Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Who Let ME In?????

I'm not sure how this happened, but I'm going to be in a book. (!!??)

I'm just telling you guys, but keep it on the DL, cuz as soon as they realize their mistake they're gonna be all: "STOP THE PRESSES! (rip....rip....rip.....rip.....)".

It's the next "Chicken Soup for the Soul" book and it comes out in March - but here's the really exciting part:

Guess who ELSE is contributing.  Jodi Picoult,

Jillian Barberie Reynolds (you know, NutriSystem bikini girl)

Lynne Spears

Melora Hardin (Jan from 'The Office')

Jesus Christ on a Segway, can't I have my moment?


michelle said...

Oh my effing god! you and dooce and lynne spears in a book together. We are all going to hell in a handbag now!

michelle said...

and FIRST! WOO HOO! made my day, baby!

Mandy said...

Wow!! Impressive. :)

jill jill bo bill said...

I heard Dooce gave them your name. I am so proud to be your friend. This is awesome!

The Mom Jen said...

You are a star, I'm so happy for you! ;)

Stephanie said...

You are way better than Dooce and Lynne Sears put together.

That girl from The Office though?

She's a kinda close second to you :)

Rachel said...

Wow how great is this!!! Congrats!

♥ Kathy said...

I want in... :-D

Mariah said...

Jillian is the weather reporter on our morning news and she is hilarious. This is way cool for you, personally, I think Dooce is stalking you

Piece o' Coconut Cake said...

Oh, man! She is SOOOOOOOO out to get you. I'm starting to think that she just might be a bit jealous of you (or your boobs).

Jen said...

This is only the beginning of great things to come for you!! Congratulations!!

Now, of all the other women that you are sharing the book with, I think I'd be most excited about Jan. She was brilliant in the Office.

Anonymous said...

congrats! that's really great.

Marinka said...

I can't wait! And I'd rather read you than Jodi Picoult any day!

Miss Yvonne said...

Sweet, congrats to you!

I will totally skip over Dooce's and Lynn Spears' stories just to get to yours.

That is, of course, if you aren't first in the book. Which you totally will be.

amelia bedelia said...

Dang girl! You should start selling autographed copies!!

McMommy said...


Are you going to be doing book signings? Can I party in the tour bus with you???!!!


Ali said...


I saw this in the BlogHer newsletter--very proud of you! Hmmm...wondering if you're gonna start closing your comment section like Dooce...

Aprille - The Muddled said...

I think to celebrate you should bling your vajayjay.

Kris said...

I've just started reading your blog. Congrats!! How exciting for you (and your boobs?). I see I have some catching up to do. I need to find out who is dooce?

Have a happy day


.jimaie.marie. said...

SHUT UP!!! that is so freakin awesome, you dooce, jan & jodi picoult?! What company you keep my dear! :D

Swirl Girl said...

Your the only one I've heard of in that group. Yer famous.

Aria said...

Congratu-friggin-lations!!! OMG Sue, I'm so excited for you I think I just ruined my new-new computer chair! I hope you did the Julia Roberts-Pretty Woman-in the tub-"holy shit" happy dance!

Brittany said...

You, Dooce and Lynn spears!? That's the damn trifecta!

Jenni said...

Wow! That is WAY COOL! Congrats Sue!

Meg said...

Congrats! You got the best wit (and the best boobs) of any of them!

Lisa-licious said...

Now you are going to be EVERYONE'S blogger idol. I am (sniff, sniff) so (sniff) proud of you...way to go, girlie...

justme said...

that is awesome...rock on

Anonymous said...

That rocks Sue!!! Yours will be WAY better than Dooce - no question.

Aria said...

That was such good news, I threw ya some linky love over at my blog! Congrats again!

Tenakim said...

Is your page before or after Dooce- I see a catfight in the works! Jen told me this last week- I was hooting and hollering for you over on Twitter- did you hear me? Way to go- thanks for the comments earlier, too- you "powerful mom"!

Cookie said...

Congrats! How exciting :)

Patrice said...

MO WAY! wow I would just like to say on the record that we knew you before you were famous!

Deb said...

That is very exciting! Congratulations! Did BG get invited to write too?

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! Can't wait to read your piece! Do we get a sneak peek?? ;-)

Mary@Holy Mackerel said...

Holy crap!! I will definitely buy this book.

Anonymous said...

What an amazing accomplishment!!! Congrats!

Susan said...

Wow!!! Congratulations.... and the funny thing I find is that they are allowing Lynne Spears to be in it.... like anyone would want HER advice..... I'll rip the page with Dooce in out... unless it's the same page you're on... then I'll get out the liquid paper! This is great news!!!

Jen said...

Wow, that is cool!

jenn said...

Wow! Congratulations!! That's great news, and obviously them asking Dooce was just a pity move.

Anonymous said...

How awesome are you! Just remember, you have bigger ta-ta's than Dooce, so they'll have to give you an extra page!

Paige said...

Well aint that a hell of a thing! Congrats! Cant wait to read it!

Scary Mommy said...

HOLY SHIT!!!! That's awesome!!!

Ann Harrison said...

I feel I can say 'I knew you when'. Don't forget about us little people Sue.

I can't find my blog said...

I don't care who else is in this book- I'll get it because of you! Congrats!

Anonymous said...

Two woops from Holland!
Here goes:
Woooooooooooop Wooooooooooop!
:-D Go you!

Angela said...

Wow!! Congrats to be put in the category with Dooce! (I definitely mean this as a compliment :)

Searching For Reinforcements said...

We promise, we won't read what Dooce has to say, just you and Lynne!!

Gettysburg Mom said...

I'm just wondering if that handbag Michelle mentioned has pee in it?


Blessings From Above said...

Congratulations, that is awesome!!!

You could always top Dooce by bedazzling your hoo-ha!

Dawn Parsons Smith said...

That is FABULOUS! You are gonna rock Dooce's world now, sister! She's gonna run in fear...bye bye, Dooce!

Shelley said...

That is so freaking cool! Congratulations! Please don't forget about us, your loyal fan blogger/stalker base, when you're all famous and stuff. Dooce who?

Erin said...

Congrats! That is way impressive!

nikkicrumpet said...

VERY COOL! I bet you are doing a very serious happy dance right now! And no way they will be tearing out your pages...they should bedazzle them!

How to Party with an Infant said...

Awesome! Looks like a good collection.

Mama2hre said...