So anyway, I'm up in my daughter's room the other night and I look over at her hamster sprinting on its wheel:
Mother pus bucket. That little sh%tball is working out more than I am. Now that I think about it, the thing never misses a workout. A RODENT, with a brain the size of a raisin, has more discipline than I do.
Me: You know, studies show there is such a thing as "over-training"....
Rodent: (runrunrunrunrunrunrunrunrunrunrunrunrunrunrun)
Me: Also, if you don't "switch up " your workout, your muscles get used to it and you don't make any more gains. Read that in 'Fitness'.
Rodent: (runrunrunrunrunrunrunrunrunrunrunrunrunrunrun)
Me: Well, I don't know if you heard, but this is 'The Summer I'm Going To Lose The Weight', so.....
Rodent: (taking off his headphones) In your FACE!
Perhaps you should get yourself a spinning wheel and you guys can work out together!
bwahahahahaaaaa. Rolling on the floor. I really like Beth's idea :)
Or you could do what I did at dinner the other night when sitting next to Miss Thang in her next to nothing, boobies falling out of top outfit eating her grilled chicken and salad. Eat everything on the menu and savor each and every mouthful right in front of her. That'll show the rodent.
If he has so much energy... give him some of your "to do" list! Like cleaning the toilet?
LOL! And that's why I'll never own another hamster!
LOL, cute post!
Thanks for stopping by my blog and commenting, I hope you'll return :)
Damn those critters..
I am so on the bandwagon for "o8' summer of loss" Hubby and I are doing our own version of 'biggest looser' and I am so pumped up, and damn it I won't let him win..I won't!
Now, I wonder how much I can loose while sitting on the couch watching tv. I am pushing the buttons on the remote pretty hard...thats helping my biceps, right?
This sounds like taking "spinning" classes to a whole new level! I've been watching the ants in our kitchen and they carry their body weight on their back! Damn them all!
to quote Fat Tony from The Simpsons, "You consistently crack me up....". And you know, you could feed that hamster to a cat or dog and his trash-talking days would be over.
Ah, don't take it personally.
Just know that their brain is smaller than a pea and you could crush it with your bare hands.
That should make you feel better!
I disciplined myself into 3 mini Kit Kat bars this morning.
Go Hamster!
Too cute...forget the hamster ball I need to get my big butt out & run behind the van. But, first let's stop for ice cream. Want to come with?
You are cracking me up!! I keep saying I'm gonna get back to the gym - can't you tell that's where I am now??
I just published a post about my brother who is a personal trainer -check it out - he started a blog to motivate us - lol!
Now I understand why a hamsters life expectancy is only 2 years.
he's got attitude written all over his fuzzy face!
We have two degus (a degu is like a rat-sized chinchilla) and we've decided they are anorexic based on the amount of time they spend in their wheel.
I just posted a blog yesterday about the cat we just adopted along with a picture in which I swear he's sticking his tongue out at me. He's definitely going to fit in to our weird family.
Sue, yeah the "My Therapy" thing... You can add that one to your favorites if you're thinking you might have a psychiatric disorder- my husband hates when I watch the L word- he's never been a fan of competition.
Like daggers through my heart.
Did you know I am a serial hamster killer? Sadly, it is true. Just search hamster in my blog.
I'm going to go drown my sorrows in cheese bits and iceberg lettuce now. :)
Yeah my son's rats like to "work out" too, much to the chagrin of those listening to the squeaky wheel. If they knew exercise was good for them, they'd stop.
By the way, for those who have metal wheels, Pam cooking spray tops the squeaking and is safe for the animals.
OMG that was HYSTERICAL...and Beth does have a very good idea;)
LOL Dang it you crack me up, lady! (runrunrunrun) That brought a tear.
I just pee'd in my pants a little laughin' at this. Found you through Alice and i will so be back.
You know it's your fault if the hamster's muscle gain becomes stagnant. You owe it to him to provide some variety. Go find him a good bench press, medicine ball, or chin up bar at the very least.
Holy cow, I just spit crystal lite into my daughter's face I was laughing so hard. Now she's pissed AND I have to explain why I was laughing so much.
Attach his wheel to some sort of generator and save on your power bills. You might as well put him to good use.
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