Drama in the blogosphere!!!!!!!
Not one, but TWO bloggers have been exposed this week for fake "dead baby" stories that elicited sympathy, prayers and sometimes money from kind-hearted readers.
Just days after the "Little April Rose" hoax was uncovered, it became apparent yesterday that the Cynthiaa/Aiden'Bug' story was fake too.
I got sucked into that one. Left comments of support, searched Google images for blue balloons for the "balloon release in his memory"......
By my count, that's a good 6 and a half minutes that could have been spent on RobsessedPattinson.com.
So what have we learned from this.
So what have we learned from this.
You don't really "know" people on the internet.
How do you know this isn't me:
Lookit! How much do I love blogging in my towel-fort with my seltzer and pink satin leg-rest?
BTW my name is really Chaz.
"Rob Pattinson is so hot.."
Lookit! How much do I love blogging in my towel-fort with my seltzer and pink satin leg-rest?
BTW my name is really Chaz.
Also: I think Kevin is the cutest Jonas.
*snort* Fake or not, you make me laugh. So, um, Chaz... Kinda overboard with the Rob-lovin', huh?
Holy Shiznit Chaz! You got a lot to be loving on there... My DD would love that pink sateen pillow thing... and what is that your drink there? Quite a few empty 2 liters lying around. Either way, I haven't sent you any gifts or money... Plus I figure your probably not real competition for snagging Rob so carry on.
I didn't follow the first one- but I was had by The Cynthiaa one (this is the first I've heard!) and now that BlogHer is around the corner- I have to conceal all of this from my husband so he doesn't think ya'll are a bunch of nut bags! So help me God- you, BG, and your Rob face better be real!
Holy shit- I totally fell for Cynthiaa's tale. We even released balloons. Wow.
I suppose anyone who spells their name like that is up to no good.
That's terrible. I wasn't sucked into those stories as I am just getting started in this arena. But that makes me sick that people make up stories like that.
FYI--that pic of me you posted is copyrighted (c) When I am half-naked in a tent, I would like at least a quarter for the license to post. LOL.
and another last thought--I may have to fight you for Robert Pattinson. I heart him so.
That is SO wrong!
Everyone knows that Nick is the cutest.
Or IS he?
What kind of sicko makes up stories about their children dying? Gah!
Hey Chaz...nice legs.
I was laughing so hard I started choking! I guess that COULD be you!
I read Cynthiaa's blog too - I left a few comments and was even surprised when she started changing her blogs but was really surprised to find out she was a fake.
It's been a crazy week.
Wow! If I wasn't already married I'd be asking that dude out-it is a dude right?
Chaz...I love your "desk."
Really, that is quite sad about all of them!
Yeah there has been so blogodrama this week for sure. Yes, we don't know people but I do have to say...how SAD to make something like that up. I can't imagine writing posts on a daily basis that were false...
And about your awesome computer fort...that MONITOR is sweet!! Im glad to see your "operation" went well Chaz!!! ;)
Rididculous! I used to post on a BB when I was pregnant with B back in 1999 and connected with some great ladies. I think some of this nonsense went on then. I try to let it roll off my shoulders but really who has the time? I barely can keep up with my life let alone create "fake" lives. I guess I never really liked lying!
Jeez Louise! Enough already.
And seriously, I'm with Jenni - Nick is totally the cutest. But at 16, I think that makes us both pervs.
well as long as you dont ask for cash ill still read you because you make me laugh
First of all Please say you are kidding right?...right!... CHAZ?
OK, you are funny so I will get over it, there is a therapy blog I visit for this sort of thing but is that a bunk bed and if so who or what is upstairs?
Tell me the bottles are just for drinking and not relief!
There is something really effed up about someone faking the death of a child.
And holy crap, I love your towel fort, Chaz. You are the bomb!!!!
You look so hot.
H O T!! Chaz, I love you just the way you are!
Cynthia(a) got me too! What is WRONG with these people??
True, you never know who is on the other side of the screen. It's so sad when they fake a tradgedy for attention. We had it happen on some boards I belong to a few times.
hashtagging with you last night was awesome Chaz...you Zima-drinking fool!
You're skinnier than I thought, Chaz. Also everyone knows dead babies are in bad taste unless they are the punchline to an excellent joke in third grade.
I can't believe that people fake this stuff for attention. Oh wait, yes I do. I am a nurse for goodness sake. You wouldn't believe the stuff ppl fake. ;)
I think I just peed my pants! Haha! Thanks for the laugh because both of those stories have pissed me off.
Aw man, I really had a gut feeling about that Cynthia girl. But I decided not to be so cynical and sent her messages of support as well. But then I quit following her on twitter recently because some of the stuff she puts up is such bullshi*. I'm sure it broke her heart. Thanks for helping me figure out my instincts don't completely suck.
Hahahaha.... I knew it.
I know this isn't you cause, ulp, this is me! Just how did you get my picture?? You're in trouble "Chaz"!
lol! I so almost wrote a post last night after our #fakersconfess twitter confessions!!
Chaz, you rock. After you straighten up your towel fort there's a junk drawer that needs some lovin'...
By the looks of your towel fort you could afford to buy yourself a flat screen monitor and possibly a wireless keyboard.
LMAO! Love your fort!
Seriously? I can't freakin believe that. I want readers too, but i don't have the cojones to pull something like that off.
not you by the way. Haha, i realized that that might be interpreted the wrong way. I mean the gal who lied about her baby dying after birth. Just wanted to clarify!
I, too, got suckered into that whole Aiden/Bug thing...is it really a hoax?! I think she is one my twitter followers, and I know she is one of yours...I hope it's not true...
Love the name "Chaz" though...meowza!
I go to the beach for a week and this is what I come back to????? Chaz, huh? Glad your mom is supportive of your operation!
It makes me SO sick that those people did that, seriously, WTF??
I totally fell for Cynthia's thing too
I don´t know what all the fuss is about. You look just like you did when we were roomies in college. Except your hair is a little darker. Guess that blond conditioner you used to use (blond for greys, wasn´t it) isn´t doing the trick any longer...?
OK wait, let me catch my breath a sec.
I know you are real because NO ONE thinks Kevin is the cute Jonas.
Stupid ascot.
P.S. PLEASE put a stumble icon at the bottom of your posts, would make things easier for me, I hate havig to get up from my towel fort to go to my desktop and stumble things. But this post demands a stumble!
OMG, that is so crazy! Thank God I love under a rock and didn't fall for one of those stories cause I totally would have sent money or something...what is WRONG with people???
Hi Chaz, we meet again! LOL
Sue, I am so glad that you, like me, too are among those who can make fun of this. Because seriously, getting our panties in a bunch won't handle thing. Humor at least releases endorphins... plus smiling people look cuter than frowning ones ;-)
That's not you. I don't see a snuggie.
After I heard about the 1st fake baby story, I wondered about Yummy Mummy. Thanks for letting me know I fell for a sham.
I thought Kevin was the hottest Jonas? That's the little one right? ;)
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