

Unknown said...

My daughter made up her own word for her va-jay-jay... she calls it her "highness"... I have NO idea where she got it from but it stuck.

Perhaps she's putting it on a pedestal already?

Leslie said...

lol~ these are great! We've called it tu-tu(for girls) in our house as well. Just when my step-kids were little. And pee-pee for boys. But as they aged, we switched over to the correct terminology. Now that I have little ones, we are back to the tu-tu and the pee-pee.

Messy Mommy said...

My daughter is 17 months and I haven't decided on what to call it yet. I'm totally digging the front-butt though. We call my son's his weiner, and he always used to refer to my daughter's as her butt, so that will be perfect. I usually say va-jay-jay but I can't bring myself to use the word vagina. My friend uses cooch, which I thought might be a little advanced for a 3 year old, but whatever. :)

Rochelle said...

Much to my dismay, my 5 and 7 year old boys have started using the word "tenders". "Mom! CJ just hit me in the tenders!!" Eww. I guess it could be worse...

Mama2hre said...

Oh, I love the "girly wallet" term! At our house the boys have Mr. Peterman and his Associates and we girls just have our "girly parts". Just the other day I had to laugh. My son sustained an "injury" and preceded to tell me that the "Associates had taken a beating!" Ha-ha! Poor guy!

Missy said...

I'm not sure how I was referred to your blog, but seriously, funniest stuff I've read in forEVER!
Haven't had to think about it yet with my little one, but when I was little it was a "beaver". Sounds pornographic, right? (It WAS in the 70's...)
My friend tells her daughter it is a "pocketbook". As in, "you don't let just anyone in your pocketbook" or "get your hands outta your pocketbook" or "your pocketbook needs to stay closed".
GREAT post to start some convo!

Jodi said...

I had a neighbor who referred to his daughters as "the split tails." Although I use made-up names as well, this one really bugged me. Maybe it was just him who bugged me...

Tami said...

ROFL!! You are cracking me up!

The "proper" words creep me out when kids us them. In our house we use privates a lot and bottom.

I say hoo-ha and va-jay-jay but not my girlies.

Debbie said...

Well both my kids call boobies "privates." My son calls bras "bandaids for your privates" and proceeds to laugh hysterically. He calls his privates a "pee pee pee"...I have no idea why...and butts are referred to as "tootie tots." So far my daughter calls everything below the waist "down there"...while pointing...Yeah we are formal like that ;)

Anonymous said...

The 3 boys refer to their parts as gweiner I added the g, to throw off any prying ears... maybe I should of worked a little harder on that one. Bobbies are the only mommy parts they are aware of, and I'd like to keep it that way... FOREVER!

amelia bedelia said...

Oh my gosh, I laughed so hard...I have 3 boys, no girls, so I only have penis nicknames. Flackers.

McMommy said...

It's pee-pee in our all boy house. Not to be confused with "peeps"...which is what you do in the potty. Would you like me to use it in a sentence? "Peeps comes out of my pee-pee."

Merriam-Webster eat your heart out.

jen aka mommay said...

Girly Wallet? OMG...that has me laughing my a$$ off! ha ha

We call them by their correct names or "privates". My son calls his the "wrong spot" as in "Lucas hit me in the wrong spot". He thinks it's pretty funny to say balls or nuts. But that's an almost 8yo for ya!

Anonymous said...

Boy name - "wing-ding"
Girl name - "area"

Anonymous said...

Virginia and Girly Wallet are hilarious. I also love mama2hre's "Peterman and Associates." That one may be my fav yet. I started out thinking I would use proper terms for my son's junk, but I just felt to nerdy or like a perv saying "penis." So, wiener it is. I wish I had come up with something more clever, but he's not even two yet so I've got time.

J'Ollie Primitives said...

I've heard folks refer to their stuff in some pretty inventive ways. "Mr. Johnson" is still my favorite. The ladies would politely refer to their stuff as "possible" (as in wash possible after everything else...OLD) & hoo-hoo ~ the first time I heard that I was lmao ~ nurses hear WAY too much!
At home we say "thing."

Love the "front butt" phrase, it covers it all without making anybody embarrassesd!

Jen said...

HAHA - Grew up as the baby sister to StephanieJean (commented earlier with "Lucy" and "Goobers") - but eventually for me it became:

Girl: "Twiz"
Boy: "Thingie"

or for either:

"My Schmack"

Anonymous said...

Hi! Came across your blog from a friends of a friend of a friend!! (you know how that goes!!!) Anyway HILARIOUS!
I have a 4yr old and 9 month old boy - Everyone around here either has a "peppy" or "doesn't have a peppy" (obviously mom). So luckily I havent had to come up with a name for girl parts yet just "not a peppy!"
Thanks for the laugh!
Sarah Beth
(BTW - saw the letter "Sarah Beth" wrote! Funny thing is my sisters have double names as well so they would have fit right in too!)

Anonymous said...

I have seen in several different places that pediphiles are more turned off by kids that know the technical names of their privates. It shows that the parents talk to the kids about sex.
So we use penis and vagina in our home.

Jenn said...

We just call it like it is. Not very creative, I know, I know.

