Here's a fun game to play if you've already pressed wildflowers but haven't made home made lemonade yet!
Cloud Shapes!
Look! A poodle!
A duck!

See???? It's a mom!!! It's a mom considering jumping in her SUV with only a change of clothes and a vodka bottle and heading for Canada!! See..right there! There's her crazy eyes...and there's her bald spot from pulling her hair out....and right there's the kids hanging off her yelling 'MOM! MOM! MOM! MOM!' cuz that's all they ever say is 'MOM!' til you'd rather have a swarm of killer bees drill your EYEBALLS out than hear the word 'MOM!' one more time for the love of ALL THAT IS HOLY CAN'T YOU SEE IT??!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's RIGHT THERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Email me if you need more fun games to play.
LMAO...that was a funny post! I felt like that all weekend!!! Does the fighting ever end?????????
May I recommend How to NOT go crazy while dealing with your children during the summer ???
Thanks for the great pix. So inspiring! We are blanketed by clouds today so probably not a good day for cloud shape sighting. Have a wonderful day and take care.
I totally see it! OMG...I think I'm in the passenger seat! But I think I have Patron....and a necklace made of limes...and salt under my pinky nail....
LOL! I was reading this thinking, "Wow, I wish *I* could be that joyful about being with my kids 24-7!" ;)
Aw..bless your heart! LOL!
I can see it!
THAT is hilarious!!!
And i totally see it!! Only to me it looks like you're headed south to pick me up and we are going to NYC to find RPatz with more booze than just one bottle of vodka!
My husband worked 36 hours in the last two days (with the All Star gamein town)- I was alone with the kids- in the rain!
So I locked myself in my closet and started packing for BlogHer- too early?
That is hilarious! I laughed so hard.
All I see is an eskimo humping a unicorn. Maybe I have my eyes on wrong today.
I see it, in fact I am living it.
I couldn't see it. I was too busy raining on some kids' parade.
Sorry your misfortunes bring me so much laughter.
I don't see it?????
I do see a noose though, cause lets be honest...that's quicker than driving to Canada - unless you live in, say, Detroit.
I see it!! I totally see it, The SUV is pulling into my driveway now...gotta go drink heavily!!!
OK, you send your kids to camp in Canada, I'll send my kids to camp in PA.
By the way I am concerned that my kids need glasses because it is not just Mom or Dad is Mom, Mom, Mom! rapid they see three of them.
How annoying would it be if it was SUE,SUE,SUE oh wait is that hubby?
Get your Darlings to create one of your Blogs....both blogs.
Let's see what they come up with...MOM.
We played I Spy for 3 hours straight yesterday because the sky was cloud-less. It sucked.
Hysterical... after being a golf widow all weekend that post is well timed... i am still laughing! Totally agreed.
This is AWESOME. It is so perfectly exactly my day today that I cannot even tell you how much I needed to read this. So I'll let my glass of red wine tell you... Oh, sorry, it can't talk. But you get the point.
Oh my gosh, I remember doing that when I was a young girl while swinging on the swings. What a great memory...have fun
That sounds like a fun game! My favorite is "sorry," kinda like the board game of the same name except I keep telling my 3 year-old, "Sorry, you should have...(eaten your lunch, picked up your room, not called mama a tootie head)" to which she whines for grandma and then I loose!
Why am I reminded of Family Guy's Stewie and his Mom bit? Oh because my kids incessently say mom mom mom mommy mommy mommy momma momma momma mother mother mother until I yell at them like a freaking lunatic and say what. Yes this is a daily occurance at my house!
LMAO!!!! I see the crazy mom!
This will help:
(Because who doesn't love animals that put themselves in unfortunate, but funny, situations?)
AH! When you get here (Canada). Stop by and pick me up! I'll drink vodka with anything or nothing. I'm sure my Hubby won't mind if gone till school starts again :)
Like they - the faceless-nameless-they, that is - say....Having kids is like getting pecked to death by a chicken.
LMAO! I could almost see your crazed expression in my head!
OMG!!! I think I just wet my pants laughing!!! If I had a dollar for every time I reached for a bottle of vodka sick of hearing "Mamma!" I could retire....with a lifetime supply of vodka!!!!
Thanks for the laugh!
I wish I liked vodka.
I guess I do when it's mixed with something sweet. But I once tried to drink it straight up and I nearly keeled over with shock.
Never happens at my house. Ever. Because I don't allow it. My husband and kids tow the line or freaking else! When I say jump, they say...
"Mom. Mom. Mom. Mom. Mom. Mom. MOM! What are you doing?"
"Hmm? What? Oh, sorry honey, just daydreaming. Did you see that cloud that just went by? It was...calling me."
"Dad. Dad. Dad. Dad. Dad. DAD!!"
"What, son WHAT do you want?!"
"Mom's bein' weird again."
LMAO. God I've missed you. Moving house and going on vacation meant I couldn't pop over, but I was thinking of you this morning when I saw this:
pop up in my email account and immediately thought of you and all the hilarious words you've come up with in the past.
Can't wait to meet you at BlogHer next week.
all my girlfriends saying how wonderful it is to have their little kids home 24/7 now ... for 3 months straight - THEY LIE!
can i fit in the suv too?
i will bring a CASE of vodka : )
I am thinking of creating something else for my daughter to cal me for a while. I am so sick of hearing "MOM!" I'm thinking...Lola. Carina. I don't care. I have also put a moratorium on shouting "MOM!" formt across the house. If she does this, she automatically does NOT get what ever it is she wanted.
LMAO too funny!! I just went back to work and the kids are STILL driving me nuts when I get home because they are so BORED. Nevermind the fact that they have shit strew all over the house, inside and out and used every dish we own to eat and drink off of while I was gone.
I'll be in Mexico beachside with "Paco the cabana boy" and an umbrella drink. Text me!
It sounds like you are having the same summer that I am having. Not only are my kids getting on my last nerve but the neighbor kids just keep showing up to ruin my life too. So, yes, I definitely see the cloud shape of the crazy mom.
You wouldn't happen to be heading to Canada to stalk Rob on the set of Eclipse, would you? Doesn't that start filming soon? ;)
Those were neat cloud pictures though, but the last one - the Mom - that was hysterical!
I see it. I SEE IT!
[tires squealing]
P.S. - See you next week, lady! Woo-Hoo!
I see it very is like I am looking in a mirror. How many days left?
I've missed you and your blog..I am back now and have so much catching up to do!
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