Actual Amazon product listing - love the review.
(No, I wasn't shopping for swine flu masks.....I still have my bird flu stock.)
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| 3 of 3 people found the following review helpful: Brilliant product, April 27, 2009 This product is one of the best purchases I have ever made. I have had it three days and haven't caught swine flu yet. 100% success rate.
wow, what a coincidence!
I've NOT had it for 24 yrs and I also have not caught the swine flu.
100% success!
There's a sucker born every minute.
I kept wondering where I could fine this stuff. Almost went to my local nail salon. the great thing is that directly from your blog, I can add it to my cart. So I don't really have to go to Amazon. Do you by chance know if these items will be hermetically sealed? I mean, since we're taking precautions and all.
***I had to fix my typo. yes it was going to annoy me.***
Ah, simple cotton face mask. No flu will penetrate you.
HAHAHAHAHA...I just wrote my SWINE FLU post and I agree, after terrorist attacks, pandemics and epidemics will make me hibernate.
Wow... too bad I didn't think of that first. I can't believe someone actually bought this thing... much less wrote a review on it too!
Oh my. I bet that's the same dude who asked me how my plumber's camera saw down my pipe with all the water in it.
I like to put those masks on backwards and pretend the back of my head is a boob.
Wait! We need to be PC about this... That is an H1N1 supply kit with a 100% success rate.
Do you get a deal if you buy more than one? I mean, sure I want protected but what about my kid? :)
I'm delighted to see that capitalism is still alive and well in this great country of ours. If someone wasn't trying to make money on the backs of public fear, then I would be even more wary. Sigh.
Now they are saying it can live on money for up to 24 hours... Not gonna lie, I think I'll be using my credit cards and wet wipes!
this review cracked my shit up. Now, why didn't I think of this?????
LOL! I so wish that I would have thought of this. I could have stole the supplies from work and make a fortune
Just when you think you'd seen it all. Some smart person is yet again making money off someone who is not so smart...
I think I will just become a hermit and not leave the house. Really that review was funny!
I swear I'm going to jump on this capitalizing game and write a book titled DON'T SHAT ON YOUR TOMATOES AND WASH YOUR HANDS, 100% SUCCESS!
All it is missing is duct tape because face it - as a native Southerner I know that duct tape fixes everything.
I bet they write reviews for condoms, too. "Works great! No STDs here! Now if I could just find a partner..."
So glad you are on top of these things for us. I hate the terrorists the most, but pandemics are second on my "things I hate" list!
I'll take two.
Thank god you haven't read my review for the hasmat suit....
People have done lost their nuts.
I mean people have gone nuts and lost their marbles. That was Freudian.
Now THAT is funny stuff!! I cannot wait to send your blog link to friends! Hysterical.
Amazon, amazing... I'm not surprised actually. Somebody had to do it. Lol.
We are going to's almost certain to be less crowded now-a-days...
Won't we look cute posing with Mickey in our face masks?!
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