Lipstick said...

This is so funny! We use the real words, but "girly wallet" made me LOL!

carrie said...

came over from that Therapy blog where you wrote about your crush on a teenager. I'm not judging you. I've done it too.

anyway, my boys are fond of saying "weiner", which then cracks me up every time the pastor's wife at church talks about selling weiners at the grocery store where she works.

My mind is a mess.

carrie said...

oh! and I forgot to mention that the boys also call my daughter's a weiner too.

nice, huh?

Alicia said...

Front-butt is too funny! I have a hubby and 2 sons and I think they'd rather die than to refer to any part of my anatomy. But, the boys have 'carrot & onions'. So, when the older one takes a shower, we tell him to make sure to wash his produce section. My little one will usually just refer to everything down there as 'his guys'.

Deb said...

My son used to call his farts his "Mr. Buzzer"

They weren't allowed to say fart. Of course now they say it all of the time.

Pleasing Procrasinator said...

This is great. I love 'front-butt'. I have never heard of girly wallet... LMAO
We tend to use pee-pee and putder around here.

Anonymous said...

I love this funny!

I always say hoo hoo for the girls....but hoo ha works too.

For Zander's parts, I call his stuff his 'nuts and bolts'.

LOVE the 'girly wallet' terminology....that is too funny. I've not heard that one before.

LuckyMe said...

Great post!

Of course we taught the 3 boys the proper names but we used "hoo hoo" and "accoutrements" which cracked my neighbor up when she heard the 4 yr old say he hurt his accoutrements. Love kibbles and bits and girly wallet, though.
Just learned "coin purse" from my college age son for the man bag.

BTW, for any moms who are waiting for the right time to start "The Talk" - it DOES NOT GET ANY EASIER. Talk early and often. The longer you wait, the more uncomfortable it is for everyone. A great book by Peter Mayle called "Where did I Come From?" can be given to a child as soon as they can read. Hand it to them in the car or while you're puttering in the kitchen so they can laugh with you and ask questions. It is absolutely hysterical.

Cuppa Jo said...

We have 2 girls and in our house, the girl parts are called your "schnoolie". My husband is a dancer and was usually the only guy in his college dance classes. One of his profs would say, "okay everyone, take your schnoolie with you (meaning keep your pelvis in line as you move). Except for [hubby] - you don't have one." When he told me the story, after I roflmao, I immediately adopted the term! Don't know what we'll do if we have a boy...

Blessings From Above said...

Front butt...that is classic!!! I have never heard that one before.

We have always referred to my daughter's privates "down there" as her "wee-wee". Now that we also have a son, we have referred to his part as his "wee-wee". My genius daughter recently said that her brother can't also have a "wee-wee" since his looks so different. Seeing how she is eight years old, I figured it was time to let her in on the secret that she actually has a *gasp* vagina.

BTW, My husband husband refers to it as a clam. For example if I am in the bathroom after sex, he will ask..."Are you cleaning your clam?" He's so romantic!

just a girl... said...

weiners!!! lmao

Anonymous said...

LOL - we've tweaked out the tagalog versions and in this house, it's:




And I'm still LMAO over peanuts and china - and ESPECIALLY the wallet!

Anonymous said...

Working in Child Protection (Social Services) has totally jacked up a bunch of things for me and my poor kids, but this one didn't really make sense to me until I witnessed my first(horrifying) interview of a sexually abused child.
The interviewer can not lead the child in any way. So when the child says, "He touched my front butt." One might jump to conclusions about what the front butt is, but the court doesn't care about what YOU think a front butt (tu tu, teetee, pee pee, tutee, virginia) is, you have to have the CHILD prove what it is. The anitomical dolls help, but it is such a humiliating situation for a child to be in. Anatomical parts make the interview faster, less traumatizing (if that is possible)for the child AND admissible in court. So, here I am with my downer of a reply to this really funny post.
I'm now a sex educator and whomever suggested the "Where Did I come From" book is right on. I posted about that a while back.
Our house calls the parts by their names, but my son likes Cheese and crackers.

Shelley said...

I only have girls, and when they were small, it was always their "pee-pee". It made sense to me, that's what it does. When you're little. My 5 year-old still calls it her pee-pee, and my older two don't refer to their girl parts at all. For some reason, daddy has a ding-ding. I don't even remember how that started.

I'm partial to va-jay-jay, myself. I mean, the word.

Swirl Girl said...

this made me laugh so hard I almost woke up the kids in a hotel room (while we are on vacation)

how about Freebie and the Beans for the boy and a yaya for girl's bits.

k e r r y said...

I am brand new to your blog and I laughed so hard I had to say not only hello but also share what we call the areas in our house. My daughter's front-butt is her "little lady" and my son's is his "little man."

k e r r y said...

I almost forgot - my son's "little man" also has two "buddies" in his area so his entire area is called his "little man and buddies"

Danielle (Life with the Hewitt Family) said...

What a hilarious topic! My son calls his a birdie...he picked that up at the babysitter's. Apparently, this goes back several generations in her husband's family.

Merrie said...

I'm a little behind here.

our six year old boy learned "penis" quite some time ago, and has been a little too free and easy with that word ever since. So when he asked us a few months ago about his sister's "parts," we told him it was a "Humberfloob." (You know, from Cat in the Hat?) He didn't believe us, and knows we're making it up, but that's what we all call it now, even our daughter.
The funniest part of this is that ever since our girl..."discovered" her humberfloob, she spends quality alone time in her room. She told me she calls this "Smooshing." So when Hubby and I hear her door slam, we look at each other and say, "Smooshing the humberfloob."

Anonymous said...

For the ladies we call our boobs "The girls!" and our vagina our Private...

For the guys we call it "All your Glory" .... so if my 3 year old is walking around without pants I say...No one wants to see all your Glory. Or stop playing with all your Glory!


Liz said...

My girls have a "tee tee", but they do know the proper name for everything.

My son, however, does call his parts by their real names, though. I have no idea why.

Orion said...

My household lingo varies on who is talking to who...
we have no set terminology for anything.

Va-jay-jay, foofer, and snatch

pee pee, junk, and schlong

junk and nuts

chi-chi's, boobs, and boobies

My boys are just learning about breasts... they are 4 & 6 and when giving mom or any other woman a hug, it's the first thing they grab ...and it's giving them a complex that they won't have any of their own to play with. And every 3 subjects of conversation most likely contains "stop playing with your pee pee!"

Deb said...

OMG - I snorted peanut butter through my nose when I read 'girlie wallet'! My son is 21 - I vaguely remember using the word 'privates' for girlie wallet, and 'peenie' (I made sure I left out 'teeny') for him. When he was 3, he stood up in the bathtub, looked between his legs and counted to three for one 'peenie', two 'icicles'. He then said, "I have three things there because I am three years old. When I am four I will have four things." I just looked at him and said, "Your dad is 38 years old." The look on his face was priceless.

The Mrs. said...

and i just did a post the other day about the va jay jay.

I must say my three year old uses the technical terms for his parts, thankfully no questions yet what the girl parts are called. And like your daughter he likes to announce his itches, scratches, and whatever else in the produce section... in his outside voice.

Anonymous said...

We have "Weinis" and crotch. My daughter called hers a Rotch for a long time. We use weiner alot too. My mom used to call it a gootchie-gadget. Which made Inspecter Gadget alot nastier then it should have been. She also used to say "You got an itch in your getalong?" (Getalong being our

Mike Calimbas said...

Well... in our house we refer to the vagina as not just the camel toe but also the ninja slipper and the world famous "smuggling yo-yo's."

Carol said...

Girly wallet is cracking me up.

We use wilbs for boys, though our youngest has changed it to wilbsy.

And for girls we politely call it a tuppence, but I grew up with the front butt terminology though I'm English so it was front bum.

mom2natnkatncj said...

Well, we have no cute names I'm afraid in our house. They are just your privates here. I like the front butt though that's a good one. Although, only works for a girl.

Wendi said...

I can not imagine what google searches will lead to this post.
Look. out.
We fondly refer to our girlie parts as our "bottom".
That is it.
The boys call their stuff a lot of things.
Family jewels
And of course thanks to Kung Fu Panda....My tenders!
I love the front butt and girly wallet...priceless!

Hammy said...


Peanuts and China. Never heard that one before, and that's an absolute gem.

:) said...

In our house we use "Suzy" for the girly part and "do-take-care-of-the-bumblebee" for the boy part. Gramma always used to call it that.. LOL!

BlondeMomBlog (Jamie) said...


Call me a ninny, but I can't quite get around to telling my 6 and 3-year-old girls they have a vagina because they are already WAY too obsessed with the word boob as in they say it every day multiple times. I was just using the very generic "bottom" for the entire region but my husband says that's not truly accurate. Hmmm....front butt may be our new term! LOL ;)

Unknown said...

Ok,so I had to share, FINALLY, because my 15 mo old son just coined a new term in our house...he calls it "don't"

I think it's because when I try and change him, he's constantly grabbing for his junk and I'm constantly telling him..."Don't do that! Get out of there! You're getting poo on everything!!!"

I've probably scarred him for life...

Jen said...

Just discovered your blog today... I'm lovin it. Had to chime in here... Single mom to daughter... we call it the front butt also LOL

T Williams said...

I'm not sure how I got here, but I have this site bookmarked - like top of the list bookmarked. I was crying reading this I was laughing so hard. I have all boys and we have "pinochle" or "Mr Pinochle".

Anonymous said...

At my house, many years ago, it was pickeydoo and pokeydoo (you figure it out).

Anonymous said...

GooD Job! :)

pblanton said...

I was testing the smut filter on our home router and ran a few google searches on common porny words. You will be thrilled to find out that you are the number result for the Google search...

"wee wee's po po's and boobies"

So.. Good news that, huh..

Sparkina said...

I refer to one's genitalia (of either sex) as one's "lowers," one's "assets" or one's "tesoros" (treaasures or jewels in spanish)

A lady's lowers I refer to as the Smiling Empress or one's jenny

The male appendage -- man-sword, or just sword, or the One-Eyed Emperor

The entire set of male assets = The One Eyed Emperor and his Two Lords